Nina's Café


Welcome to my café. I’m your hostess, Nina. Take a glance at my menu. Remember, your meal is on me. So, order whatever you want. Thank you. Come again. (Cute introduction, huh?)

Okay...this is my page. It's not very colorful, so shot me, but it's big, and will be under construction for, lets say *thinking*, a long time. Remember to keep stopping by. I love visitors! Please *on bended knee*, sign my guestbook so I know you were here. Keep nasty comments to yourself though. I'd appreciate it. I want ya to know that this page isn't just about me. My page has all kinds a junk on it. I have pages dedicated to my favorite movies, and characters, and people, and some pretty interesting things that you'll enjoy. Would I lie to you? For those of you who don't know me, I wouldn't. Scroll down and look at everything. Thanks for coming. I better say bye-bye for now.



Updated Last:


I have served over people since


Warning to Unfriendly People- For those who feel the need to trash my page, come here first to see what I have to say about that.


My Chambers- You’ll find some pretty unusual stuff in here.



Five Point Mission- Here’s where I spread the word of our lord and savior.



Heroes- The people I think deserve a page of their own.


~The Angel of Serenity~


Thanks- Lovable and knowledgeable quotes that can change your life (I don’t know about literally, but they help :`)



Strange Things- What the heck?! If the name doesn't get you in, nothing will.



My Bookshelf- This is the home to all my different fanfics and anyone else’s who wants theirs posted here. Go check it out!



The Outpost of the Mind- Writing is one thing I do best. Hopefully other people think so too.



Cinderella’s Castle- I fell in love with the 1997 version of Cinderella. I couldn’t find anything about it on the net, so, I made my own little page dedicated to the movie.


Meet my cute little watermelon fairy.


My Man Rizzo- I can hardly resist Rizzo the Rat from the Muppets. He definitely needed his own page.



Me Newsies Sanctuary- Dis place is where me an' all me newsie pals hang 'round.



The Streak- A small page for the singing funny man himself, Ray Stevens.



Whosoever Will Club- Come see what my club is all about, and maybe you'll join.



Favorite Links- A collection of my favorite links. You HAVE to check these sites out!



Lagnaippe- A little something extra (that’s what it means in French). Actually it’s my updates. It’s always changing.



Comments? Just want to talk! Email me at



My Chambers/Five Point Mission/Heroes/Thanks/Strange Things/My Bookshelf/The Outpost of the Mind/Cinderella's Castle/My Man Rizzo/Me Newsies Sanctuary/The Streak/Whosoever Will Club/Favorite Links/Lagnaippe