What if...

Yes, this is the What if...page! It's just a bunch of little stuff thrown together. Go have fun!

Who Would Be Together?
I seen this on another page and thought why not? These are just judged by how cute I thought they'd be together.

Dominic and Crystal
John and Shawn D. ((this one is kinda obvious :P))
Sid and Amy
Alfred and Natasha
Seymour and Micki
Mark and Jennifer
Ivan and Juliene
Bryan and Natalie

What If They Were?
While watching the Prejudice ep, I heard the song "Language of Love". It was beautiful! But, I also noticed the cast sounded just like the Christian group - Truth. I thought...which of the cast would fit as the next members of Truth ((since they change out members very couple years)). Here's who just might:

Shawn D.
David N.