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Luke's Web Page

Major Update

This website is in limbo while I transfer everything to my new home on the web. Check out my new (and maybe improved) page at:


And now the rest of the page...

Luke's Web Page!!!

Latest News:


Major picture update! Check out all the new Wedding and Honeymoon Pictures. Also, the Wedding Info is gone, since it's over.


Put a new picture on the wedding page. It's from our engagement photo session a couple weeks ago. Also put up a few more on an Engagement picture page.


New wedding information. Maps & Directions!


New picture of us before going out to eat for Valentine's Day.


More info added to the Wedding page.


A new year brings some new changes. I'm now engaged! See a picture of the happy couple, and keep tabs on our Wedding plans!

Quick Links:

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to visit my site since 4/1/99.

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