Oil Facts

by AU Ka Man °Ï¹Å¶², CHAK Pui Kwan »C¯\§g, CHENG Hang Fai ¾GÒ²·u,

CHENG Wing Yin ¾G¿o§°, WAI Ka Heng Ophelia ½Ã¹ÅÃô



Rancidity is the deterioration of fats and oils due to the formation of odorous short-chained fatty acids. Oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity are common kinds of rancidity when the oil reacts with atmosphere oxygen and water respectively. Degree of unsaturation changes as hydroperoxides, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and other compounds are produced, accompanied by unfavourable odor produced by aldehydes and carboxylic acid, viscosity also changes. Some of the products such as aldehydes are harmful. Thus, an investigation of rancidity is needed.


Five different experiments were carried out to investigate rancidity in terms of the amount of C=C double bond, hydroperoxide, aldehydes, concentration of aqueous hydrogen ions and viscosity at different stages of deterioration in 4 types of cooking oil ( peanut oil, corn oil, canola oil and olive oil). We aim at investigating the process of deterioration and comparing the deterioration rate of different cooking oil, both before and after frying. We assume any impurities and antioxidant has negligible effect on rancidity.


Owing to the constraint in time and availability of chemistry laboratory, it was decided to speed up the deterioration of cooking oils. Oil samples were put in a water bath at 60oC. Air was then bubbled through the oil samples. Every two hours, 60cm3 of each oil sample was pipetted out and quenched immediately in ice bath. Five experiments were carried out as followed:

Degree of unsaturation


In this experiment, C=C bonds in the oil reacted with excess iodine monochloride. Unreacted ICl then reacted with excess I- to form I2. Concentration of I2 was then found by titration with standard sodium thiosulphate solution.


The general trend of the degree of unsaturation decreased for the first three data and increased from the fourth datum for all uncooked oils. Moreover, olive oil which has the greatest decrease in amount of C=C bond and corn oils which has the least. This showed that corn oil was relatively less susceptible to oxidative rancidity. All types of fried oil except corn oil had a relatively lower degree of unsaturation compared to the uncooked oils which showed corn oil is more difficult to oxidize.


Oil molecules break down to give volatile compounds with C=C bonds and escape. Thus, degree of unsaturation drops. The increase in degree of unsaturation is due to formation of enol when acidity increases. Upon frying many C=C bonds break down as deterioration is speeded up so that fried oils are less easily to oxidize.




The amount of hydroperoxide in oil was found by titration with sodium thiosulphate solution. Generally, the amount of hydroperoxide in oil increased and then decreased. Hydroperoxide was formed when oil was in contact with oxygen. After a period of time, the hydroperoxide decomposed to form carbonyl compounds and less C=C bond was left which leaded to a decreasing amount of hydroperoxide. The amount of hydroperoxide in all types of fried oil was more or less constant because high temperature speeded up the reaction. Thus, formation and decomposition of hydroperoxide had reached equilibrium at an earlier stage.




Unstable hydroperoxides breakdown to form carbonyl compounds including aldehyde and ketone which give unfavourable odour and taste. Fehling¡¦s test was used to prove the presence of aldehyde due to oxidative rancidity. Aldehyde reduced copper (II) complex to copper (I) oxides and the copper (I) oxides was converted into copper (II) oxide by heating. Masses of copper (II) oxide found and compared to estimate the relative amount of aldehyde formed in rancidity.


The general trend of masses of copper (II) oxide formed increased at first and decreased later. This trend showed that at the beginning, little hydroperoxides formed to breakdown into aldehyde. Oil was still at early stage of deterioration so masses of copper (II) oxide obtained were small. Later, oil underwent more serious deterioration, a lot of hydroperoxides was produced and breakdown to form aldehyde. Hence, more copper (II) oxide was found. At last, amount of copper (II) oxide decreases significantly, because of oxidation of aldehyde to carboxylic acid or conversion to enol. Furthermore, volatile aldehyde escaped. Thus, masses of copper (II) oxide eventually drop.

Concentration of acids


Acids in the oil layer were extracted by water. The concentration of acids was found by titrating the aqueous layer in extraction with sodium hydroxide solution.


There is a trend that the concentration of acids increased with time due to the formation of RCOOH by oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity.  The concentration of acids at the beginning of fried oil was higher than that of uncooked one. This was because during frying, the high temperature and presence of water speeds up the rate of hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity greatly.


However, after frying, the rate of rancidity becomes slower than that of uncooked oil because the aldehydes, which can decompose to form acid, are volatile and escape during frying.  As a result, there are less aldehyde remained in the oil and hence the rate of formation of RCOOH becomes slower.




Viscosity was determined by measuring the time taken for 0.9ml of oil to flow through a 1ml pipette.


Results showed that all uncooked oil increased in viscosity after bubbling. This suggested that the effect of polymerization was great and masked the effect of breakdown of molecules thus intermolecular force increased, and the cis C=C bond had broken so that carbon chain can packed closer.


Moreover, the viscosity of all fried oil was greater than fresh oil since the effect of polymerization was great and masked the effect of breakdown of molecules.


However, viscosity of fried oil decreased with bubbling time due to the dominant effect of breaking down of oil molecules.  Smaller molecules have weaker intermolecular force, so, viscosity is lower.




It is found that uncooked corn oil deteriorates at the slowest rate compared to other three types. Based on our study, it is found that frying brings the oils to later stage of deterioration. As a result, rate of deterioration of fried oil is much slower than that of uncooked oils.





























