
Here are the chilling facts:

One out of every three Americans teenagers has comtemplated suicide. The number of teenager suicides has more than tripled in the last ten years.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people. Only accidents cause more deaths. Some experts believe that it is really the leading cause - many teen suicides incorrectly.
Christians are not immune. Regretfully, believers do commit suicide.


Those who have attempted suicide cited many reasons, among them:
  1. pressure to succeed and excel.
  2. confusing complexities of modern society.
  3. breakdown of the family.
  4. significant loss of another person.
  5. drug and alcohol abuse.
  6. sexual and verbal abuse.
  7. isolation and loneliness.
  8. depression.
Most said they felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness or hopelessness and a desire to escape the tensions of life. Others attempted suicide in order to gain someone's attention or to manipulate or punish another person.

What About Others?

If you have a friend or relative who is extremely withdrawn and depressed, here are a few suggestions to help:
  1. Don't ignore the problem. Talk to them openly and willingly.
  2. Listen more than you talk.
  3. Don't judge, give support.
  4. Don't argue.
  5. Do get help.
What About Yourself? If you are contemplating suicide or if thougts of killing yourself are in your mind constantly, get help. Suicide is a very permanent answer to what is probably a temporary, hang on. Help is avaible so that you can face your problems and go forward to enjoy life.

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