Beauty Elva
26/02/2007 * Photo - 多倫多倒數活動 + 1
* Photo - 大班Casino Rama Show + 1
25/02/2007 * Normal photos + 22
24/02/2007 Elva下星期三(28/2)會出席由新時代舉辦的client dinner,她會表演跳舞.
* Update Elva's profile
20/02/2007 * Photo -《八爪娛》拍攝花絮 + 3
19/02/2007 * Photo - 魅力凝聚新時代 + 1
* Photo -《2007魔法學院》+ 1
* Photo - 多倫多農曆新年特輯 + 6
* Elva's message + 3
* Top link + 1
01/02/2007 1st Anniversary!!
* Exchange link + 1
28/01/2007 * Normal photos + 2
23/01/2007 * Normal photos + 4
21/01/2007 * Photos - 2005MCTP + 18
20/01/2007 * Photo - 2006MCTP + 1
18/01/2007 * Normal photos + 2
17/01/2007 * Normal photos + 3
16/01/2007 * Photos - Fashion Show + 33
14/01/2007 * Photo - 2006MCTP + 1
13/01/2007 * Normal photos + 2
02/01/2007 * Normal photos + 7
01/01/2007 Happy New year !
* Normal photos + 3
26/12/2006 Happy boxing day !
* Photos - 2006MCTP + 12
25/12/2006 Merry Christmas to Elva & all of you ! Sorry for the lack of updates . It's been a long long time since the last update . Thanks for the person who always visit this site and leave message to me !
* Photos - 魅力凝聚新時代 + 4