Charlie's Page紫頁


我o向2001年8月13日就要去美國讀一年書喇~我去左o個邊唔會成日Update個網,因此我將我個Homepage變左做一個page(所以個page會簡單D and Profile都無),希望得閒會上黎Update下,但當然唔係成日o個隻啦~Update o既次數就要睇o個邊有無電腦用喇~但我都會盡量o向lee度交代下我o既生活o既~Heehee~你地可以用Guestbook黎同我keep住聯絡架~如果只係睇,唔留言,我會唔記得你架喎~哈哈^^

Last Updated:Wed, 12.12.01 6:08 PM

Guestbook or 比個依貓我

Host Family's Profile:

Host Father's Last Name,First Name: Nootbaar , Keith

Occupation: N/A

Host Mother's Last Name,First Name: Nootbaar , Julie

Occupation: N/A

Address: 6725 Canterbury Dr., Frisco, TX 75035, U.S.A.


21-11-01 I'm so sorry for writing this a long time after the last one. as you know, i had changed my family few weeks ago. i'm fine here in my new family. i like my new host mom.( actually she is not "new" to me now) she is a cool woman. she taught me a lot after i got to this new home. she looks pretty, too~ both my ex-host mom and host mom are pretty, haha~ she and my host dad are both working for some mini-electronic companies, i dont know exactly what they are doing, but they always talk about their business while we're having dinner. this is a better home, honestly. here's no lovely kids but a silly dog, haha. he is a puppy, but he is big~ he always jumps on people, so it's a little bit annoying. however, he looks so cute with his round eyes. sometimes he walk around me in the morning when i am getting ready for school. i have my own room. it's easier to get used to this new home than the old one, it might be because i'm not homesick too much~ oh, almost forget to tell you guys, the boy i'm staying with(which is my host brother) has got a PS2~ of course i have no interest on his PS2, but it still amazed me. he's not here right now because he is gone to some place for 5 days~haha~ i feel so good to be with my host parents only~heehee~~ there's always some ppl you dont like around you even if you try to escape from them. sometimes we just can't complain too much. ( i'm not talking about my host brother...)haha~~~ let me tell you something, my english got worse after i've been living here for 3 months( yes, aproximately 3 monthes) i dont feel like speaking all the time because i got frustrated when i repeat again and again. why? i dont know ~~~~~ ok, dont talk about this. i had dinner in the restaurant called Antaries on the Reunion Tower in down town Dallas on the Saturday b4 last Saturday, it was soooooo great~~ this is a tall tower with a big thing like a ball on the top of it. inside the "big golden ball"( bcoz of the light outside of the ball" there are 2 restaurants, one of them is Antaries. the most interesting part was the restaurant rotated!!! i could see the night view there, it was so beautiful. i went there with my host parents, we talked and ate. i enjoyed it.^^ the food was delicious, too~ i also went to "Disney on Ice" last friday with my host mom,Julie. Obviously, it was for kids. but i still like it. **** i'm doing ok in school. from what i know, all of you guys are having hard time in school. give youself a break and dont work too hard.(haha) anyway, i dont like sch too much... i'm doing a chemistry lab report these weeks. my teacher, Mr. Greenwood, told me it was the hardest lab we would do this year. but for some reasons it still bothers me a lot. i got soooo depressed by this XXX lab report. i even cried again( yes, i always cry in front of my teachers,haha) when i was asking Mr. Greenwood questions. so i dont like sch. haa~~ i'm also depressed by the things i HAVE to deal with for the universities and colleges. i'm pretty sure that the Us in HK will not accept me, and... i really dont wanna think about it~.~ alright, let's talk about something else... there's so many things i wanna share with you guys, however, i'm a lazy girl and i dont like to type, so i might need to tell you after i come back. i havent have my lunch, so i stop here la~ :) see ya~

25-8-01 Hi everyone!!!i dont know you guys can read this or not coz i'm trying to use html to write this page(coz i dont have the software i used in hong kong to make the pages). I have arrived here for about 12 days, and i have cried every single day since i came here... life is extremely hard here, it's not the way i thought i would be, i miss my family and friends, and i also miss hong kong...i feel terrible here...if i could choose again, i wouldnt choose to be an exchange student...if i were in hongkong, then i would probably promote to f.6, everything would be fine... i started to ask my host mum if there's any letter for me every day , but the answers were always "no", it depressed me so much.>.< when i first phoned back to hk, i cried everytime when there's anyone started to pick up the phone,i was really upset coz we're apart.i really enjoyed the time talking with my friends, especailly the 1st time(including claire, cherry, ethel and carol, YOU ARE REALLY MY GOOOOOOD FRIENDS!!)i had never had that feeling in hongkong, i feel that we're really good good friends after i got here, but i have to wait for 1 year to see you lovely guys... besides missing them, there're so much things that frustrate me... i wake up at 6 everyday, arrive sch at 7:30am,got home at about4.30,have my dinner at about 6pm, becoz i'm very tired, i go to bed at 11:00pm , life is completely different here.i share my room with another exchange student from Yugoslavia,she's 18 years old, she studies in the same sch with me, we go to sch together everyday. she's english is very very good, she has no problem in communicating with the people here, but my english is really bad, so ...i say nothing at home or in the sch.i've got so many problem here, but i dont wanna write about them so much here...i'm unlucky at all... claire reminded me in her email that i wanted to be an exchange student since i was in f.4, (actually, i wanna be an exchange student since i was in f.3, haha) now i can be an exchange student, i should be happy,but... i just can't breathe when i'm facing those terrible problems... i met some friends who live here, and also some foreign exchange students who come from yugoslavia, italy, austria, russia, etc., if i knew that i would met these friends b4 i came here, i would be very very very exciting, but when it comes to me, i found that it's not that interesting...maybe i am homesick, so i have no interest to make friends here.oh my godness.... i used to hang out with my friends( or alone) every week, but i can't do that here because the shops are far away from my house, i can only see houses here( ya, houses, not flat, not buildings) everything is flat here,when i 1st came here, i was quite happy, but it's boring to me after 3 days... it's really terrible , i found that i was quite lucky in hongkong that i could see hills, buildings, parks , sch from my flat) i study 8 subjects here, including eng 2( every senior study eng3 or 4 here, but they think my english is not good , so i have to study eng2...i got a higher result than my fd in toefl but she studies in eng3...), AP chem, AP Physics( i wanted to study phy chem bio, but the counselor said i had already chosen too many academic subjects, so i had to give up biology), Basic Computer(it's really basic, i just have to learn how to use microsoft office, i dont like it, but i can't change my subject after the deadline of changing subjects)AP Calculus, Singing, Dance and Teen Leadership (it's only for 1 semester,i'll study psychology next semester), it sounds good, but they are all terrible subjects, i have to memorize vocabulary in dance class, i have to memorize the history of the computer and something else for the computer class, the teacher of singing class is good and nice, but she doesnt tell the students the so-fa names of the music,...and the biggest problem is that i can't understand what teachers say in the class, i can't learn anything from the sch...i can understand what the girl said completely becoz she comes from califronia, but people here speak with accents, i can't understand what they say~~~!!!~~i cried many time becoz of that.every day i go to sch, i just sit and cry during the class,i can do nothing.Also, we have to do so much homework that i have no time to play,...( to be continued)

12-8-01 一早同d同村o既friends食早餐,話就話食早餐,食完都傾到兩點至散Band,之後逐一say "bye",最後同小娜o向supermarket講byebye,行左上樓梯後轉身望下佢,諗起一齊左5年,咁快要byebye,見住佢個身影,眼前就開始模糊喇...原來 , <背影>lee一幕o向人生唔只上演一次架...

11-8-01 點解你地咁遲先搵我出黎呀?

10-8-01 今日同阿雪行沙田,買野,又有d怪怪地o既感覺...其實我走左,一切都唔會變...大後日走喇~好似今日先知道咁,無la la緊張起黎,而且發現超級唔夠時間用~~~今日同阿雪一路心情都幾好,幾開心~可以飲到美味o既藍莓珍珠實在太幸福喇,不過應該會係最後一次...今日買左好多廢物(haha),但我最鐘意o既野我就無買到,係一個令我心動o既風鈴...粉藍色o既月亮(月亮係我o既守護星呢!),d鈴聲好悅耳,...真係唔識點形容...真係想帶去USA,但未必有位,所以無買lu...可能會買唔番?係架,不過有緣o既一定會再見o既!^^

9-8-01 琴晚發現去usa原來唔多似我想像中會行o既路...真係好好好徬徨...而且今日比阿爸激到我爆血管...好激氣,好辛苦,我真係驚我會發顛呀!!!!!!!!!

8-8-01 放榜日喇,我竟然遲到...今日d friend都好似考得唔係幾好...但係唔讀書o既人個分竟然好高~~天無眼呀~~(joking)希望仲未有著落o既friends唔好放棄啦~<:)我對我個分有些少失望,因為我之前really好懶,如果有努力,一定會高d ga...

7-8-01 估唔到d藥可以搞到我溫溫鄧鄧左成日(仲有手振) ...今日出左旺角買野,再同d friends食飯,真係幾開心,可能太耐無約出黎喇...好多謝Ethel & Carol o既禮物呀~^^我真係好中意,thank you!!!聽日就係放榜日喇,唔知我d成績會係點呢?希望大家d成績都咁好啦~

6-8-01 唉...平時老鼠都打死幾隻o既我,今日睇完醫生,食完藥後,就成身軟晒咁sleep左成日喇~打亂晒我d計劃...今日就咁"Sai"左lu...不過其實我都唔係病得好嚴重,因為我想快d好,所以Doctor開重d藥,仲打埋針,希望唔會病住走啦~

5-8-01 (恭喜你喎~小驕驕~一個朝早就變左大富翁喎~哈哈~~)改左13號先走喇~可以有多d時間預備啦~可以同自己d friends一齊去USA啦~(唔洗咁驚嘛~)香港d friends又可以送我機喎~真係幾好...雖然係咁,但都有唔少麻煩,因為o個邊13號開學,所以趕唔切,而且一到步就要趕趕趕...唉...而且...

4-8-01 o向我打左第一個電話比個host後,我開始"嚴重"o既擔心...

3-8-01 我仲未走架,不過o岩o岩整左lee個page咪寫下感想law~真係好難想像我就黎要去一個我未去過o既地方,同d未見過o既人生活呀!好緊張好緊張...我d家人really對我好好呀...好緊張呀...都唔知自己寫乜...
