Welcome to Alyssa's CMV Story. This site is all about my Alyssa and her
life with CMV. You will find photos, milestones, her birth story, message
boards, support groups, physical therapy (with photos), and most
importantly, information on the virus itself. I hope that you enjoy your
visit and we hope that you return. We are on a mission to educate
women of childbearing age to get tested for CMV prior to pregnancy.
There isn't much information on this disease that is made public, so
we hope that you learn something here. It has to start somewhere,
let this be your starting point.

Vote for me in Top 50 CMV Sites


This site is in Memory of


and all the other's who have lost
the battle with CMV. 

This dedication will continue to honor these brave,
strong-willed, precious little souls. 

To the parents...
We will never know the grief you feel in your hearts 
but please know that we do feel your pain. Please 
also know that these children will NEVER be forgotten
and they will remain in my heart forever. 
May God bless them.

All graphics on this site were made by me unless otherwise credited. Please
don't take them without permission. Alyssa's CMV story has been online
for almost 4 years now. We hope to keep growing. Thank you for your support.

    Alyssa's CMV Story
Copyright 1998-2000.