High Reaches Weyr

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The History of High Reaches Weyr

High Reaches was abandoned, as were all of the other Weyrs save Benden, at the end of the Eight Pass. When Benden was destroyed by an earthquake, High Reaches was decided as a place to settle in. But what happened to the other Weyrs? In DragonFlight, it clearly states that Lessa went back in time. If Lessa was never born, she never took the famous Ride, never brought the Oldtimers forward, which means that the Weyrs should have continued and been alive today. Right?

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case, as four empty Weyrs can attest to. So what happened to the dragonriders? The Holders believe very strongly that the dragons died out because Thread had disappeared forever. Dragonriders knew that they had become a strain on mankind, and so did Pern a favor in dying out. One lone Weyr, angry at being ignored and being useless, decided to take matters into their own hands and summon Thread back. Weyrfolk laugh at such a rumor, for many dragonriders die or are injured each 'Fall.

At the beginning of the Pass, the dragonriders of High Reaches met in perhaps the greatest meeting of dragonkind ever. Every member of the Wings were there, down to the smallest greenrider, to help decide what to do. Their understrengthed numbers could not protect all of the Northern Continent - shards, they couldn't even protect the Holds and Halls beholden to them!

The first few Threadfalls were disastrous, with nearly all of Tillek, Balen, and Nabol Holds being savaged. Crops and herds were gone in an instant, while High Reaches were overtaxed to do what they could. Disgruntled Holders kicked hundreds of cotholders out of their homes, saying that because of their failure in protecting the crops, they had lost the priviledge of shelter. They rebelled against the dragonriders for summoning Thread to destroy the livelihood of their Holds. And then dragonriders had the gall to demand tithes!

Five turns into the Pass, the Weyr woke to the sound of every dragon keening. The senior queen, Myrelth, had gone between. Upon inspection, Weyrwoman Loralla was found in her bed, a dagger thrust through her heart. Enough time had passed between Myrelth going between and Loralla's body being discovered that the killer was able to escape without notice. It was never proved, but dragonriders believed Loralla's murder was the work of the angry Lord Holders. As the Weyrharper said sarcastically, "If there are no dragons to hassle innocent Holders, Thread would never again attack." As a result to such a heinous act, many dragonriders urged ignoring the Holds, protecting only the Weyr and enough food for themselves. Let the Holders fend for themselves for once, since they did not want dragons in their skies!

Yet dragonriders knew that such a decision could never take place. It was their duty to serve Pern and protect her lands from the ravages of Thread. There were many innocent people who would be killed were the dragonriders to stop meeting Thread. Dragonriders reluctantly agreed, perhaps only because their dragons argued that they would fly Thread no matter what.

It is now fifteen turns into the present pass, and the Weyr's wings have grown slightly. They are now capable of meeting each Fall, although Thread burrows are still a very common occurance. Crops have begun to revive, and there are many people who are thankful for the Weyr for protection. Others are still angry and resentful, and probably will always be.