Aaron & Dallys Remley
Welcome you to our Family & Personal Homepage!
Who we believe in & What we believe in can be seen by clicking on this text.
Aaron says:
Lightsource:Jack Van Impe Ministries.  Jack has memorized over 14,000 Bible verses!  He and his wife Rexella have also produced exciting videos.

Bible Prop
hecy: Peter and Paul Lalonde Biblical prophecy for today through Biblical based videos about the end-times. 

Are you a Mormon ?: Check out this link for the truth.  

Aaron's Personal
Page: This is My Story.     

Navy days on the USS Washtenaw C
ounty LST 1166
LST 1166
Reading, studying and discussing the Bible. I began reading the Bible, two-chapters per day about thirty-one years ago and continue to do so.  I find new, exciting things everytime I read it.  God shows me things He wants me to know, every day!

If you have questions about something in the Bible, just email me at the bottom of the page.

I like to travel when we can.  We usually pick places we have not been to in the state where we live.

I like seeing unusual natural sites, historic sites and shopping in local shops for items not found at home.

I especially like when God through the Holy Spirit sets up a meeting with someone that needs to hear about what Jesus can do in their life.
Click here to see photos of our 18 month trip to Panama!
Dallys says:

Welcome to TBN
- The Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Benny Hinn Ministries
- Benny Hinn holds God's miracle crusades world-wide.


Dallys Personal Page:
Where I am from, have been and am going, soon.
Communing with God, His Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit and reading the Holy Bible, Gods Word at least one-hour per day.
Creating dried and silk flower arrangements to decorate our home, making fresh "from scratch" bread, rolls, and traveling with my husband to interesting places where we can commune with God and one-another in a more intimate way.
visitor, thank you coming to our homepage.  We hope you were blessed
by coming to visit and will come back again soon.  May God richly bless you.
Would you like to email us?  Please send to: remleys_west@hotmail.co
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