Looking to upgrade your skills from home? Go to the new ICS pages on this site.

Hi I'm Jennifer Wise.

I`m a writer who currently resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This Web Site was built for
the purpose of sharing my new writing projects. This Web Site is also useful for parents looking
for answers to problems having to do with their children. Site updates every chance I get.
.This site will also have a page dedicated to Trucking.


[click here for 101 stories]101 stories about the funny things kids say and do.
Submit your STORY and you may be one of the lucky winners who's writing will be put in one of 2 books. No writing experience necessary to enter or WIN. submit stories here and WIN...
[click here for 101 poems]101 poems written from the heart by mothers for their children.
Submit your POEM and you may be one of the lucky winners who's writing will be put in one of 2 books. No writing experience necessary to enter or WIN. submit poems here and WIN...

[ICS Learning Systems] International Correspondence Schools WebSite FREE INFORMATION MAILED TO YOU

[JOKES starting at joke  #1] JOKES >>> #1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 (updated Jun. 24/99)

[click here for psychology page] Child Psychology Page

[click here for links to other sites] Links

[click here for personal page] Jen`s Personal Page (not available yet)

Yah Yah's Message Boards

[click here to e-mail me] E-mail me

Daily Horoscope

What's your sign?

[Safe On-line shopping for collectables and fun stuff.] Safe On-line shopping for comics, cards, cds, movie posters, and lots of other stuff over 3 million items.


This page was designed by Jennifer Wise.

Email Jen>[Email Jen:) ]















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