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Welcome To Bus Model HomePage!!! Have a Nice Day!~!
Dennis Leyland VOLVO MAN
Hong Kong is metropolitan city and occupies an important position in the world. With the completion of many new piece of infrastructures, Hong Kong is ready for the arrival of the New Era. Therefore , all the transport companies are striving to improve their services in order to fulfill the customers needs and wants. So transport has been improving by leaps and bounds.
As a bus model lover, it is hard to express my delight at seeing so many new buses on the roads. We all know that many bus model lovers had a dream, that bus model companies could produce some examples of Hong Kong buses. Failing to materialise, they transform buses from companies like Tomica, Matchbox, Dinky, Corgi and E.F.E to Hong Kong buses, or rebuilt "white metal" buses. Their dream came true in 1994, when the british company "Corgi" developed the first Hong Kong style model. It was CMB Metrobus MC1 then, Secondly came KCRC Metrobus 104.
Corgi has been developing different kinds of Hong Kong model since May 1997. The start was made with Leyland and Volvo Olympian air-conditioned double decker with Alexander bodywork (KMB 101) . Also, another british company called E.F.E. started with a Daimler Fleetline in KMB colours in January 1997. Since then, both companies have produced a wide range of limited edition Hong Kong bus models, and collectors have joyfully wellcomed them.
Up till now, Corgi and E.F.E. have produced 50 different models, and other companies are interested in the production of such models. We estimated that more than a hundred models have been produced in Hong Kong.
I hope you can understand more clearly the history of corgi and E.F.E. Hong Kong bus model production after reading this Home Page .
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