Aussie Stamper Page

This web site came about because of my growing enthusiam for rubber stamping and the internet - and the huge amount of Aussie stampers out there in cyberspace!

The aim of this site is to link Aussie Stamper's together; show case Aussie Stamp Business's and their sites; give examples of Aussie Stamper's work; Stamping Projects; Links to my favourite web pages; and the items of interest for all Stampers (Aussie or not!!).

If you would like to contribute in any way to this web site, please email Ally.

For a list of Aussie Stamping Business's - all these Business's have either their own web page or are available to contact through email.

List of Aussie Stampers - their nicknames and emails - please let me know if you'd like to join!

Ever wondered about what mailing lists there are for stampers, or how to go to a stampers chat room? Well visit the Australian Rubber Stamping FAQ (Freuquently Asked Questions) pages for those and alots more answers!

Stamping Project - here are some stamping projects from 2000 - a Star Card, Moving Picture Card and Shaker Card.

Card Swaps - I haven't paricipated in a swap for years, but here are some of the old ones that you might like to get some ideas from.

Links to other Stamping Sites - the non-Aussie ones - but still very good!! I've also added some Scrapbooking Sites that I like.

About the author - yep a bit of info on me.

Last Updated: Monday, 04 July 2005

Please email me about my page!!