Schedule for Superleague 2005
  Match 1   Match 2   Match 3   Match 4
Time   18:00   19:00   20:00   21:00
  (26:24 ; 25:19)   (25:17 ; 16:25 ; 15:7)   (25:10 ; 24:26 ; 15:8)   (26:24 ; 25:18)
7-May   Matrix VS Apex (2:0) Peace VS G-Force (2:1) W VS SJB (2:1) Sniper VS J 4 Fun (2:0)
Referee   Peace/G-Force   Matrix/Apex   Sniper/J 4 Fun   W/SJB
  (22:25 ; 25:17 ; 15:6)   (25:18 ; 25:21)   (25:18 ; 26:24)   (26:28 ; 25:19 ; 10:15)
14-May   Peace VS J 4 Fun (2:1) Matrix VS SJB (2:0) Sniper VS G-Force (2:0) Apex VS W (1:2)
Referee   Matrix/SJB   Peace/J 4 Fun   Apex/W   Sniper/G-Force
  (19:25 ; 14:25)   (19:25 ; 25:12 ; 15:7)   (21:25 ; 20:25)   (25:20 ; 23:25 ; 10:15)
21-May   SJB VS Peace (0:2) Matrix VS G-Force (2:1) Apex VS Sniper (0:2) W VS J 4 Fun (1:2)
Referee   Matrix/G-Force   SJB/Peace   W/J 4 Fun   Apex/Sniper
  (19:25 ; 25:9 ;13:15)   (25:21 ; 22:25 ; 15:9)   (16:25 ; 26:24 ; 7:15)   (25:17 ; 22:25 ; 10:15)
4-Jun   Apex VS SJB (1:2) W VS Peace (1:2) Matrix VS Sniper (1:2) J 4 Fun VS G-Force (1:2)
Referee   W/Peace   Apex/J 4 Fun   SJB/G-Force   Matrix/Sniper
  (25:18 ; 25:19)   (13:25 ; 20:25)   (20:25 ; 25:21 ; 10:15)   (24:26 ; 26:28)
11-Jun   W VS Sniper (2:0) G-Force VS SJB (0:2) Apex VS J 4 Fun (1:2) Matrix VS Peace (0:2)
Referee   G-Force/J 4 Fun   W/Sniper   Matrix/Peace   Apex/SJB
  (25:18 ; 23:25 ; 15:12)   (22:25 ; 25:22 ; 11:15)   (25:22 ; 25:21)   (25:22 ; 14:25 ; 8:15)
18-Jun   Matrix VS W (2:1) Apex VS G-Force (1:2) Sniper VS Peace (2:0) SJB VS J 4 Fun (1:2)
Referee   Apex/G-Force   Matrix/W   SJB/J 4 Fun   Sniper/Peace
  (25:17 ; 25:22)   (18:25 ; 25:23 ; 11:15)   (25:20 ; 25:22)   (22:25 ; 27:29)
30-Jul   W VS G-Force (2:0) Apex VS Peace (1:2) Matrix VS J 4 Fun (2:0) SJB VS Sniper (0:2)
Referee   Apex/Peace   W/G-Force   SJB/Sniper   Matrix/J 4 Fun
All Referee should arrive 15 minutes before start of match
$100 per match will be charged to the team with absent referee
Other than one referee, 2 other members from each team are needed to assist the score marking