High Reaches Weyr

Club Policy
Note to Parents

Club Information
Board of Directors
Mating Flights

Character Information

Joining the Club
Join Form
Lurker Form

Joining the Club

Before you create a persona, there are a couple of things that need to be mentioned. You should have already gone over the club's rules and history. If not, go do so now! It is extremely important that you understand the club's atmosphere, because High Reaches is different from many other clubs out there.

A perfect persona is no fun. Honestly, they aren't. A perfect persona means that there is nothing wrong with them, and we all know that it is a person's flaws that are fun to write about. Reading about a persona's perfect day isn't much fun; reading about what went wrong, is! Try to avoid the cliches - such as a young woman with long, red hair, brillant purple eyes, and a perfect complexion. In fact, most "red heads" tend towards freckles!

Details are always a good thing. Physical and emotional descriptions should tend to be over two paragraphs long. Histories - well, the longer, the better! Your character may have been hit on the head and suffer amnesia, and not know their history - but it should still be put down and elaborated upon. Before you make out your own persona, why not look at some already created to get an idea of how one should look?

Names from the books are not allowed! This means you can't have a character named Lessa or Robinton. Similar names, such as Lissa and Robenten, are also not allowed. In addition, other names from literature (be it novels, television, or mythology) are not acceptable. Examples include - Talia, Buffy and Angelth, and Isis. We don't want to see J'sus, rider of green Maryth, running around either. Be original in your names. Pun names are also frowned upon. While it may be cute, do you honestly think you can write for K'mart, rider of Storeth for more than a post or two? Even if a name passes approval, it may be caught at a later time, in which case it will be asked to be changed.

Before filling out the join form, you are encouraged to take a look at Far Jordan Weyr's Player Guide.

That just about sums up the majority of information for the join form. Feel free to email the Board with any questions you may have. With much pleasure, we now introduce the join form! Please fill out the form as completely and descriptively as possible.

The Join Form
Name or Alias
Other Clubs
Books Read or Own

  Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
  Red Star Rising / Dragonseye

  Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern
  Nerlika's Story
  MasterHarper of Pern
  The White Dragon
  The Renegades of Pern
  All The Weyrs of Pern
  The Dolphins of Pern
  The Skies of Pern
  Beyond Between
  A Gift of Dragons
How did you find us?
Current Personas
Are you already subscribed to the mailing list?   Yes        No
Are you on mentorship?   Yes        No

- Persona Info -

Persona Name
Type of Persona   Playing Character (PC)
  Non-Playing Character (NPC)
Persona Age
Persona Birthingday
Persona Location
"Other" Location
Persona Rank/Position
Physical Description
Emotional Description
Brief History
Attached NPCs
Is your character a Candidate? Yes    No

- Dragonrider Info -

Dragon Name
Dragon Color
Dragon Age
Rider's Age at Impression
Position of Rider
"Other" Position
Dragon Description

- Pet Info -



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