Welcome to my home page. My name is Adam and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I was born at 8.30pm on Saturday, May 31, 1997. My parents, Chris and Heather think I'm terrific and my Mum loves taking photos of me!
I hope you will enjoy looking at my page and watching me change and grow. You can learn about my life in Australia as well as overseas (you see, I'm already a seasoned traveller having visited New Zealand!).
New pages will be added soon, so make sure to come and visit me again soon. I also have a little sister Cassidy Sarah who was born on 13 February 2000. I love her a lot but sometimes she really annoys me!Don't forget to sign the visitors book before you go so I know who has visited me!

* Swimming in the pool
* Playing with my dog, Chester
* Reading
* Playing
* Running outside
* Learning new words
* Eating!!!
* Visiting my Nan and Pop
Click on the funny face to see more photos of things I like to do - you'll be surprised at my many talents!
I visited New Zealand with my Mum and Dad. We had a great time and while we were there, we had a picnic in the Auckland Domain with my friend Makene and his family. Makene is a special friend because he is a May 1997 baby as well. It was a great day, thanks Merle for organising the picnic - it was great fun
Above: Me swimming in my Auntie Vicki's pool in Queensland.

Below: Makene and his mum Merle, me and my mum Heather!
Me playing with my friend Makene
Click on the Kiwi for more on my trip to New Zealand
Like to meet the rest of my family, including my parents and my grandparents, click on Thomas (my all time favourite character!)
Come and meet my other May baby friends - you'll see what a cute bunch we are!
Like to see what I was like when I was younger?
Come and see my Christmas photos
I think I'm a pretty cool dude - don't you?
Please sign my Visitors book
View my Visitors book
since this page was created on 26 November 1998
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