Khorne, the Lord of Skulls |
Khorne wears ornate armour of black metal and brass. He leans upon a mighty double handed sword made from the same black substance. His body is broad and muscular and his head has the features of a fierce dog superimposed over human form. Upon his fingers he wears many brass rings, some embossed with his own skull rune. Thus he appears in visionary form to his worshippers, but who can say what shape the gods may assume for their own fell purposes ? | |
Khorne is the most powerful of all the Chaos gods. His chief rival is Tzeentch, the Great Sorcerer, who is the patron of wizards just as Khorne is the patron of warriors. Of course this rivalry does not prevent Khorne and Tzeentch from fighting for a common cause when it is convenient to do so. Occassionally the daemonic forces so iconic of the spirit of battle lust and magic can be seen together.Combined these two gods are always more powerful than the others. Of all his brother gods, Khorne most despises Slannesh, whose prancing fopperies are an affront to Khorne's sense of honour and martial pride. Even so, Khorne makes use of the Prince of Chaos when necessary, as much as it may gall him to do so. |