Summer Holidays *wheee*
looking forward to flying back after finals was just the beginning.
weathering the long haul flight from san francisco to hongkong to singapore was unbearable, but that's all that was unbearable about the two months and a bit more i spent in singapore.
job attachment @ singapore changi airport (4-30 june)
really loved the job and all the people i got to know in AM.
counted coaches, walked through transit a few times (the novelty wore away after a while), counted passengers at the baggage belts, feasted on cheap food at the airport canteen, stayed up to rush my report (i love procrastinating. stress from undone work makes me concentrate better)
i guess my brain got warped from inhaling those invisible carbon compounds and what-not oxides from coach exhaust. BUT i met lots of people (coach uncles included!)

YANEE, FIZA, INDIE: 3 fun-loving and bubbly girls doing their internship for NTU and NP. "Go Indie, Go Indie!", Miss V, and the super funny without them would definitely have been less exciting. 
WILFRED, KAT, SITA, MERLINDA: the perm staff in events and csu. super cheerful and comical bunch. lots of talk, lots of work, lots of laughter. 
SANDRA, ALEXIS, HARITHEV and SEKMIN: the BIG BOSSES. very approachable and kind-hearted. always calling me 'future boss' which is kind of embarassing considering the half-baked sotong condition i'm in. 

the rest of my time (1jul-6aug)

the ONLY photo i took with ck throughout summer in singapore. at that time, i felt very cheated for wearing a long skirt. don't ask me why!

if work is productive, i was VERY unproductive. i did dabble in some part time teaching. learnt how to draw tessellations using a computer programme. 

also went back to rjc and met all the grand-juniors in geog s. it would have been really cool if only i didn't have to speak. still, it was nice seeing eric lee again, and meeting up with 'long-lost' geog s mates from my batch. 

there was also EXPERIENCES 2001. which led to a very bad sorethroat from talking 4 hours non-stop and trying to be heard over ALOT of people talking all at once.

my cousins from australia came. it was fun bringing them all over singapore. they are such chatterboxes. good to feel young least for me! 

rjc also had this busking session along orchard road one weekend. the public was really generous when it came to donations. then came the mass dance, and i felt stupid. 

trip to nyc, boston, chicago (7-21aug)

frankly, i didn't have time to get over my jetlag until very much later. crossing time zones within US can warp biological clocks rather badly. photos. i'll just put up the photos here (more soon!). i'll learn thumbnails one day...

taken at the times square visitor center (nyc)

(one of the many) urban art displays along magnificent mile, chicago