The Buckners

Trevor, Conor, and Emma want to send postcards from our home state of Kentucky to other kids. To get one you must send one to us first. Find out more by clicking on the mailbox.

Visit my page for information about Casino chip collecting.


Mary Beth
Visit my page for our family's favorite recipes, family photos, craft links, and information about our home, Louisville, KY.


Visit my page for science and education links, my Penguin Page, and my Penguin Dance.


Visit my page for links about bugs, birds (you can see a picture of the Mourning Dove that has made a nest in our yard), sharks, and (my favorite) bats. I also have a page of Dancing Bats.

Visit my page for things for young children. There are links to my favorite shows, coloring pages, and parenting infomation.


Please sign our new guestbook. If you have a family site too, don't forget to include your URL so that we may visit your pages.