We're so pleased that you've come to visit us. It is our
prayer that within the "walls" of our cyber home, you
will find the peace that passes all understanding and the
joy of the Lord that is our strength. We pray that if you
are searching for help, looking for someone who can
relate to what you've been through or what you are
going through, or simply searching for a closer walk
with God, you'll find it here.

Most of all, it's our prayer that you'll allow
His Healing Love to touch your heart and life.
God Bless You!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted: Jan 7, 1999

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

Jesus came to GIVE life, not take it. Please click on the
image above to adopt your own li'l unborn angel baby
to place on your website. Then spread the word. Let's
stop this horrible epidemic!

Please sign our guestbook.

We love to know who's been to visit
and we'd love to visit YOU!

Come on in!
The atmosphere's warm, and our friendship's free.

We'd love to hear from you!!

Peggy Lynn is proud to be leader of this beautiful Christian
women's internet ministry. If you're a Christian woman who
desires online fellowship, loves to minister to others and offer
prayer and hope to the hurting, please click on the image
above and visit us. We're reaching the internet, one heart
at a time!

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title, buttons and bar by

This website was created by Rev Ed and Peggy Lynn Gurney
and is maintained by Peggy Lynn Gurney
using Arachnophilia Web Site creator/editor
created April 1998, updated continuously
copyright 1998-2000, all rights reserved

This website has touched
visitors since October 1998!

Heal The World