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Being the striking young blonde I was, I could always be found at the beach... HAHAHAHAHA

Can you guess why my hair is sticking out at odd angles??

Yes, it is food.

Me and Sylvia when we were youngstas.

Me and Jeff at Esther's wedding. Yes my eyebrows are always tweaking out. :-P

HHMM I gotta put this up for old times sake. I dont know if its the picture or what, but Rach you look way different than I remember you. GASP. That could be cause last time I saw you for more than 5 minutes was like 5 years ago...

Whatever. Here is a picture of me and my mom and my grandma.

On the way home from snowboarding at Baker. Hannah fell asllep, then Chad decided she would make a good pillow.

I just had to put this on