June 2004
Illryus Wadsworth's Message:
Looked dead, didn't I?
Well, I wasn't but it wasn't for a lack of trying.
Actually, when Darkthorne didn't do so well, I left,
Yes it was a stupid thing to do, but what's the use of doing something you dread?
When people say my name...they go on what Hogwarts 09'ners say a Roaring Lunatic of a  Headmaster,
I roared, I am a lunatic, and now I'm coming back to what I do best, being a Headmaster,
I have accomplished so many things,
Instead of one,
But I'm going to do that one right now,
The only one left,
And when I arrive at that destination.....

Hogwarts 09 will be back.
:: Winks ::