
November 27, 2001
On my fanfic page, I randomly update my fics so if you're looking for fanfic updates, go to my "Take a Giant Step" page and you'll find 'em there. I also added Filly's "Newsies Rescues" to my "Fave Fic" page. Check it out, it's hilarious!

November 15, 2001
I have written down about 18 rants I have about the irritating things I find in Newsies fanfics. That's about it! You can find that page on the main page.

September 27, 2001
Yay! Actual updates :) I have posted a few of more and re-did my cousin, Damsel's, fic page. It's lookin' good! I hope Damsel thinks so :D Uh...I've been adding a TON of links to the link page. If you're Newsies site isn't listed on my link page, EMAIL ME and I'll post it! I *might* make a page where you can find names from the turn-of-the-century to help with finding a correct name to use in fics. Of course, my fics page is alsot constantly updated these days. I just don't post every update here, only on my "Take a Giant Step Outside Your Mind" page. Hope everyone is doing well out there in the Newsieverse! Thank you for visiting my site :0)

September 24, 2001
Dude, this update pages has really taken some abuse! I've added stuff and not even say what I've added. Oh well. It is mainly fanfic anyways. I've worked an awful lot on my total fanfic page "Take a Giant Step Outside Your Mind". I'm working on my cousin, Damsel's, fanfic page right now. There's really nothing new in the Sanctuary besides fics. I'm gonna add my clone page, but that's taking longer than I thought. I did however add the "Laugh-o-Grams" page, but that is just a place where I put some of my silly ditties like "Kloppman Advertisment". Uh...*ponders* I knows there's more! It'll come. Oh well. Just keep checking in because I work all the time on my websites and this is bound to have some new stuff any day now :)

April 17, 2001
I added three new fics by my cousin, Damsel. Those are "Only to Be Remembered", "Silent Knight", and "Nursery Newsies". Go read 'em! They're on her fic page!

April 11, 2001
I fixed the link to posted "Place in This World" . It now works!!! Hopefully, it'll work for ya'll too :)

April 10, 2001
Well, my links to "Place in This World" and "There was Chaos..." arn't working! AHH!!! I'll and fix 'em soon :) Meanwhile, I uploaded a new page called "Legendary Newsies Fics" which is dedicated to legendary Newsies fics. And it *is* working!

April 3, 2001
I added a TON of fanfics! First off, I *finally finished "Out of Sight, Out of Heart, posted "And There was Chaos" ((by me and Blush, not finished yet)), and posted "Place in This World" again. I rewrote it, so, it's a little better than before. I also added some other peeps fics that ya need to check out like "Looking Through a Mirror" by 4ever and I fixed the link to "Dolls" by Seven to Nine. Hope that was all!

February 27, 2001
I re-did my fic page into categories now. It looks pretty darn good! Can't remember what else I did. *ponders* Oh well, if I remember anything else, I'll post it.

February 2, 2001
Something new is up! It's sorta a fic thingy on the front page called "Salad Anyone?" by me. And I put up the next episode on "As the Newsies Swerve".

January 17, 2001
I added a new and DONE fic called "Sarah Brown Eyes". It was a spontanious writing I did. I really like it :) And, I'm trying to update this site more, but can't think of anything. HOY! I am losing my touch? Naw...I'll sceme something up. muhahaha...

December 20, 2000
I'm finally making an updates page and this is it! *presents* I use to have an updates page like a year ago, but never used it so I got rid of it. My most recent junk I have added to my Newsies Sanctuary is a new soap opera fic thingy called "As the Newsies Swerve". I have 2 episodes so far and I'm writing more. I also added another fic of mine called "Speaking Sessions" about the newsies having to go to a shriek. I put somemore 'corruptions' up too on my "I Have Been Corrupted by Newsies".

Here's some of the old updates....

February 8, 2000- I have a lot of updatin' I did! I added some more to "Hey Good Lookin'" and I even finished "Cowboy, Take Me Away". Yay Me! I'm so proud of myself. But, I'm even more proud of writing a Jake story. It's called "Falling......", and I had a little help from my friend, Clink. I got the idea when we were role playing. But, it's really good. So, go read it now! Oh, yeah, and my fanfic "Say Goodbye to Yesterday" is not up yet, but will be soon. Look for it! Oh, and I added another one of my Provoking Newsie Thoughts.

January 20, 2000- Me and my updates. I'm finally on a roll! All right, I'll get to the point. Added more Provoking Newsie Thoughts. Put some Newsie Disclaimers up. Not boring ones! Oooo! I put up some more fanfics. Two of mine, "Rainbow Connection" and "Say Goodbye to Yesterday". I also added a really good story not written by me called "Tangerine Trees and Marmalade Skies" (don't ask) by Clink. Crazy ole' Clink! But, the story isn't crazy - kinda serious.

January 17, 2000- I have updated "Cowboy, Take Me Away". It will be finished soon! I just haven't felt like writing this week. I did though write a short story, a very different story, inspired by a poem and the death of a fellow newsie comrade. It's called "How Did You Die?".
I've actaully added something else beside just fan fiction. I've added a new page to Me Newsies Sanctuary. It's called Crazy Newsie Things. That's just what it is - crazy newsie things. It's kinda hard to explain, just go take a look. You will not regret it. You'll be more like rolling on the floor than regretting it.

January 11, 2000- I can't believe I forget to link one of my stories. Okay, "Cowboy, Take Me Away" is link for real now. And, I added a new stories called "Hello, Good-bye" to my New Girl Series.

January 6, 2000- Yah! I added more to my Newsies fanfic page. I updated "Once Upon a Time in NYC", "Hey Good Lookin'", and "Newsgirls' Union". I put up another story in my Mush and Trinket Series called "Cowboy. Take Me Away". It's not done yet, but will be soon. And, I mean it this time! I also added a story by Apple called "The Test". Very good story, so, go read it.

September - I haven't changed anything yet because my page is brand new. But, I'll hopefully soon have more stuff up. Bear with me people. Check back frequentely!