Winter Wonderland

Welcome to the Snow people Zone

Buurrfect living conditions.
            population 16

We all LINK back to our talented creator
so please click on each Snow person
he or she will take you to a really COOL site.

sman                                sboy

While sliding around the Net Pole I found this really really cute game on Angelfire... A Snowman Thing--A-- ma--jig

snw suzo
Did you know
"Angus, King of the Mountain"
is the world's tallest snowman.
.proudly standing at 113' 7."
We the snow people
take great pride in closing of a decade,
knowing we achieved greater heights than our snowfathers.

Do to the weather change,the site that was displaying
ANGUS has closed..Check back next winter.. I'm sure some one will attempt to break the record..

Our zone is growing so fast Mr Stickman

snow snow Mr. George ,is always checking for mail.

Just yesterday he received a SNOWMAN CONSTRUCTION KIT wow!! did we have fun click here and you can to..

snow I made this cutie at Copyright ©1999
Let us know how you
you liked you visit

make sure you check these graphics sites out, some really KWEL stuff

xmas moon suz sno

Organ/Doner Information  Amber's Millennium  Cyber Adoption  Words of Wisdom
Winter Wonderland  AWARDS I WON  Interactive games and Coloring links Fairyland High School