Hi and welcome to my home on the net. I live in beautiful West Central Minnesota in the heart of lake country. The name "Cawamn" comes from the states my 4 kids live in.

I've made a few changes here. :) Somehow before Christmas, my whole index page disappeared and a completely different index appeared in it's place. It's still a mystery to me how that happened. Of course, I had neglected to back up my files......sigh. I also lost several files into thin air, or wherever the gremlins who reside in this computer take them.

In the tables below, you can visit the pages I have made. These pages are a mixture of things.....poetry, information, and some about me. :-) The back or next button on some of them, may not always work. I'm in the process of reorganizing everything, so to return back to this page, just use your browser back button.

Before you leave, PLEASE sign my guest book. :-) Thank you

Links to my poems and other stuff.
Contains my poetry.

Friends Children Life
Hearing Loss My Cochlear Implant
ASL Poem
In Memory Minnesota Mountains
Pets Roger Maris Those Who Love You
Sports RV Travel RV Travel Prayer
If The Shoe Fits You're Not Old
My Paintings Family Photos Life's Tug of War
Footprints & Buttprints SWC Chicago con pics blank

Links to my Holiday pages

New Year's Day Valentine's Day
St. Patrick's Day Easter Fun
Easter Symbols Mother's Day
Fourth of July Halloween
Thanksgiving Christmas

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