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Memories of Tom shared with us by Barb at Tom's Funeral Mass on Sunday September 8, 2002:


Lessons of Life
(as Taught by a Big Brother)*

There are people who go their entire lives without ever having known a soul like Tom’s.  They are the ones to be pitied.

Not only have we known Tom, we have been loved by him.  What a gift of life!

There are so many lessons I have taken from Tom; he taught simply by the way he lived.  

After a long day of working hard out on the farms, he’d come home, take a shower, and revel in a bowl of vanilla ice cream.  The simple things in life really are the best.

He surprised us by coming home for Christmas one year while in the Air Force after telling us he wouldn’t be able to make it.  Often the best gift you can give is the gift of your company; and it doesn’t hurt to add a little good-natured deception and subterfuge to keep life interesting.

He’d wrap a band around his bell-bottom pants (in between the time they were first in style and the time they came in style again), put on his big white bike helmet and sunglasses, and hop on his bike to ride to school.  Even if other people don’t think you look cool doing it, it’s okay because doing your own thing and what you know to be right is the coolest thing you can do. 

When going through a particularly difficult time in my early college years, Tom once wrote me, “It has to get worse before it can get better.”  Rather than waiting for the next bad moment in life, we need always to look forward to the next good one. 

He dated rarely but when he finally met Nance, he wasted no time. Tom was wonderful before he met Nancy but you could see that he truly came alive after he found her.  Know what you want, have confidence you will find it, don’t settle for anything less, and you will never be disappointed.

He played weekly games of Stratego with his friends and while he later mourned when his good friend Tom died much too soon, he had many cherished memories of their time together. Friendships are important but they don’t just happen, they must be nurtured; time spent with friends is time to be treasured. 

He held a different set of political opinions from Dad’s and he wasn’t afraid to voice them but he did so quietly and calmly. It’s okay to disagree with people, even those you love, but disagreement is handled most effectively when done with respect for the other person. 

Tom and Nancy bought a house with a patio opening from the basement to the backyard with an easy slope around the house to the street.  Nancy told me later, as Tom was building his plane in the basement, she now understood why he was so sure that was the right house for them. Having meaningful goals in life, planning each step to achieve them, and working to make your dreams come true is a reward in itself.

He could work a room better than any politician because he did it naturally, seeming to not even realize he was doing it. He made you feel what you were doing, whatever it was, was important and interesting. In return, he soaked up your thoughts and experiences and used them to better understand himself and life.  Stepping outside yourself and into the lives of others allows you grow as you live and learn vicariously; valuing people, their opinions and lives is the best party-trick there is.

He took me cross-country skiing once, out at the farms.  He worked hard to cut a trail for me and I worked harder to keep up with him even with the path he had laid.  And though it was cold, you didn’t feel it because you were working so hard and the world was so peaceful, calm, and beautiful. There is spirituality and comfort both in hard work and in nature.

Some of us have never known a world without Tom. For his five siblings, he has always been there, blazing the trail and smoothing the path so that it would be easier for us to follow; and teaching life’s lessons along the way.  Now, once again, he has taken the path before us. And while we may still work harder to follow his path than he may have had to work to cut it, we can find peace in the work and in knowing that we do not need to be afraid of what is waiting around the next bend, because wherever it leads us he will still be there first. As Kevin said to me this morning, “he has simply traded in his airplane for a different set of wings” and, wow, do his new wings ever fly! 

*and Learned by a Loving Sister

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