
DOB: 27 August, 2002


I am Evo, short for Evolution.  My mum calls me Handsome boy.  The love of my life is Mizu... But she's very mean... she ignores me.  

My favorite food is Eukanuba... because I don't have a choice. 

Mummy saved me from the pet shop... I was on the way there because aunty Silvia & aunty Jenny was taking me there.  So lucky for me.  Now I have a home.  All mine... mine... mine...

My New Year wish is to have a wife & make lots of babies.  So I can beat Bulu (Dad).

I love the wind blowing through my hair when we are driving.  I go crazzzzy!

  Look at my hair !  Mummy what have you done!  I'm no handsome.  I'm not a Maltese, I look like a gorilla (I just have to go black).


Dr George wants to desex me... Cut my balls off... My daddy wants to cut his balls out. Huh!

Mummy's glasses are sooooo ugly.  I try to hint to her by chewing them.  First pair... even the glass I ate it too.  It was very yucky & uncomfortable cutting my stomach.  Then my mum got a second pair... it was uglier than the first.  So I chew again... but I'm smart this time... I didn't eat the glass.



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