Spring Break 2001 
"Holidays were made for travel, loads of fun and photo-taking. Anything else would discredit the term." - ME
Anyway, visiting Urbana-Champaign over the one-week hols was really fun. Met lots of new friends, tried out dorm food from another university, feasted on yummy food outside the dorms, visited lots of parks (pity the flowers weren't blooming yet!) and took a day trip to chicago (chicago shakes! i love cities!) i take back my comments about the Midwest being boring....Lake Michigan was absolutely beautiful and the shopping district in Chicago is too large to traverse in a single day. *grins*

land of lincoln...at least that's what it says on almost every car license plate...
so OF COURSE have to take photo with lincoln no matter what
someone decided to blink when the photo was taken...it wasn't me, and it wasn't lincoln.... *grins*
and then i couldn't resist rubbing noses with the former president...so i did! =)

the university of illinois at urbana champaign (UIUC) campus:
left: photo taken with the alma mater statue     right: group of singaporeans at UIUC. day of the flurries!

left to right: chicago river, chicago symphony hall, lake michigan and chicago city skyline

taken at the top of sears tower in chicago
it's (supposed to be) the tallest building in the world. IF it had been a clear day, we would have seen 4 different states from the viewing deck...sadly, it wasn't the case.

ok...below are photos taken at some of the parks i visited in urbana-champaign, characterized by a lot of lakes and water bodies (aren't the inlanders deprived of the sea....) (shall not say anymore, if not i'll get whacked).
anyway, the names of the parks: crystal lake park and kickapoo national park

had a really marvellous time over spring break
wish it didn't have to end. now there's more work and FINALS *screams* to look forward too
how fun *grumbles*
ok...it's not that bad. school just makes one appreciate the hols more. how's that for a consolatory statement?

want to see more of my spring break photos? click here

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