High Reaches Weyr

Club Policy
Note to Parents

Club Information
Board of Directors
Mating Flights

Character Information

Joining the Club
Join Form
Lurker Form

Note to Parents

First, let us say thank you for taking the time to check into what your child is doing on the internet. It shows you are a very responsible parent, which we greatly applaud you for! Not everybody takes the time to check up on their children.

High Reaches Weyr is a writing club based on the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. We have her permission to play in her world of Pern as long as the club follows some basic rules. In a way, High Reaches Weyr is nothing more than a group of people sharing fan fiction with one another.

We know you are probably concerned about anything your child does - is s/he going to stumble upon some horrible pornographic site and be scarred for life? Not here, although we can't assure you that it won't happen elsewhere. That is perhaps the bad thing about the internet - you can find almost everything on it.

Pern fandom started decades ago, before the internet was even created. Back then, in the time of the dinosaurs, fans would get together and share stories, either in person or by snail mail. Oftentimes, these "offline clubs" would consist of a publication being sent to its members for an annual fee. Nowadays, almost every Pern club you can find takes place online, through email, and is completely free save for a member's time.

The club is rated PG-13, with anything else "faded to black" or not even mentioned. As per the books, sex does take place in the world of Pern, and it is often casual brought on by mating flights. And yes, homosexuality and bisexuality is permitted in the club. This is due to the fact that when a dragon rises to mate, its rider is overwhelmed by "dragon lust" and doesn't care who he or she sleeps with.

Scenes of private activities are allowed to be hinted about, but details may not be provided other than perhaps kissing. Anything more falls under the "fade to black" policy.

We hope that you allow your child to continue playing in our club, and understand what we are about. If you have any concerns, please let the Board know immediately so that we can try to reassure you that this is not a bad place for a young adult.

High Reaches Board of Directors,