The Eight Points of Guiding

In all areas of Guiding, the programme is based on the Eight Points in order to keep it balanced and varied. In Rangers these “Eight Points” have been renamed Octants, but they still cover the same areas -

Rangers' Octants

Rangers may choose to specialise from these octants or to sample all areas, whatever they wish - Rangers plan and organise their own programme and choose what they want to do, sometimes as a group, sometimes as individuals : it is entirely up to them.

Holderness Rangers is a newly-formed unit and as NONE of us - Rangers and Guiders - have any experience of Rangers we are all learning together as we go along.

Our first term (September - December) we planned all by ourselves, and quite frankly it didn't entirely work : we really do need a lot of guidance still! So, for this year we are having more input from our Guiders (isn't that why they are called that?) and we have decided to work on our first Octant as a Unit rather than individually, at least until we get the idea of what it's all about and how to do it.


We chose this Octant to do first because it looked both interesting and useful. We went through the handbook and chose the following sections to do in order to get our first Octant Certificate:

Financial Planning: we had to work out just how much it COSTS to live away from home!
Household Skills: everything from emptying the vacuum cleaner and cleaning the oven to unblocking the toilet or renewing a tap washer - jobs that you can save money on by doing them yourself.
Young People and the Law: we visited the police station as part of this section, and learnt what happens if you are arrested, what to do if you witness a crime or an accident, and generally had a good night out at the same time!
Benefits and Entitlements:all about what state benefits different people are entitled to, and how to get them if you need them
Young People's Rights:just because you're young doesn't mean you don't have rights! We had an outside speaker come to visit us for this one.

Mosy of us managed to complete all the sections we needed by Easter, in time for a special presentation evening where we had our certificates presented formally. We asked our Division Commissioner to present them, in front of all our families and friends, and we were also pleased to welcome our Young Leader Adviser too.

For the year 2000 / 2001 we have decide to work on the "creativity" octant, but it's got a bit complicated as the Look Wider programme has changed halfway through the year! We've decided to stick to the sections we started and have had a great time doing it so far - we've had outside speakers to tell us about photography, and took lots of photos and videos for our own display, we've studied the technical side of TV, and we even went to the theatre to see "Bouncers" on the stage it was originally written for. (It was HILARIOUS!!)

For the Summer Term 2001 (having at last completed the Creativity Octant) we have moved completely over to the new "Look Wider" programme. We are tackling Health and Fit for Life and covering a wide variety of topics : we have arranged for outside speakers to come in to talk to us about various health-related topics, we're borrowing some "Baby Think It Over Infant Simulators" to take home in the summer, we're producing a cook-book, trying our hand at line-dancing and aerobics - all sorts of stuff, in fact.