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I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, Meir Zarchi's notorious shocker
ISLAND OF DEATH, unintentionally hilarious Greek nasty

The Doctor is currently evaluating the following titles with a view to inclusion:

aka Day of the Woman (US pre-r); Cinemagic Pictures, USA, 1980; 101 min.

Joining Driller Killer (1979) as the film most often brought to account during the video nasty furore of the early eighties, Meir Zarchi’s I Spit On Your Grave deserves Kim Newman’s description of it as “being among the most loathsome films of all time”.
    Ostensibly a revenge drama — Camille Keaton (grand-niece of Buster) plays a victim driven to take revenge on the four low-lifes who raped her — the film is merely an excuse to show a sleazy, lingering 45 minute gang rape scene followed by several badly handled scenes of gratuitous violence.
    If you need any further indication of the soulless misogynistic depravity of I Spit On Your Grave, look no further than the film’s most famous scene in which Keaton castrates one of her attackers, leaving him to bleed to death in the bath tub. The only recommendation that can be made for the film is that if you liked Bill Lustig’s equally obnoxious Maniac (1980) the chances are you’ll go for this one.
    In July 1996 a somewhat tardy sequel was announced.

Dir. Meir Zarchi; Prod. Meir Zarchi, Jospeh Zbeda; Scr. Meir Zarchi; Star. Camille Keaton; With Anthony Nichols, Richard Pace, Eron Tabor
aka A Craving for Lust (US); Greece, 1975; 100 min

Unbelievable. In this absolutely inept dross, two lovers decide to rid a picturesque Greek island of its more decadent elements and embark on a bloody and depraved crusade. Highlights include buggery, bestiality and in a risible twist ending — incest — all set against a confused backdrop of gory killings.
    Notable only as Greece’s only entry on the “video nasties” list, the film has a certain geek-show attraction and is admittedly — though unintentionally — hilarious.
    Required viewing for students of bad cinema. Strong-stomached Plan 9 fans form a queue here.

Dir. Nico Mastorakis; Star. Bob Belling, Jane Ryall; With Efi Banny, Jessica Dublin, Gerard Gonalons, Clay Huff, Jeremy Kousseau, Janice McConnel, Mike Murfagh, Mario Tatras, Ray Zuk

UK Vid. Hokushin, QRT. 100 min (unrated) , Beta & VHS

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