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I work at a Hemodialysis Clinic so the subject Transplant is something I hear almost daily either from patients holding on to all hopes that they will receive one or seeing the joy of someone receiving news that they have been matched. Transplantations save lives, but only if you help. All you need to do is say yes to organ and tissue donation.
Visit the National Kidney Foundation web site click me

Do you know that There are over 66,000 patients waiting for a kidney, liver, pancreas, intestine, heart, or lung transplant. The real tragedy is that many of these patients will not live long enough to make it to the top of the list. The shortage of organs is getting worse as the number of patients waiting rises steadily each year, while the number of organs available for transplant has hardly changed

Despite the fact that 9 out of 10 people in this country support the concept of organ donation, organs are donated less than one third of the time. Donated organs like hearts, livers, lungs and kidneys are truly "life saving" for the people that are waiting for them. Since not enough organs are donated, 13 people die each day waiting for organs. These people could be saved if more people agreed to donate their organs after their death.


A single act of kindness in the form of donating one person's organs can easily touch the lives of 6 or more people waiting for organ transplants. The lungs can be transplanted individually to two patients, the heart to another patient, the liver to yet another, and the kidneys to two others. The pancreas and small bowel may also be used. All of these patients lives may have been saved by the organ they received. In addition, many other patients may have their lives improved by corneal transplants, heart valves, bone and tendon grafts, and skin grafts.
Talk to your family members about organ and tissue donation so they know your wishes.Even if you've signed something, your family will be asked to give consent before donation can occur.

American Lung Association   lots of helpful information here

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You could save or enhance the lives of more than 50 people!
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