Upcoming Sentinel Gatherings

Weekend with The Nightowl, Toronto Sentinel Get-Together -- July 2-4, 1999
Nightowl's annual party that's grown into a full-fledged Relax-a-Con. Videos-watching, chatting and sharing, a Jim meal, a Blair meal, etc. It's still in the planning stages.
For more info, contact Nightowl.

Bash at the Loft III -- Labour Day weekend of 1999.
Same as the previous two years, with a few extras, including a Panel Thinker Upper. It will be held at the same hotel in Baltimore again.
Memberships limit is 100. The price will be $25 until January 1, 1999, then it will go up to $30. The dealer tables will be $25.
And there may be a surprise guest!
For info, email Bash at the Loft, or you can also contact:
Carole Swoboda
102 Franklin Ave.
Baltimore, Maryland 21225

SentiCon II (no date yet) 2000.
A fan convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Yes, we had such a blast, Peej and Tami are doing it again next year!
For more info, email SentiCon

This page last updated April 18th, 1999

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