Chronology of CPC/CBC Pastors

CPC/CBC started as a Bible Study in the home of John and Leila Mason

Chaplain Osborn (about 48-49??)
Chaplain Ralph Wilson (49-52??) (Picture)
Chaplain Graham
Chaplain Swadell * (BIO) (Picture)
Chaplain Blair (1952-54?)(BIO)
Rev. Paul Holloway (54-56)
Rev. Milton Leidig (56-69)
Dr. Robert Hubbard (69-73) #
Gordon Gustafson ( 74-77) (Picture)
Spencer Bower (77-80)
Cliff Daffron (80-84)
Bob Gunn (84-88)
Bill Johnson (88-98)
Bob (Father) & Steve (Son) Gunn (98-Present)

* First Chaplain in the old Quonset hut church in Curundu (Curundu Protestant Church).

# First Pastor of the "New" Crossroads Bible Church.

Needed: Pictures for former Pastors of Crossroads Bible Church. Please send any available pictures in jpg format via e-mail to:

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