Fundraising with Home & Garden Party
Are you tired of selling Candy, Wrapping Paper, Magazines, etc.?
Each year, organizations select a product to be sold by members for Fund-raiser Projects!
I can offer you a Fun Innovative Fundraising Program that is both Profitable and Very Easy To Promote.
Earn more profit with this special. You can choose to make $3.00 or more on each jar candle. Ask for the details to get started now!

Jar  Candles, Lotions, Gels & Sprays, AND Accessories

An example of the profit for a tax exempt group would be:

10 oz. Candles Sell Price $7.50 ea. Your cost $4.50 ea. Profit $3.00 ea.

Lotions/Gels Sell Price $8.50 ea. Your cost $6.00 ea. Profit $2.50 ea.

Sprays Sell Price $7.50 ea. Your cost $5.25 ea. Profit $2.25 ea.

Chimneys/Base Sell Price $7.00 ea. Your Cost $5.00 ea. Profit $2.00 ea.

Wick Trimmer Sell Price $13.50 ea. Your Cost $9.50 ea. Profit $4.00 ea.

Full color flyers will be made available at no extra charge to each member of your group participating.  We suggest you run your sale for 2 weeks but no longer than 3 weeks. Set a definite date for the conclusion of your sale when all money and order forms are to be turned in. We will provide TALLY sheets for all totals to be taken from original flyers.  Your Payment can be organizational check or money order.  I look forward to working with you in the future.
                                                                        Thank You So Much!
Independent Designer Carol Bray
My Favorite Links:
HGP Opportunity
Pep Quarters
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
My Info: Carol Bray
Name: Carol Bray