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Memories of Tom shared with us by Gary at Tom's Funeral Mass on Sunday September 8, 2002:


Flying Higher
From Gary Rebholz to everyone who knew Tom Rebholz

If God had intended for people to fly...

Maybe you know him as a loving husband. Maybe you know him as a devoted father. To you, maybe he's a precious son or son-in-law. To you, maybe he's a selfless brother or brother-in-law. Maybe you know him as an uncle, a nephew, or a cousin. Maybe a friend, a coworker, a coach, a teacher, or a student. Maybe you simply know someone who is a better person for knowing him.

However you know him, you fly a little higher for that knowing.

If God had intended for people to fly, he'd...

Maybe he fixed your bicycle, painted your car, or repaired your boat. Maybe he put working on his own airplane aside to help you get your airplane flying again. Maybe he taught you how to ski. Maybe he put a new roof on your house, fixed the windows in your cottage, renovated your bathroom, or rewired a room for you. Maybe he set up your computer, wrote a program for you, or got you connected to the Internet. Maybe he plowed your fields, cultivated your corn, baled your hay, or picked up your stones. Maybe he directed your project, wrote your newsletter, or supervised your work. Maybe he helped you with your homework, worked on your science project, attended your play, watched your soccer game, or listened to your band concert.

Whatever he did for you, you fly a little higher for that doing.

If God had intended for people to fly, he'd have...

Maybe he blocked all of your basketball shots, but instilled in you the determination to try harder the next time. Maybe he made snow forts with you, played war games with you, skied with you, played volleyball with you, rode 100-mile bike tours with you, hit an occasional tennis ball back in your general direction, golfed with you, walked with you, swam with you, ran with you, roller-bladed with you, skated with you, or canoed with you. Maybe he jumped out of an airplane with you, and hooked up in a skydive formation with you. Maybe he painted an oil painting for you, or took photos of you and your family. Maybe you had the joy of hearing him play Windy and Warm or Classical Gas on his guitar. Maybe he took you on your first airplane flight, or you flew with him often. He always set you down easy.

Whatever he did for you, you fly a little higher for that doing.

If God had intended for people to fly, he'd have given...

Maybe he grieved with you, laughed with you, cried with you, or worried with you. Maybe he scolded you, encouraged you, helped you raise your kids, or helped you care for your parents or grandparents. Maybe he teased you, joked with you, challenged you, pushed you, pulled you, or carried you.

Whatever he did for you, you fly a little higher for that doing.

If God had intended for people to fly, he'd have given them...

Maybe you looked up to search the sky every time you heard the buzz of a small airplane overhead. Maybe you looked up every time to see if it was Tom on one of his famous fly-bys to say, "Hello, I'm up here, and I'm watching over you!" If you hold dear the memory of any of these things, or something that I've neglected to mention, then close your eyes, put your most precious memory of Tom into your mind, and listen now. Listen past the pain in your heart. Listen past the person sobbing gently next to you. Listen past my words. You can hear him. "Hello, I'm up here, and I'm watching over you!" Now open your eyes, and look up. Look past the tears. Look past the stained-glass window. Look past the clouds. There he is. Tom's still up there. You can still see him. You just have to look a little higher now.

If God had intended for people to fly, he'd have given them Tom. And I thank God every day that he did. We all fly a little higher now.

I love you Tom.

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