
...**ChunGLaU-ΡrofilΣ ╮(﹀▽﹀@)╭***...

NamE : ChunGlaU...

NicKNamE: Ah ChunG...

AgE : 18

SeX : Male

HeighT : 179

BirthdaY: 02/7

Horoscop: CanceR

LanguagE: EnglisH

OccupatioN: Professional Student XD ...

HobbY : PartY/Clubbin'/Basketball/Internet


I feel more incomplete as the day goes by..

for, you see, each day I love you more,

today more than yesturday and less than tomorrow





↓ToucH ThE PhotO↓

﹋DiarY﹋﹋MesSagE﹋  ﹋PhotO﹋ ﹋MarK ME﹋