25/06/03 Wednesday


唉.....so 小姐....真係有點戥佢擔心....我諗無事嘅~~放心去玩先啦!!!生日快樂啦~~

24/6/03 Tuesday

考埋聽日就完哂啦!!!!yeah^^ 不過今日都無咩點溫^^"因為啱啱出咗internal mark~~~ hee...仲差4分就pass,所以.....而且聽日5:30pm先考,,,咪聽日先溫囉....嘻@@咁今日做咗啲咩呢??!!咪就係去超級市場入貨囉...我屋企個雪櫃差唔多"吉"咗成個月啦!!不過今日買得最多嘅都係corn flakes,懶得煮嘛~~早午晚都係佢架啦!!!呀~~仲有一大堆蘋果囉~~真係揪死我,鬼咁重!!唔....今日仲洗埋啲衫....跟住就部住喺電視前面成日啦,因為前幾日收到aunt寄嚟嘅日劇,好成幾套....今日終於忍唔住,睇咗1套,都係7隻啫....^^"快啲考埋聽日啦!!咁就完咗呢個sem啦!!!好想快啲考完跟住出cityHarry Potter....第五集!!好驚賣哂呀!!!!

23/6/03 Monday

我諗可以pass啩~~God bless me啦!!!

18/6/03 Wednesday

Hee~~終於完成taxation exam....hmm~ok la~好過acct 260 la^^ 我諗pass都無問題嘅(咁當然希望高啲啦~~嘻嘻), 不過仲有2科,就係AISFA....~~2科真係有啲危...FA都好啲~~AIS..........唔可以衰架!!!!太多assignment!!!唔想再做過呀!!!!點都要PASS!!

17/6/03 Tuesday

放心啦,,, 我明白咩係最重要,,, 已經21歲啦,,, 我好清楚自己要做啲咩,,, 知道好多嘢係不由人,,, 既然無辦法控制,,, 做唔到,幫唔到嘅話, 唯有做好自己本份, 努力做好自己嘅嘢先囉, 雖然心情好差, 但係都唔會俾呢樣嘢影響到自己, 我相信佢都想我考好啲, 唔可以令人失望架~~希望懶蟲可以遠離我啦...嘻嘻~~唯一影響我嘅原因^^" 頂呀~~聽日個taxation呀,,,真係要同佢死過!!!

唉....呢個人實在係中毒太深, 無藥可救, 世界上真係有迷湯呢樣嘢????????!!!!!!!!!!! 真係好心著雷劈,,,算啦,,,終於知道咩係忠言逆耳~~啍!!激死我啦!!!

16/6/03 Monday

Really in very bad mood.......every thing makes me upset~ it sucks!! 

14/6/03 Saturday

嘩~~@@又同姚記傾咗3個幾鐘,,,,死啦, 亞媽一定唔放過我,,,因為咁啱用哂張電話卡,,,,嘻^^"不過算啦, 佢成日幫我, 無計啦~~變態啦, 傾到差唔多朝早5點, 好彩唔駛返學啫, 但係佢要返工呢~~慘囉^^" 傾到喉嚨痛痛哋, 痴線架...至衰佢啦, 又要同人嗌, 無人性架~~你錯,你錯, 錯哂呀~~啍~~

其實同姚記傾完之後,我覺得個人舒服咗好多,雖然我無講自己有咩唔開心俾佢聽, 但係唔知點解呢, 可能因為佢嘅問題比起我嘅都多, 而且更加複雜, 所以我覺得有人慘過我啩~~哈哈, 講笑啦...^^" 其實我同佢傾電話通常都係我聽佢嘅唔開心, 我不嬲都好少講自己嘅俾佢聽, 因為我覺得佢都已經夠煩, 無謂再俾多樣佢煩啦.不過佢都有啲好轉架啦, 起碼解決咗一樣啦, 唉~~不過我覺得呢個問題大部份都喺因為佢自己太執著啫....算唔講啦~~費事又嗌~~哈!不過佢真係一個好錫屋企嘅人嚟嘅~~但係大男人囉~~哈哈~~快啲去順德啦~~嘻嘻 :p~~或者.....世界上無話絕對無可能嘅~~但係我嘅例外呀!!! 101次係無可能....1001次都唔會有例外^^

12/6/03 Thursday

命運真係肯定咗人類生命嘅有限性, 生命真係好脆弱, 就算有勇氣衝破呢啲有限性而得到作為一個人嘅自由又點呀, 去到最後咪又係得一個終點, 好彩嘅就順順利利咁走過去, 唔好彩嘅就中途跌低, 要好辛苦咁走過去, 雖然有折踁可以快啲送自己過去, 但係都要顧慮身邊嘅人, 唔可以話走就走, 太唔負責任啦, 不過其實喺身邊陪住走嘅人都一樣唔好過, 見到自己關心嘅人跌低走得好辛苦, 但係又幫唔到啲咩~~我只可以經常為佢祈禱, 但係我唔係一個虔誠嘅信徒, 經常係有事先會禱告, 可能咁樣, 所以上帝都唔會彩我, 但係我唯一可以做嘅就只係呢樣嘢~~說話上嘅安慰或者問候, 真係免得就免, 我真係一個控制唔到自己好眼淺嘅人, 好唔想次次通電嘅氣氛都咁慘~Anyway, I do keep praying for her, god bless her la!!!

今年做咩鬼嘢啦, 咁多唔開心嘅嘢~~唉, 而家仲就快考試, 攪到我都無咩心情溫書, 慘啦~~唔可以嗰喎, 一定要專心溫書, 唔可以fail!!!好想快啲讀完返香港喎~~

11/6/03 Wednesday


10/6/03 Tuesday

好唔想咁, 好唔開心, 做咩鬼嘢呀!!!!!!因為呢個人攪到而家咁樣, 我覺得好唔抵, 但係我又可以做啲咩呢~其實我好嬲嗰個人, 但係為免令關係更差, 我要扮到好似無嘢, 仲要有講有笑, 唉~~覺得自己好假囉, 明明唔鍾意, 唔想理佢, ~~激死人啦!!連自己都討厭啦~~

E-mail----Subject: 希望你遇見幸福~~

也許, 明天會下雨, 但, 我只想與你共撐一把傘. 我會站在同一個地方一直等你, 不管你會不會來. 記憶是禁不起考驗ㄉ...~~~但記憶裡ㄉ我們最甜蜜. 吵架,是朋友永遠的警告. 戀有戀得深刻的, 愛也有愛的膚淺的.愛情是自己的
有時候,我們故意裝著很冷漠, 只是不想讓對方知道我們依戀著他。 電話鈴聲響起,我們明知道是他打來, 也故意在心裡數十下才拿起電話筒。 我不想他知道我一直坐在電話機旁邊等候。 拿起電話筒,我們只是裝著很平淡的說:「你找我有事嗎?」 其實,我多麼依戀你的聲音。 見不到你的時候,我整天想著你,好想撲在你懷裡。 見到面的時候,我只是把兩隻手放在身後, 規規矩矩的站在你面前。 你一定覺得我是個沒甚麼感情的人。 其實,我多麼依戀你。 約會之後,分手的時候到了。 你送我回家,我根本不想回去。 我好想你陪我散散步,也許,散步到天亮也不錯。 我好想聽你說話,好想知道更多關於你的事。 然而,當你送我回來,當你還沒說再見的時候, 我卻搶先跟你說:「再見」。 沒等你轉身,我就走了。 其實你知不知道當你轉身離開的時候, 我總會回過頭來看著你的背影? 我多麼依戀你的背影。

下一次,當你覺得我很冷漠的時候,你會否明白那是因為我在乎? 真的在乎,就不該用如此的方式表達吧....... 若你能珍惜每一次的相遇,珍惜每一通你苦等的電話, 或許你現在不會是孤獨一人。 這~~~~只是想告訴你........ 好好把握你所能擁有的,很多東西失去了,就再也追不回了。

少了另一人,時間也不再有意義......... 我的時間因他而存在.............. 少了另一人,時間又為什準確........... ∼∼∼時光以驚人的速度流逝而過∼∼∼
~~~* 愛情,在沒有過去與未來的牽絆時,才是真正公平的。*~~~ 找一個懂你的人,也期許自己做一個懂別人的人

別讓真正的朋友錯身而過, 沒有人能真正懂你在想什麼, 適時地解釋, 是對朋友的體諒, 適時地信任和等待也是。
, 世間本無常理, 有些理由該解釋或不解釋, 都是唯心而已

那天晚上 她和他喜歡的男生一起出去 他跟她說: 天氣這麼冷,你把手放在我的口袋抱著我好了,這樣也比較安全 她調皮地說:誰要抱你呀!我只能抱我的男朋友! 他說:哼!讓你抱還要打手機給我女朋友通知她一聲哩! 她震驚了一下...心想著...他居然有....女朋友了... 好強又難過的她 帶著微笑掩飾著心底小小的悲哀說:好呀!你打呀! 也只見著他真的拿起了手機,撥起了號碼 當他拿起手機的那一刻 她不知該如何去形容心中那種複雜的感覺 只能說很痛.很痛.很痛... ....................短短的幾秒鐘等待 真的.真的很痛苦 .......................突然間 她的手機響了 她漫不經心的接了起來 只聽見熟悉的聲音說 可以抱我嗎? ..

原來.......現實中也有這樣的故事存在著!! 只是.....我們不一定遇的到罷了........ 不懂得珍惜...... 到最後才在遺憾......是最不可原諒的事........ 因為幸福真ㄉ是難尋的..... 若是有的話就要請緊緊抓住吧!! 能被喜歡的人喜歡,是一種奇蹟,而這種奇蹟,上帝將它命名為---戀愛。 可能他不是100分,可能他不能陪你走到盡頭,但那又何妨 不管是愛或是需要,這是自己最清楚。 不要被文字給框住自己,就此裹足。 喜歡,就伸出手讓對方知道吧。 把握現在真的很重要,別讓幸福溜走


我要控制我自己 不會讓誰看見我哭泣
 裝作漠不關心你不願想起你 怪自己沒有勇氣...
心痛得無法呼吸 找不到你留下的痕蹟... 眼睜睜的看著你 卻無能為力 任你消失在世界的盡頭..
找不到堅強的理由... 再也感覺不到你的溫柔... 告訴我星空在哪裡... 那裡是否有盡頭... 就向流星許個心願... 讓你知道我愛你...

生命中有太多的該與不該 然而在該與不該之間
  或許... 沒有定義吧!因為我不知道  幸福的人是不會明白的...
 雖然美麗  但是卻也凋謝的很快  能把握住愛情的人不多  就像能抓到蝴蝶的人一樣  希望你能抓住最漂亮的蝴蝶

我諗我係呢類人, 所以佢就send呢個email俾我la...

9/6/03 Monday

哎呀, 好驚呀, 夜晚都係唔好出咁多街啦, 好恐怖呀, 好多老鼠呀, 變態架,俾佢哋嚇到我無哂儀態, 仲要搭錯車, 激死人啦, 已經凍到死, 仲要遊車河, 好慘呀~~~

7/6/03 Saturday

無嘢啦,無嘢啦, 尋晚同布琳同Kitty傾完, 已經好咗好多啦, 算啦, 待多一年啫," 啦啦林"讀完就走人囉(不過都睇埋Kitty嘅去向嘅, 嘻嘻^^),一齊努力囉~~唔...原本諗住返圖書館溫書, 但係起身嗰陣都差唔多兩點^^", 算啦, 聽日先返啦, 嘻嘻~~~

不過, 尋晚同佢哋傾完, 我都有額外嘅消息, 有開心, 都有唔開心, 唔......開心嘅係知道布琳同嘉雯會一齊去泰國(其實一早知, 但係布琳尋晚提起, 所以都戥佢哋感到興奮, 不過都有啲擔心, 得兩個女仔, 真係要萬事小心啦~~仲有啲唔開心啦, 因為無得同佢哋一齊去 :"(  記住影多啲相呀!!!)...另外唔開心嘅係.......唔~~~點解你變成咁架, 好失望呢....識得話人唔識得話自己, 唔搵你啦!!!

5/6/03 Thursday

今日係Sophie生日, 祝佢生日快樂啦!!今晚出咗去同佢慶祝, 但係我就好差, 全程呆呆地一碌木咁.....可能啱啱交完assignment, 又差唔多朝早六點先瞓....所以無咩反應^^", 而且又就快考試, 所以食完飯就返屋企....希望考完試可以再一齊出嚟玩過啦^^

4/6/03 Wednesday

Present完啦, 好嘢~~哈哈!!!不過,,,要開始溫書啦!!!今日開始咗啦!!!.....今朝上完8點鐘嗰堂,就去咗study啦, 仲溫到差唔多8點先走, 真係溫到暈暈哋, 仲要之前嗰晚要準備present啲嘢, 攪到差唔多2點先瞓, 呢輪真係無"教"好瞓~~慘囉!!!所以原本諗住聽日返學校溫書都取消啦~~真係要休息下啦!!!!!仲有要洗衫, 因為已經堆積如山啦, 好耐都無洗!!!!我都唔想, 但係真係無時間, 因為我住apartment, 所以無洗衣機, 要落樓下洗衣房洗, 但8點就關門,唉~~我差唔晚晚都留喺學校,朝早一起身又返學,,,,邊有時間喎~~

轉唔到啦, 咩希望都無啦......唉~~sorry la,,,,so cat~~我都唔想的, 其實,,,,,我都好失望, 因為我喺呢度過得好唔開心~~好慘呀!!!

3/6/03 Tuesday

Yeah~~終於完哂今個semassignment,再等present完, 咁就.....都仲有exam呀, 快啲溫書啦~~~不過一溫書就慘, 日日都只可以食差唔多嘅嘢~~因為我通常會返學校圖書館溫~~溫到關門先走, 所以lunch就喺學校攪掂, 但係學校啲嘢又唔好食喎, 咪去附近啲餐廳囉, 但係又得兩間好食~~真係食到厭啦!!!呢輪做都係assignment啦, 因為經常留喺學校至好夜, 所以dinner都係去嗰到, 唉~~琴日都係做到成三點先返到屋企呀!!!無人性架!!!

31/5/03 Saturday

今日又係留喺學校做Finance Analysis, 真係救命, 做到就快痴哂線啦~~星期二就due啦, 跟住星期三就present, 死啦~~跟住過多兩個禮拜就Exam啦~~好驚呀!!!

今日小炳生日~~Happy Birthday啦~~之前姚記生日, 原本諗住夜晚12點打俾佢, 但係我忙到連嗰日係幾號都唔記得,仲要嗰晚喺icq見到佢都未記得, 要佢提我先醒起, 我真係太差勁啦!!! 無論如何, 都祝佢哋今年有個開開心心嘅生日, 唔只今年, 係跟住落嚟嘅都開心啦~~^^YEAH!!

30/5/03 Friday

我已經跌到入谷底啦.....唔知仲可以支持幾耐~~~可能喺香港給寵壞啦!!!琴晚同ZoeKitty傾完電話之後, 我更加掛住佢哋同所有喺香港嘅朋友同屋企人, 好想快啲番香港~~其實我係開始有啲後悔嚟呢度讀書, 唉, 不過無辦法, 無得返轉頭, 唔可以浪費哂阿媽阿爸啲血汗錢~~點死都要死番個Degree番去~~仲有一年啫~~ 希望如果可以轉到去新嘅地方會好啲啦~~~各位放心喎, 就算我轉到我都唔會掛住玩而唔讀書, 因為我始於都係好想快啲返香港, 所以我唔會俾自己FAIL架!!!!!

29/5/03 Thursday

Express train 好乞人憎呀,攪到我成日搭錯車,咩"C" "D" "CC" " DC",都唔知搭邊先啱,激死人啦,今日又係咁啦,討厭!!!!又無啦啦出咗City,最衰係要等多成3個字先有車番轉頭~因為我一落車,另外嗰就走!!!!!!豈有此理呀, 過份!!!今日我就喺呢十五分鐘去咗間書店逛逛, 點知咁都有收穫,"邊個郁過我舊芝士" , 哈哈~我記得Carmen提過,仲話小李strongly recommended, 而且又on sale, 所以就買咗啦~~其實我去書店之前已經買咗個spinach and cheeses pie for dinner,今日同cheeses都幾有緣喎~~不過一出City, 就破財啦, 唉~~~ 買咗本書後, 仲有幾分鐘架車先到, 所以咪睇吓書囉~~睇咗好幾頁,但係都係啲序, 所以都未有咩comment~~^^

28/5/03 Wednesday

終於有機會"逃出生天" 啦!!! 真係要多謝"我的爸爸媽媽", 仲有我個好"姊妹"~~"Kiss Kiss"^^

27/5/03 Tuesday

Finance Analysis 呢科嘢真係累事!!!!

26/5/03 Monday

除咗exam之外, AIS嘅其他assignment and test都完哂, 希望exam ok la, 絕對唔可以retake啦, 呢科嘢太恐怖啦, 不過, 下個sem.auditing都同呢科有關, 仲要好難嗰隻, 死梗啦~~....今日個lab test...ok.啦, 不過又錯埋啲白痴嘢....希望唔會扣太多分啦~~~唉, 太大意啦~~成日都係咁, 激死我啦!!!

25/5/03 Sunday

今日坐咗喺部電腦前面成日做Financial Analysis, 真係救命啦, 太多Research要做, 好慘, 睇到眼花啦~~仲攪到差啲唔記得溫聽日個lab test.....好彩都完成咗啲啲嘢啦~~~聽日再繼續啦~~(個死人Raymond又話咩Online meeting一齊做, 等我online咗成日, 佢就鬼影都唔見, 仲要夜晚打嚟問Accounting Managerial, 衰人!!!)

24/5/03 Saturday

人啊! 認識你自己! .....我諗我仲未真正認識自己, 所以對其他人都唔太認識~

23/5/03 Friday

終於睇咗Matrix Reloaded, 真係一句"To be concluded"埋尾, 有無攪錯, 仲以為阿清自己作嘅......咁衰, 焗住人哋要睇第三集, 仲要唔知等幾耐先出~~睇緊套戲時,令我諗起AIS,特別係解釋咩係Matrix嗰陣.....太多systemterms啦.........討厭......咁啱今日先交完最後一個嘅AIS assignment (still got F.A.), 完埋最後嗰個week test, ...好慘, 星期一仲有個lab test....煩死人啦!!!

22/5/03 Thursday

今年做咩啦....人際關係下滑啦~~~經常鬧出不愉快事件,係時候要轉吓新環境啦~~應付assignment已經夠煩啦,唔想再煩其他嘢啦!!Give Me A Break plzzz~

20/5/03 Tuesday

激氣!!! 今日唔知醒去返學, 今日嗰堂仲係2點幾, 我瞓到成1點幾先醒, 跟住睇吓個鐘, 仲以為壞咗, 再睇埋個電話~~唉~~走堂啦^__^", 仲要係taxation, 死啦, is seminar~~唉~~不過, 返咗去都唔可以留心聽, 因為一起身就勁打噴嚏, 勁流鼻水, 慘啦, 老毛病嚟, 一轉天氣就死啦!!!至衰啲藥用哂, 上次番香港無去覆診攞藥, 唯有啪住啲傷風素頂住先啦(有成五六盒儲貨~~哈哈~~) 不過, 雖然留喺屋企, 但係我都有做嘢呀~~終於完成咗AISGroup assignmentpart, 不過仲有individual, 本來可以做埋佢, 但係至衰我個office原來係中文版, 攪到無哂心機做, 聽日返學先做啦, 都係差少少啫.....而家只係做咪Financial Analysis就掂哂, 不過呢個要交written reportpresent,so trouble!!!!!仲要佔成30%...crazy!!!! 希望快啲到sem break啦, 好攰啦!!!! By the way, winter has come la......so happy but so cold, and I hate raining~~~

17/5/03 Saturday

今日真係唔講得笑, 我真係覺得自己唔知short 咗邊條線, 一次過做哂3 weekly assignment( 通常1個至少做3粒鐘 ), 我朝早12點幾做到夜晚成點鐘, 仲要之前嗰晚留喺學校做AIS做到成2點幾先走, 好攰, 好攰, 聽日仲要返學繼續做AIS, 最後一份啦, 好憎做AIS, 同computer有關嘅都好討我厭呀!!!! 跟住再做埋Financial Analysis, 就完哂呢個semassignment啦..YEAH..不過呢個F.A.到而家仲唔太清楚點做, 死啦, 仲要present, 至憎!!!

14/5/03 Wednesday

同亞妹傾咗好耐電話, 可以講7個鐘嘅電話咭唔夠一個星期就玩完, 真係多多都唔夠傾~~佢嘅問題真係令我死咗好多腦細胞, 無陰公啦~~不過鬼叫佢係我亞妹咩, 無計啦@@我都想佢開開心心, 所以咪要攪盡腦汁, 同佢解決問題囉, 不過佢啲問題係解決唔到, 因為問題只係佢自己不斷咁轉牛角尖, 我只可以開解吓, 其實都做唔到啲咩, 我叫咗佢有咩就搵Zoe, 因為佢最得閒, 哈哈, 都唔係只係因為咁嘅, 我覺得佢可以帶俾人歡樂(如果唔係點可以喺Snoopy world度做喎), 而我亞妹而家最欠缺嘅就係呢樣嘢~~

其實我真係好開心識到呢班好朋友, 雖然升唔到原校中六嘅時候係好唔開心, 但係如果唔係我都唔會識到佢哋, 有失都有得, 但係我覺得我得嘅比失多...所以我覺得自己好幸運 (Kitty, 你唱"幸運是我" 嘅時候都會唔會好有feel呢???Good luck!!!) 其實我一直都好想say thank you to姚記, 因為我俾咗好多trouble佢......就算嚟到澳洲, he is still helping me, 番到香港都唔知要請佢食幾多餐飯先可以補返數!!仲有Kitty, Zoe & Poling都係啦~~~, 欠下太多人情債啦@@

12/5/03 Monday

我真係好想快啲畢業, 唔想留喺呢度, 因為我真係好唔開心, 但係如果要走, 我知我會好唔捨得, 做人真係矛盾!!! 如果Kitty真係可以嚟讀書就好啦~~ 我諗佢嚟咗, 我就唔會好似而家咁, 希望我哋講嘅嘢, 可以順順利利咁成真啦, 不過我知有好多喺香港嘅朋友一定好唔捨得佢, 特別係一啲好特別嘅朋友, 小炳啦, 可能佢覺得我真係"小炳", 竟然慫恿Kitty走, 嘻嘻^__^".....不過計劃啫, 想喺Melbourne搵到工都幾難, 唉~~

11/5/03 Sunday

母親節快樂!!!!!!!^^我今日記得打電話返香港呀...嘻嘻~~今日大部分嘅親戚都去咗亞公度食飯, 好熱鬧~~好掛住舅母煮嘅餸, 夠辣呀~~好鍾意食辣嘢, 諗起都流口水呢@@...仲有呀, 舅父話出機票俾我飲佢嗰餐, 係先至好, 哈哈~~但係我真係好想, 如果係就好啦~嘻^___^"


9/5/03 Friday

今日同Vidya佢哋去睇咗X-MEN2, so cool~~雖然我無睇第一集, 但係都ok, 都明白佢講咩, 同第一集都唔係咁related, Helen仲話唔睇第一集就唔明( bcoz佢無睇第一集就去咗睇第二集) 好彩無聽佢講啫, 如果唔就miss咗, 真係幾正套戲~~下星期就去睇Matrix Reloaded~~呢套更加要睇呀~~嘻嘻~~

7/5/03 Wednesday

好激氣呀!!!! 今日竟然唔知醒去返學, 有無攪錯!!!原來尋日個電話set咗震機, 所以個alarm咪唔響囉, 激死人啦~~仲要攪到Silvia喺出面拍咗唔知幾耐門(因為佢車埋我返學), 我先知醒去應門, 不過都太遲啦~~所以 I skipped the class la~~ so poor!!!

唔返學攪到今日好無聊, 本來諗住做吓啲lab exercise(因為過多2 weeks then I got lab test la@@), 但係開咗個file出嚟就唔想做, 跟住就成日喺度睇vcds啦~~實在太無聊啦!!

好彩好彩~~今日我差啲又自殺啦~~~我 又唔記得熄爐呀!!!! 好彩我呢度係無火煮食嘅啫, 唔係真係大吉利是囉!! 記得上次係啱啱喺香港返嚟, 唔知喺咪太耐無用, 所以攪亂哂, 因為有4個爐頭, 啲掣又黏埋一齊, 所以開錯另一個, 好彩個日本妹發現到, 即刻幫我熄咗~~嘻嘻, 其實我都奇怪, 因為煲咗好耐都唔滾, 原來我開咗另一個爐~~^___^" 今次輪到個焗爐啦~~我焗完嘢之後, 竟然唔記得熄爐~~~ 好彩我自己發現到, 因為我開雪櫃時發現個爐仲有熱氣出, 先知自己未熄~~ 好彩....如果唔係, 都唔知個爐會唔會焗到爆!! So scared!!!!!

6/5/03 Tuesday

好耐無打俾香港嘅朋友傾吓電話, 好似同佢哋脫哂節咁, 但係拎起電話又唔知打俾邊個好喎, 最後就打咗俾Poling, 其實有好多人我都想同佢哋傾, 下次啦, 可能聽日啦~~ 同完Poling傾完後, 我就同亞妹傾啦, we have to discuss the present for mother la.......mother's day is coming ma~~~

4/5/03 Sunday

I didn't go to church today, bcoz Vidya wasn't going....her mum has come to visit them, so she has to accompany her mum~ I also want my mum would be coming later as well ( she said she might come in June, if my sister comes together )....really miss my family and my friends in HK so much@@.....

3/5/03 Saturday

YEAH YEAH YEAH~~ all the tests and assignments are finished la....hee~~ so happy, even the tests I done were really poor^__^" , anyway, I did my best la....ok la....can relax a bit first^^....I want to go to watch movie, go clubbing, go karaoke....but,,,, .....ok la........relax relax~~~ I had slept from 11pm last night to almost 1pm this afternoon la......hahaha...really too tried!!!!!! have to take more rest la.......hee~~~

1/5/03 Thursday

I had done all my assignments eventually, yeah yeah yeah!!!! But I will have two test tomorrow, taxation and AIS, plz pray for me, cannot fail!!!!god bless me, have to pray tonight la......hahaha^___^" of course, have to study hard as well la@@

29/04/03 Tuesday

So upset now la!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just finished my Financial analysis mid-test~~ all die la~~~~ I did study quite hard on this, stupid!!!!I made a very stupid mistake in the test....all fail la......stupid!!!!too stupid!!!! want to kill myself la!!!!!

27/04/03 Sunday

The Easter break is gone la~~~ had I ever had it????????????? bcoz I almost went back school everyday~~ what the~~ ok la, after this week, I will be free....." add oil "~~~

That stupid idiot is so annoying, is the most annoying person I ever seen!!!!! How many missed call he want to make!!!stupid!!!!!bastard!!!

24/04/03 Thursday

Hoiiii (Vidya's word)~~ I did study today again!!!! for whole day as well.......so hard working....add oil!!!!tomorrow have to start doing my assignment la!! have to finish all the assignments as soon as possible, then have to study again~~ after next week will be getting better la.....bcoz all my assignments are due on Friday, crazy....also have two tests on Friday....dying la!!!! and one test on Tuesday....oh my god!!!!

HoiiiiiX2....my mum just told me, my uncle is getting married in Aug. , what la!! doesn't wait me for coming back....always miss the wedding party >_<, also my cousin one when I just came to Aust. , so bad~~ anyway, I am so glad to hear that la.........I wish them happiness on his marriage~~^.^

By the way, I received two books from my mum as well, so happy...written by 張小嫻, my favor^o^~~~

Today I talked to my aunt "six" as well, she said that her sick was getting worse, I was really worried about her~~ I will pray for her all the time, hopefully, she will recover as soon as possible.....god bless her!!!!!

23/04/03 Wednesday

So cool la, I had studied for whole day~~~so hard working la....hahaha!!!But actually, I didn't sleep last night...so tired!!!! But I could still concentrate on my studying....so powerful @@ have to go on!!!!! "add oil" la.....

19/04/03 Saturday

So happy la, tonight we went to cafe, then karaoke and clubbing, yeah yeah yeah........I really like to go there a lot, bcoz I was really bored this week...always stayed in home, watched VCDs, hmm......I used to study, but so lazy, I just studied for a while, and wanted to sleep la......haha~~But I really have to start to do my assignment la..........the due date is coming!!!!!

14/04/03 Monday

嘻嘻~本來今晚諗住番學校溫習, 點知去到lab就咩都無做, 只係喺度玩friend test, scanning photos and uploading photos, so poor~~ ^__^" Raymond仲喺度downloading movie and watching movie...What the~~唔得啦, 一定要溫書啦~~Mid-test嚟梗啦!!! 最過份係返到屋企之後(almost 1am la), 我仲喺度watching VCDs, until morning (around 11am).......hee.........so stupid la........^___^

13/04/03 Sunday

好攰,好攰, 無氣力做任何嘢, 但係我都唔會放棄, 今次真係認真啦~~要努力呀!

今日亞妹sent a quiz to me, the title is "how well I know about her??"我做咗啦, 都有68分, 係第二高分, 仲高過佢男朋友,哈哈~跟住我都做咗一個關於自己巳嘅quiz, 佢竟然攞到90分, 只係錯1 題, 跟住就話佢了解我多過我了解佢, 我覺得只係我啲題目太簡單啫( 做我個quiz嘅人, 平均都有80幾分嘅, 佢嗰個最高都係72, 平均都係60幾, 所以唔係我唔了解佢, 只係佢啲題目太難啫~~@@)

但係有個人啦, 太過份啦, 竟然得68分, 呢個Carmen啦~~啍!!!哈哈~~公開話我個"insane"啦~~I'm more disappointed la!!!!!Hee@@~

11/04/03 Friday Hailing as well~~I saw la...hee

We went out to celebrate Raymond's belated birthday...we went to Karaoke and clubbing, yeah yeah~~Haven't been there for a long time la^.^, But I knew that Vidya didn't like these places much la.....haha...ok la, accompany birthday boy la...hee~~ But Silvia was really interested in going club, bcoz she has never been there~~ Also, I was the first time to go to " Church" , there were so many asian, but I did't like it much, better to go to the club which is with  more western ppl going there~~

10/04/03 Thursday

一早就被嚇醒啦, 有無攪錯呀~~


09/04/03 Wednesday

Really so hard to go on, I'm so tired and so pain!!!! But I can't give up~ keep goinggggg~

08/04/03 Tuesday

Yesterday was Raymond's birthday, but I didn't remember, hee~felt a bit guilty la, bcoz he came to celebrate my birthday, but I didn't do anything for him , not even saying "happy birthday"..ok la, happy birthday to him but I think it was ok, he had girlfriend celebrating with him,,,,more than enough la~~ ^___^"

By the way, I copy my diary from the diary board, bcoz I don't want to lose la.....hee~

07/04/03 Monday

Today I skipped my class and went shopping with Justine( I haven't seen her for a long time la~~)...hee^__^", so poor la......but I won't la....next time~@.@ I bought something today ....YEAH~~so happy la!!!!

Today is the beginning, I won't give up until the goal achieved!!!! "ADD OIL"

06/04/03 Sunday

My mum is very unhappy recently...She called me and said how upset she is, but I can do nothing, just can listen to her, say something to comfort her la~~ Wai Wai, plz do something la, plz go back to see her if you have time ( but you always say that you had no time) I know you, always have so many excuses...what theeeee~so poor la!!!

03/04/03 Thursday

So sad, so poor me la....I lost my accounting book la~~what the hell, should be lost on Monday (coz I want to do my homework today, and I need the book, hee~~so I didn't realise that I lost it ^__^") It was so heavy to put it in the bag, so I held it, I think I left somewhere when I put it down....so stupid, I will never ever hold the books la, have to put all in the bag!!!!!I seldom do my homework on Thursday (usually on Sunday, before the due day ^__^") But now, I have no mood to do anything la....so sad~~ ( v . v )~bankrupt la!!! have to buy the other one!!!!

02/04/03 Wednesday

I dyed my hair again la...hee..........this time is very bright red~~so cool ^.^Thank you Vidya la!!  She helped me to dye again. She had helped me before...took a long time to finish...so at first, I didn't want to bother her, coz she has so much work to do recently. I tried to dye myself...but I couldn't la....outside was ok, but inside still yellow and black....so poor....I asked her to help me eventually la~~^____^" ok la, I will help her to dye next time la...hee~

So poor la~~my computer has problem again, is a very big problem. The screen always has problem, and I can't see anything!!!!so trouble la!!!! All the computers are  my big enemies, always act against me. My friends also bought the same computer in the same time with me, but mine always has problem.... The computers in HK also like this, always got problems!!!so bad!!!!!!!

01/04/03 Tuesday

今日愚人節~~嘻嘻~~愚人節快樂!!!其實我最初都唔記得(所以咪中招囉.....>__< )因為平時都唔會有咩特別嘅慶祝, 又唔會去玩人嘅, 但係今年就例外啦@.@ 今日放學番到屋企, 見到有張紙攝咗喺門口喎, 跟住上寫話發現我屋企有"Cockroach Nest" ....what the hell!!!仲叫我搬走一段時間, 等佢哋嚟滅蟲, 驚到我唔知點好, 咁啱隔離屋嘅人番, 咁我即刻問佢同俾封信佢, 跟住佢就話 just a joke, 仲提醒我話今日係愚人節呢.....真係嚇死我啦!!!! 但係封信真係寫得 formal, 有哂簽名, 不過, 我信個鄰居多啲, 因為我屋企都好少有Cockroach , 點會有Cockroach Nest 啦!!!! 到咗夜晚, Silvia話佢又有封信, 不過佢嗰封就話澳洲都有叫佢哋快啲離開澳洲, 嚇到佢亞妹差啲要打俾佢亞媽, 最後發現原來係Vidya搗鬼, 衰人呀!!!!!下次佢就知味道..huh!!

俾人玩完之後, 我就打電話去玩香港嘅朋友啦~~嘻嘻~~第一個中招嘅就係zoe, 跟住就係姚記,poling ,kitty,同咪我亞妹, 不過最大反應就係我亞妹同咪kitty, 其實點玩呢, 就係話我有咗囉, 佢哋個個都信, kitty好緊張咁幫我諗辦法, 我亞妹就俾我嚇鬼死, 跟住仲俾佢話咗一大輪, 最衰zoe啦, 喺度慫恿我, 跟住自己喺度偷聽, 事發後又喺度唔認, 死人頭呀~~~不過, 真係好開心, 唔係只係因為玩到人, 而係知道喺香港有好多人都好關心我~~係啦, 啦, sorry la, 下次唔會啦~~因為亞妹同咪kitty都話我喺度利用佢哋對我嘅關心喎^___^"係啦, sorry sorry sorry la~~~

30/03/03 Sunday

好驚呀!!!!個天好似就快塌落嚟咁...好恐怖呀, 又行雷又閃電,慘啦,,,,,,點訓得着啦~~

29/03/03 Saturday

Finally, I had finished my accounting system la.....Yeah, but the others is coming...I have to hand in the assignment every three weeks, ok...can relax a bit fist. But today I have to start the other assignment~ Accounting (External Reporting), have meeting today la!!!!But ok la, the due is on 2nd of May.

Today was the first meeting, but I was almost late....^___^" When I was walking to the train station, the training was coming...then I ran la....Luckily, I didn't miss the train, but...so stupid, I forgot to get off the train, I went to the further train station...what the helllllll!!!! then I had to wait the other train and go back...I thought I would be late for half an hour (coz after taking train, I have to take bus, and the bus would come at 1:46pm~ but now already 1:45pm la, my meeting was at 2pm!!!and the other bus would come half an hour later...coz today is Sat. , half an hour each, stupid!!) But really thank god la...when I was in the bus stop, there was a special bus to go to my uni. ~~hee....not really late^.^

25/03/03 Monday

So busy...The accounting system assignment is due on Friday!!!!! Have three questions to do, one is individual and two is group~~Have to turn on the turbo la~~努力中...Also, have test on Friday as well.....What la~~!!!!

23/03/03 Sunday

I decided to write my diary here la....so trouble, always have to queue to access that diary board, so annoying!!

I went to church this morning again....actually, I go there every Sundays in this month, I think I would continue@.@...I prayed for my aunt, coz she got sick, quite serious, I'm really so worried about her. My mum told me that my aunt's son was so poor, he left home, quitted the school and  lived with his girlfriend....what the hell... he is just 16!!!!!! Stupid idiot!!! My aunt was so disappointed......I'm really so angry with him, really want to go back HK and beat him.

2003 年 03 月 14 日 星期五 【晴】

 前幾日, 同亞妹傾左差唔多兩粒鐘電話......嘩~~~又唔知幾多錢啦!!!!!

佢呢排唔係咁開心喎........咪又係因為o個個人, 都唔知佢有咩好....唉~~~不過無法啦...我亞妹就係咁, 一次係唔會死心, 之前都係咁.......唉~~其實佢條件咁好,無o左呢個, 都仲有其他更好o既選擇.....既然唔開心....點解仲一齊呢??? 算啦~~既然係佢既選擇...只有祝福佢, 為佢祈禱啦~

我同我亞妹係兩個完全相反o既人, 佢讀書又勤力, 人又靚(我真係覺得佢唔錯), 對男朋友又專一,但係脾氣就差點啦(但只對屋企, 對朋友就好遷就.....果然係女生外向,唉~)...不過, 自從住o左宿舍後,佢改o左好多啦...^_^......我呢???咪就係相反囉......我諗神讓我o地成為兩姊妹,係為o左我媽咪同爸爸, 如果兩個女都咁大脾氣, 都真係幾慘~~爸爸成日話我無o野好,最好o既就係有笑容, 哈哈....因為亞妹成日發脾氣...黑口黑面咁.....所以佢成日話如果我o地兩個可以戥番"暈", 咁就最好啦....因為佢話我太懶讀書啦~~~但係邊有咁完美呢!!!!

哈哈.....我第一次打咁多中文, 雖然打o左都幾耐, 但係有進步啦....無中途放棄~嘻嘻!!!

>>2003年03月14日Fri 19:20:58 (GMT+8)

2003 年 03 月 11 日 星期二 【陰】

the japanese girl is going back to japan tomorrow.....my feeling doesn't seem so strong at this moment........but maybe i will be so sad tomorrow......... i still can't find the new sharemate........what can i do???!!!! this is the only thing i being so worried n sad now.........either boy or girl la........plz let me find one immediately........

but i really don't want to stay with guy.......so trouble..........coz i had had a terrible experience before....n that guy just left this morning......thank god!!!!!!!! he is the son of my father's friend..........i was treated as housemaid when he stayed in my house......what the hell.............

he asked me to buy him dinner n soft drink.....fine....this was ok.....but he just left the container n bottle everywhere after he finished.......then i had to tidy up for him.....poor me.....:"(....but this was not the BIG BIG BIG problem.....the most serious problem was my toilet........i just cleaned up the day before he came.......but.........so trouble guy.............so disgusting..........if there was just me in the house, it was ok......but the japanese girl was here as well.........it would be so embrassed me!!!! coz he is the one that i let him come to stay!!! anyway i have to clean up again!!!! n i felt so sorry to my sharemate as well~~~~

but if there is no choice, then.....i will choose to stay with guy la.........just hopefully the one i met will be so neat.........actually, i have some friends staying with guys, n they said that it was ok.......their sharemates are so neat even guys.........i think that it depends on the person la......

god bless me ...................

>>2003年03月11日Tue 22:07:07 (GMT+8)

2003 年 03 月 07 日 星期五 【晴】

it was so hot today..........max. degree was 38!!!!!!!crazy!!!!!!

i woke up so early today..hmm...around 10am la.....hee~i woke up for cleaning up my house coz there was a girl coming to have a look of the house...the japanese girl is leaving on the coming wed......so i have to find a new sharemate as soon as possible.......but........that girl didn't come coz she said she had already found one which is closer to the uni............so disappointed!!!!! i don't want to live alone.....plz let me find the new one before the japanese left...god bless me......plzzzzz~~~

actually, i had lived alone for two weeks in this house before ikuko moved in......during that time.....i was so lonely.....nothing to do, no one to talk to .....so i always called my friends in hk......but it was really expensive ......n my mum complained me..........so instead, i called my friends here through mobile....so in that month, my phone bill was really terrible......but there was one thing which let me feel better n happier to live alone........coz i always sent msg. to one of my friend........n he always comforted me that i should enjoy living alone........but now, he is in his home country....i really miss the time being with him.....

anyway, i really don't want to live alone........hopefully i can find a new sharemate as soon as possible !! coz i can't afford the rent by myself as well........so expensive!!!!

"離別曲"...i want this book.......miss yeung la....plz remember to buy for me......don't just be dating all the time and forget the family.........

>>2003年03月07日Fri 21:07:27 (GMT+8)

2003 年 03 月 06 日 星期四 【晴】

today i went to watch final destination 2.......it was very bloody...........so scary!!!!!

my school just started this week.......a bit busy....have to buy the new books, pay the school fee, arrange the timetable......so trouble!!!

accounting system~~~~it is so hard.........already finished the first lecture, tutorial and lab....but still have no idea what is talking about......so hard!!!!!

>>2003年03月07日Fri 19:36:20 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 25 日 星期二 【晴】

haha.......these two days i was so busy in enrollment.......but it's ok la......hee.....coz i have two days off a week.........yeah!!!! but................on wednesday..........from 2pm to 8:30pm ...........crazy.........long day is not a problem..........but i have to go back home by myself .....so scared!!!!!too late la.......maybe i have to wait for bus and train by myself............what la........in hongkong is ok ........but here ...noway...
but i have no choice la.............have to be careful !!!!!plz don't let me meet the abo la.......they are so scaring!!!!have to go to church la......god bless me la..........
there is the other day from 6pm to 10pm...........also late.....but luckily....there is friend accompanying me....and i can go back home with her............hee!!!!

tonight i went to watch movie........trapped.........so exciting .......nice......hee..........

>>2003年02月26日Wed 12:49:53 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 23 日 星期日 【晴】

today i went to church with indo girls......they are Catholic........this is the first time for me to go to catholic church....it was so nice, so beautiful............and really so different from the christian one.......coz i had studied in christian school since i was five...................the catholic church is so beautiful..........even though raymond told me the one in hk being much more beautiful......

i think i would go there again...............maybe every week........hee.......not sure......depends on vidya la.......she seems like the leader of our group la.......hahahhahahaaaaa!!!!!

>>2003年02月25日Tue 11:29:37 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 21 日 星期五 【晴】

really don't want to stay in home................n i don't want to explain why i don't want......don't want to think about it anymore........i just want to remember the happy things............forget all the bad things........

tonight we went out to have bubble tea....n went to helen's house........until morning....then went to have breakfast and went back home..............

in helen's house, we were chatting and playing cards............we also used the cards to divine.......hahhahah........i made three wishes n there are two coming true...........hopefully la.........hahahhaha........but this is just for fun ..........we are better to trust ourselves but not the cards~

in this holiday, i'm always being with vidya, helen n her cousins........always with indo.......really become indo la.........no ar~~~~~but i really like to be with them........coz they are my good friends here......if i'm not with them, i will be alone la.........cannot!!!! i think i was so lucky that i could meet them here........they are really great!!!!!

>>2003年02月22日Sat 23:59:38 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 20 日 星期四 【晴】

yeahyeahyeah!!!!!!!!! i got my result la......all pass.........thank god~~~~~ really so happy ^.^

today we went to fremantle to have dinner for celebrating vidya's belated birthday, coz we didn't go out to have dinner with her during her birthday...............indo ppl like to treat friends dinner on their birthday........not like hongkong ppl .......usually friends treat the birthday person.........so strange!!

after dinner we went to cafe.............n we had stayed there until 2am...........just like the chinese new year..........we went there for chatting n playing the games...........crazy!!!!!! always playing for a long time...........we played the games which are finding the matching point.........i learnt these from poling them..........b4 we also took a long time to finish one game in hongkong.........so stupid!!!!!!!!

>>2003年02月22日Sat 22:34:41 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 14 日 星期五 【晴】

YEAH!!!!!!YEAH!!!!!YEAH!!!!!finished all my exams la...............hahahahhaha........the financial exam............ hee.......ok la...............not so hard........i think can pass la........yes~

tonight i have to go out to have a fun...........yeah!!!!!!!!then go to Esperance straight away!!!!!!yeahyeah~~
four day tour..........hee.............i'm really looking forward to going there............coz they said that there is the most most beautiful beach in australia.............................really have to take a lot of pics there!!!!

by the way, happy valentine's day!!!!!!!

>>2003年02月14日Fri 18:05:37 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 13 日 星期四 【晴】

the accounting exam today was damn hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!managerial again n this is harder than the one before........shit~don't want to fail la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!don't want to retake la...........................
god bless me la.......plz let me pass la.....................
as vidya said, we really have to go to church on sunday la..........hahahhaha................to pray for getting higher mark, the exam really drove her a bit crazy la!!!

>>2003年02月13日Thu 20:26:05 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 11 日 星期二 【晴】

today is viday's birthday, the other birthday girl in feb. .........i made a cake in the early morning yesterday......crazy!!!!!i woke up at 7am!!!!! then la, we went to her house at mid night..........actually, this kind of surprise has already been got used to...............but i think still happy n sweet............i think.........hopefully she thinks so..........

by the way, the cake is quite nice ......i think..hee...........is a chocolate cake..........before, i wanted to make a cheese cake, but she doesn't like, so i made a chocolate one la.........n i will leave the cheese cake to norie..........her birthday is on 22nd feb. ..........another birthday girl in feb. .....oh.........but i enjoy making cake, it doesn't matter.............but i won't eat so much, it's too fat, so it's better to share with friends........hee..........

diarrhea......again....but good la...........can lose weight,....:P

>>2003年02月13日Thu 20:11:34 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 08 日 星期六 【晴】

today is poling's birthday ar..................happy birthday to her la.............i called her at mid night......i think i'm the first one to say happy birthday to her .........heeeee!!!

>>2003年02月13日Thu 19:29:25 (GMT+8)

2003 年 02 月 04 日 星期二 【晴】

so sad la...............i can't stay in hk during chinese new year........ and my exam is coming....... next week!!!! .........have to study!!!!!!

but anyway, happy chinese new year, to all of my friends in hk ...................i miss u all so much, of course to my family as well...............hee~~

>>2003年02月04日Tue 13:18:46 (GMT+8)

2003 年 01 月 26 日 星期日 【晴】

i'm sososo sad today, everyone is going out to see the firework, but i can just stay in home v . v: Also, tomorrow will be public holiday, but i still have to go back school in the early morning.....sososo depressed. if i needn't go to school tomorrow, then i can go out to see firework and have a drink with friends la.........so poor........and maybe can try to watch the movie marathon as well........soso poor!!!!!!

>>2003年01月26日Sun 13:37:17 (GMT+8)

2003 年 01 月 24 日 星期五 【晴】

Recently, i have nothing special to write in my diary, just busy la.........really nothing to do, the only thing is that i was sick la.....couldn't eat so much, always went to toilet.....crazy........the most serious time was five or six times a day...........dying la........i finished all my medicine but still the same, ......i didn't go to see doctor la.......so scared.....don't want............but now is getting better.........ok la...........just can't eat the oily thing la.....ok.........on diet ......good la.........hee~

>>2003年01月24日Fri 22:00:11 (GMT+8)

2003 年 01 月 20 日 星期一 【晴】

yeahyeah~~~finally i can use my computer la.................it was really so trouble to be without computer!!!!!!!!!!especially, during the summer course.........really damn busy, thousand of work have to do......what the hellllll............so poor!!!!!!!!!really so hard la.........

i just finished the mid-test this morning, die la......so hard .......hopefully it won't fail......want to cry~~~~~
then, the exam is coming on 13th n 14th of feb. la.......so fast, crazy!!!!!!!! anyway, have to work harder n harder la...........god bless me...........can't fail anymore, plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!

by the way, the special event in this two weeks is hellen's birthday, so stupid la.....pyjamas party, but really had a fun, bcoz it was the first time to join such kind of party~heeee~but really quite embrassed to wear pyjamas in front of so many ppl, especially, there are half of them that i dun know ^_^" if just being with the close friends, it gonna be no problem la............but anyway, it was a good experience ^.^

>>2003年01月20日Mon 14:37:12 (GMT+8)

2003 年 01 月 04 日 星期六 【陰】

finally, my holidays finished and i came back perth la..........i have to wait for 1 yr then can go back hong kong again............huhuhuuuuu...i will miss my family and friends sososososo much........
by the way, i really had a great geat great holiday in hong kong and japan, really have to say thank you to my friends la................heeeeeee............coz they always accompany me to have a fun overnight even they have to work.....................really sosososo nice..............thank you lalalala.....................
i really don't want to come back perth...........but i have to study............:(.......................this is not a big deal..............the most serious problem is my house..............my housemates ................they are nice...........but they are sososososo lazy to clean up the house..........so when i come back..........my god....................................outside seems ok............but inside...........the bathroom...............really like a shit............................i really don't understand how they can stand like this.................so poooooorrrr!!!!!!!
so many people said japanese like clean or so neat..................but i don't think so...........not all of them..........so poor me, have to wash the bathroom la..............it's so hard to wash la........................don't know i have to spend how long to clean it up, i remember that i had to spend one hour in the bathroom to clean it up last time, coz i went back hk in june for 1 mth, and when i came back , i saw the same thing ..........but this time is more serious, really like a shit, don't know how to clean it up la.................help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>2003年01月04日Sat 18:11:53 (GMT+8)

2002 年 12 月 06 日 星期五 【晴】

tomorrow i will go to japan to visit ikuko......but my face ............huhuhuhuhuuuuu...........so poor!!!!!
really dun know how long i have to take for recovery~~~~really so sad, no mood to do anything......don't want to go out to meet anyone......

with the bandage on the face, it seems like that everyone on the street can't help staring at me........feeling so bad!!!!!!!!i always have to look down, or use my hands to clap on my face.......really don't want to see anyone..........although most of my friends said it's ok......not so bad or no one look at me...........i don't think so........i think that if u were me, u will be the same feeling......they said so, just bcoz they want to comfort me , n they were not me................i'm really so bad luck.........

at first i thought i would have a great holiday, can go to japan n come back hk ........but now..........i can't go to karaoke n go shopping.........i haven't met carmen n pullan yet.......before we decided to go out......but ........just the night before meeting them..............huuuuuuuuuu..........i had cried for whole night, n could sleep until morning ............so ssaaaddddddddddddddddddddd~~~~~~

if i still have to put on the bandage after i came back, i really dun want to go anywhere.......especially in christmas, there will be so many ppl on the street...............

my holiday gone la......................................huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>>2002年12月06日Fri 13:14:26 (GMT+8)

2002 年 11 月 28 日 星期四 【晴】

today i went to watch harry potter 2.....it was premiere ....there were so many ppl!!!!!!!!crazy~ the movie is really so nice......much more exciting n funnier than the first one.......so great!!!!! really want to watch the third one.....but it was rumour that the third one wouldn't be taken coz the kids growing up n they faces changing......also the principal passed away.....it was really so sad~

by the way, i finished reading the third one n i'm now reading the fourth one, it's very exciting but so many pages.....the book is so thick!!!!!! also, there is a funny thing in our house, three of us, i, nori and midori are reading harry potter....but they a reading the third one n the first one.........coz i'm now in holiday, have nothing to do, that's why i could finish so fast..... since i finished my exam, i have finished reading three of them.........

but it's better for me to finish reading then go to watch the movie, it's much easier to understand......coz there a so many difficult words about magical things.

>>2002年11月29日Fri 10:01:01 (GMT+8)

2002 年 11 月 25 日 星期一 【晴】

oh...no.....BANKRUPT la!!!!!!i spent so much today ar!!!!!!!!i woke up so early this morning ........didn't know how come i couldn't sleep again~maybe too much sleep already la....hee......then i just kept reading harry potter(really so exciting!!!) from 8 to 11 this morning, then after vidya woke up, we went to school to enrol.......i had to pay $3230 for the summer course...what the helllllllll...so expensive la!!!!!!!!!!

after that, i accompanied vidya to go to see doctor.......then....so poor la........i bought the vacuum cleaner.....coz the old one was broken.....stupid.......also la...went to supermarket to buy something.....all money gone!!!!!!!! want to cry...really have to apply a job..........poor girl~

>>2002年11月25日Mon 20:26:17 (GMT+8)

2002 年 11 月 23 日 星期六 【晴】

at first i planned to go to subiaco for shopping with nori this afternoon and then go to watch the japanese movie with her n midori, coz now is during the japanese film festival, it's free. but i didn't, i went to have BBQ with vidya n her friends instead...hee........so bad^_^"

luckily, today is not that hot, n quite cold , coz i went to the park which is close to the beach. there was so windy, n that let me feel so headache n maybe got flu.........so poor! although it was not hot, it was so sunny, n i have to put so much sunblock on my face n hands......but not that much as vidya....she was crazy, she put on the sunblock so many times!!!!!stupid~hahaha...
actually, the sunblock didn't help so much.......the sun here is really so strong!!!!! i have already become a chocolate....sucks! dun want ar!!!!!!!

>>2002年11月23日Sat 22:15:04 (GMT+8)

2002 年 11 月 22 日 星期五 【晴】

i'm now really really so headache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!coz i drank so so much......n i was really damn drunk!!!!!what the hell!!!!!!i just came back this morning......i know it was so terrible morning......especially for my friend....vidya la.........really sosososs sorry la..........she had to take me back...........the damn drunk girl......^_^".........sorry la.....heeeeeee~really feel so guilty.........

Also, we a so bad luck.......no ....should be vidya la.........she was so bad luck, her car was robbed.....so poor......really have to curse those ppl who robbed the car..........they a idiot, bastard!!!!

>>2002年11月22日Fri 11:50:07 (GMT+8)

2002 年 11 月 21 日 星期四 【陰】

today is my first day to write diary.......don't know how long i can last......hee.....
i used to write diary, but usually not more than one mth. ^__^"
anyway, i will try my best......

by the way, thank you, zoe, introduced this web site to me......
ok....i will write as much as i can........to let u know how my life is in aust. ^.^

>>2002年11月21日Thu 13:34:59 (GMT+8)