Happy New Years - animated bees

Online Ministry Resources

THEME:  Jesus erases our mistakes and gives us a clean start.
OBJECTS:  A whiteboard, a dry erase marker, and some whiteboard cleaner.
SCRIPTURE:  "Although you wash yourself with soda and use an abundance of soap, the stain
    of your guilt is still before me," declares the Sovereign Lord.  Jeremiah 2:22  Wash me, and I
    will be whiter than snow.  Psalm 51:7

OBJECT LESSON: "Happy New Year!"
Objects:  A 2000 calendar and a 2001 calendar.
Theme:  We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.
Scripture:  Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?  Ecclesiastes 8:7

OBJECT LESSON:  "New Year's Resolutions!"
Objects:  None needed, but you could use a calendar if you wish.
Theme:  How to insure a happy and prosperous New Year.
Scripture:  For I resolved to know nothing...except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2

PUPPET SCRIPT: "Promises, Promises" - Puppet Productions.  CAST: Wendell, Norman

Hard Copy Ministry Resources

Celebrate! A Holiday Handbook. Patricia Alderdice Sensorman.  Standard Publishing,
1998, 144 pages. Teach Christian principles through creative holiday celebrations. 300 kid-tested
ideas for inexpensive, easy-to-do holiday fun. Includes recipes, activities, crafts, devotions, & plans
for ten holiday parties with reproducible invitations.  Amazon Books
    Holidays - New Year's Day, p. 12-17; Parties - New Year's Day, p. 110-111,
    Invitations: New Year's Day, p. 133.

Clown Ministry Skits for All Seasons. Floyd Shaffer. Group Books, 1990, 96 pages.
57 skits. "Faith Through the Year," p. 50-51.     Amazon Books

Hymn Stories for Children - Special Days and Holidays. Phyllis Vos Wezeman &
Anna L. Liechty. Kregel Resources, 1994, 72 pages. Brief stories from the history of
30 classic hymns and learning activities, and craft exercises keyed to each hymn's theme.
    New Year's Day - "O God, Our Help in Ages Past," p. 9-10.

Object Talks For Special Occasions. Verna L. Kokmeyer.  Standard, 1995, 48 pages.
    "Use Time Wisely," p. 5-6.

Puppet Scripts for Sunday Mornings. Joan M. Serci, 192 pages. 52 seasonally based
scripts.Use all scripts as ventriloquist dialogues and/or puppets plays. Available through Maher Studios.
    "New Years Resolutions" - p. 15-16

Activities, Recipes, Graphics, & History  (general/secular)

Billy Bear's Playground - HAPPY NEW  YEAR - Play the Goal Making Game;
Print "Happy New Year" Stationary; Make Yourself a Calendar;  Print & ColorBook Pages;
New Years Baby Game; Alcohol-Free Drinks...yummy, with a zing of flavor & more

Kidsdomain:  Happy New Years - PC Downloads; Mac Downloads; Crafts; Online Games;
Holiday Graphics; Print and Play Word Search, Coloring; New Year Links

New Year Around the World

New Year's Day History - a look at history, customs, and traditions for celebrating the New Year
around the world

New Year's History & Customs

Multicultural Calendar - children from around the world describe how their families celebrate
the New Year

Recipe for a Happy New Year

  Happy New Year, GeoCities & Home buttons

 "New Year" page last updated: 12/26/2003

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