Soviet Air Air Assault Brigade

Information provided on this page is curtesy of the TacOps listserve namely the following individuals J. Hall and Aztec01.

A Couple of additional resources you may wish to consider

  1. FM 100-2-2 The Soviet Army: Specialized Warfare and Rear Area Support
  2. FM 100-2-3 The Soviet Army: Troops Organization and Equipment
  3. Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army" by David Isby

There are two Front level air assault organizations in the Soviet army; the Air Assault Brigade, or the Airmobile Assault Brigade (this latter is present only when the Front has an Airborne Division attached.) TOE below is for the Air Assault Brigade.

2 x Assault Battalions (BMD)
2 x Parachute Battalions
1 x Reconnaissance Company
1 x Composit Artillery Battalion
1 x Air Defense Artillery Battery

3 x Assault Companies
1 x Mortar Battery
1x Air Defense Platoon
1x Automatic Grenade Launcher Platoon

	10 x AAICV BMD-1
	9 x Infantry Team (6)
	1 x Infantry Team (4)

	8 x 120mm Mortar, M1943 or M120

		9 x SA16

	6 x AGS-17

	(NOTE: There is no organic transportation for the mortars, SA16s, or 

3 x Parachute Companies
1 x Mortar Battery
1 x Air Defense Platoon
1 x Antitank Platoon
1 x Automatic Grenade Launcher Platoon

	9 x Infantry Squads
	1 x Infantry Team (4)

	8 x 120mm Mortar, M1943 or M120

	9 x SA16

	6 x AGS17

	6 x ATGM AT4
	3 x SPG9

	2 or 3 x Howitzer Batteries (12 - 18 122mm D30)
	1 x MRL Battery (6 x BM21V -- 12 round launcher)

	6 x ZU23
	9 x SA16

	1 x Reconnaissance Platoon (Tracked)
		4 x BMD-1
		4 x Infantry Team (6)
	1 x Reconnaissance Platoon
		4 x Infantry Team (6)
  • Some air assault brigades may have one (1) BMD equipped air assault battalion and three parachute battalions.
  • An independent air assault battalion normally consists of one (1) BMD equipped assault company and two (2) parachute companies, a mortar battery, an air defense platoon, a reconnaissance platoon, and an AGS17 platoon.
  • Lift is either by military transport or heavy lift helos or both. One Mi26/HALO can lift two (2) BMDs. One Mi8/17/HIP can lift an airborne platoon. You'll have to figure out the other stuff for yourself.
  • Mi8/17's have a variety of ordnance configurations, including up to six 32 shot 57mm rocket pods and 4 AT2c SWATTER ATGMs.

    Front Air assault Brigade consists of:

    The Front Airmobile Assault Brigade is very similiar, except it has:

    The Air Assault Brigade use the Front Airforces Helo's also.

    Front Airforces Helicopter Units are:

    Air Assault brigades lack organic lift assets, they rely on Front or Army aviation assets. An older Airmobile brigade, which is basically a light Air Assault Brigade, has its own lift assets, and requires 2 lifts to move the Brigade.

    Air Assault Bde: 2000-2600 men
    18 D-30 Howitzers
    6 M1975 122mm MLRS
    24 120mm mortars
    24-45 SA-14/7 SAM's
    6 ZU-23 AA (or SA-9)
    9 BRDM-2 AT-5
    14-18 Manpack AT-4/5
    36 SPG-9 73mm AT guns
    6 SD-44 85mm AT guns 
    81-150 RPG-16
    24 AGS-17
    111 RPK MG's
    68 BMD
    4 BRDM scouts
    48 Vasilyeks
    Bde HQ
    2 airborne AA bns (BMD equipped)
    2 airborne bns (light)
    1 composite arty bn
    1 recon co
    1 AA btry
    1 Engineer co
    1 signals co
    1 AT Btry (Not in all bdes)
    1 parachute rigging & resuply co
    1 transport and maintenance co
    1 NBC defense plt
    1 med co
    1 supply co
    *some bdes have 3 light and 1 BMD bn
    Lift requirements:
    Full BDE w/o BMD's: 75 HIP, 35 HOOK
    Full BDE w/BMD's: 41 HIP, 125 HOOK
    Rifle BN: 13 HIP
    rifle bn team: 17 HIP
    bn mortar plt: 6 HOOK
    BMD equipped BN: 37 HOOK
    BDE HQ Co: 3 HIP
    Arty Bn: 24 HOOK
    ADA Btry: 6 Hook
    Recon Co (BRDM): 24 HOOK
    Recon Co (no BRDM): 2 HIP
    Eng Co: 3 HOOK
    Support Elements: 4 HIP

    The airmobile Bde I mentioned earlier has 1 composite helicopter regt under it, but it doesn't have the BMD's to carry, either. The Regt has: 1 heavy-lift helo sqdns (4x3 Hook flights, total 12). 2 medium lift sqdns (4x4 HIP, total 16)

    Frontal Aviation assets: Helicopter transport regiment (don't know how many in a Front): 2 or 3 transport sqdns, each with 4x4 HIP, total 32-48. One sqdn with 3/4x4 HOOK, total 12-16. Regiment can handle one MRB, plus trucks and 122mm Btry in one lift.

    Army assets: 30 HOPLITE, used for recon, liaison, and transport.

    Realistically, it looks like you could give them enough helos to move 1/3 to 1/2 of the Brigade in one lift. Of course, if it were a Front main effort, they would probably get more assets.

    Regarding aircraft OOB's. It is my understanding that there was no set "aircraft" OOB for airborne operations. However, the rule of thumb seemed to be 90-115 AN-12's to transport a BMD equipped regiment Each AN-12 could carry either 90 troops, 60 paratroops, 20 metric tons or 2 BMD's

    It would take 50-65 Il-76 aircraft to deliver the BMD airborne regiment. Each Il-76 carrying either up to 120 paratroops, or 3 BMD's or 40 Metric tons.

    The An-22 can carry four BMD's, or 175 paratroops or 80 metric tons

    Principal items of equipment, for a Soviet Air Assault Brigade (1991), are listed as follows:

        32      120mm mortar (M1943/M120)
     12-18      122mm howitzer (D-30)
         6      122mm MRL  (BM-21V)
        45      SAM (Man portable)
         6      23mm AA (ZU23)
        12      ATGM  Manpack Console, AT-4
         6      73mm recoilless AT Gun,SPG-9
       150      ATGL (RPG-16D)
        24      30mm Auto grenade launcher AGS-17
        68      AAICV,BMD and variants

    The combat elements of the Air Assault Brigade consist of 2 BMD equipped bnsand 2 parachute bns, a recce coy, a composite artillery bn, an ADA battery, and the brigade HQ. Attached are a variety of the usual support units. Some brigades may consist of 1 BMD and 3 para bns.

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    This page last updated 2 Jan 1997