There are no 1901 - 1920 listings for I, N & Q thru Z (yet).

The listings are by no means complete but they reflect over 3200 marriages that took place in the county during this period.


Click on the letter of the surname you are researching. This will take you to the Groom and Bride surname page. Click on the groom or bride given name beneath the selected surname. The marriage will then be displayed on the top line of the marriage page (if it is on the last page of a particular list you may have to search the page).


The Marriage List is formulated to show the Groom's name and age, the Bride's name and age, the Marriage date, the Minister's name followed by up to 3 witnesses names. Question marks = unknown data. (B) = Bible Entry.

Need documents? - Write or call:

Register of Deeds Office
County Courthouse
Burnsville NC 28714
There is a small fee
The phone number is (828) 682-3971 or 682-2174

Please keep in mind when talking to county employees that they have nothing to do with this listing or the maintenance thereof. Thanks.

Corrections, Questions? - E-mail      hdrobin@verizon.net
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