
Hi!! My name is Savannah. I am a happy, healthy little girl that has Down Syndrome. There is nothing different about me, it will just take me a little while longer to do somethings.
I attend preschool twice a week and also go to Speech therapy twice a week with a class. At Speech therapy I see Ms. Diane, my SLP, and Ms. Sarah, her assistant, and some WONDERFUL volunteers that help us. Mommy has told me that Ms. Diane and Ms. Sarah are like family cause of all the help that they are giving me. If it wasn't for Ms. Diane and her special talent, I would not be able to communicate with anyone. She has made it possiable for me to be able to express what I want instead of always getting mad and upset when someone didn't understand me. I have heard my Mommy tell my Daddy that Ms. Diane reminds her of my Gamma {my Mommy's mommy} with her caring and wonderful ability to work with children. My Gamma was a school teacher for a very long time before she had to retire. Even after she retired she would still check in with her students that she had taught up to the day she got really sick and passed away.

Below are links to other pages about me.

The song you are listening to is "Angels Among Us"

Birth Story
My 8th month Pictures{taken for Mother's Day}
Savannah and Dalton at play
Halloween "2000"
My First Christmas{1999}and Christmas pictures for the new century
Savannah at Early Intervention

Here are some other websites....

My Big Brother's webpage
My Mommy and Daddy's webpage

This is my angel that my mommy adopted for me. Her name is Elizabeth.

Please sign my guestbook, so I know who has visited me.

This Special Angels Ring site is owned by
Ronna & Savannah .

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