Sounds Gallery

Doctor Who Telefilm

All sounds are of Paul McGann from the telefilm, Doctor Who.

Sounds were originally sampled at 22 kHz, 16-bit mono with GoldWave, then resampled to 11 kHz, 8-bit mono to reduce their file size. All sounds are in WAV format, and are compatible with most platforms. You will need a WAV player.


* Clocks The Doctor's obsessed with them.
* Conversations Longer sound files with snipits of some of the conversations from the show.
* Favorites Favorite lines from the show.
* Good Vibes Let the Doctor make you feel better.
* Huh? Exactly.
* Idenity Crisis The Doctor's confused.
* Life and Death To live or to die, that is the question.
* Manners The Doctor is so polite.
* Monologs Longer sound files of the Doctor.
* Out of Context Quotes that can be taken quite out of context.
* Pessimist The Doctor is so negative.
* Questions The Doctor has a lot of them.
* State of Grace The Doctor likes Grace.
* Twenty Questions If you ever play twenty questions, you now have all the answers.
* Miscellaneous More one-liners from the Doctor.


File Name Description Size
almclock.wav "Are you any good at setting alarm clocks?" 21 KB
clock1.wav "I need an atomic clock." 15 KB
clock2.wav "That MUST be a berillium clock!" 17 KB
clock3.wav "Why didn't you say you had access to a berillium clock?" 27 KB
clock4.wav "Is there a chance at a closer look at the clock?" 38 KB


File Name Description Size
amnesia.wav Selective amnesia? 55 KB
aswellas.wav The Master gives English lessons 202 KB
bendrule.wav "Can't you just bend the rules a little? --No." 31 KB
cloaking.wav CLOAKING device? This ain't Star Trek! 62 KB
closeye2.wav The Doctor's never done this before. 84 KB
comewme.wav Who's going with whom? 196 KB
converse.wav The Doctor and Grace make small talk at party. 222 KB
doctors.wav Who's the doctor? 107 KB
heights.wav "You're not afraid of heights, are you? --Yeah! So am I." 28 KB
holdon1.wav "--I think we lost them! Good, hold on!" 32 KB
iknowho.wav Grace knows who she is. 121 KB
illtry.wav The Doctor tries to remember Grace has only one life. 89 KB
indigest.wav Where's the Master? 82 KB
leaveme.wav Grace wants the Doctor to leave her alone. 39 KB
missyou.wav How can you miss a guy with two hearts? 68 KB
nopower.wav "--This IS a time machine? With no power! --What?!" 38 KB
rungrace.wav Climatic sequence. 137 KB
sayings.wav These small things 80 KB
thankudr.wav No, thank YOU, doctor. 31 KB


File Name Description Size
cubby.wav "It's in the cubby hole above the 'p.'" 16 KB
ghosts.wav "Either that, or I'm talking to a couple of ghosts, and I don't believe in ghosts." 38 KB
gravity.wav "Well, I'm glad to see that you are aware of the gravity of the situation." 32 KB
hfhuman.wav "I'm half human...on my mother's side." 45 KB
humans.wav "I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there." 69 KB
insout.wav "By midnight, tonight, this planet will be pulled inside out." 39 KB
nohere.wav "No, I'm not. Here." 38 KB
secret.wav "Also, Grace, if I tell you a secret, you must promise not to tell." 37 KB
shoes.wav "These shoes! They fit perfectly!" 42 KB
shoot.wav "Now, would you stand aside before I shoot myself?" 31 KB
sntiment.wav "What a sentimental thing this old TARDIS is." 28 KB
spend.wav "I supposed he neglected to mention that there won't be anyplace left to SPEND your money?!" 43 KB
traffic.wav "The planet's about to be destroyed, and I'm stuck in a traffic jam." 40 KB

Good Vibes

File Name Description Size
congrats.wav "Well, congratulations!" 14 KB
excell.wav "Excellent!" 7 KB
gr8minds.wav "Great minds think alike!" 11 KB
gr8thing.wav "You'll do great things." 14 KB
notbad.wav "Hmm, not bad." 23 KB
seethat.wav "Incredible! Did you see that?" 27 KB
shedidit.wav "She did it." 11 KB
shouldbe.wav "Now, that's as it should be!" 17 KB
view.wav "Lovely view." 7 KB
youcan.wav "Yes, you can." 14 KB


File Name Description Size
groan1.wav While having his lives drained. 11 KB
groan2.wav More life-draining experiences. 14 KB
humming.wav The Doctor hums a little ditty. 108 KB

Idenity Crisis

File Name Description Size
iamdoc.wav " DOCTOR!" 37 KB
iknowu1.wav The Doctor knows Grace. 9 KB
iknowu2.wav The Doctor knows Gareth. 9 KB
knowme.wav "I don't know who I am, but I KNOW that you know me!" 30 KB
whoami.wav "Who am I?" 120 KB
whoiwam.wav "I know who I am!" 14 KB

Life and Death

File Name Description Size
13lives.wav "Don't you see? I have 13 lives." 22 KB
dominion.wav "You want dominion over the living, yet all you do is kill!" 40 KB
dying.wav "The TARDIS is dying." 19 KB
holdback.wav "You dreamed you could hold back death." 22 KB
killagn.wav "You have to get me out of here before they kill me again." 32 KB
live.wav "This must be where I live." 13 KB
livedie.wav "He's planning to take my body -- so that he will live and I will die!" 62 KB
tirelife.wav "You're tired of life, but afraid of dying." 39 KB


File Name Description Size
excuse1.wav "Excuse me." 12 KB
excuse2.wav "Would you excuse me, please?" 13 KB
jllybaby.wav "Jelly baby, officer?" 17 KB
sncthank.wav "My sonic screwdriver! Thank you!" 30 KB
sorry.wav "I'm sorry!" 8 KB
thanku.wav "Thank you." 7 KB


File Name Description Size
advice1.wav Tells Gareth how to do his exams. 60 KB
advice2.wav Tells Lee what to do for X-mas. 57 KB
closeye1.wav "If the Eye of Harmony isn't closed, this planet will be sucked through it." 84 KB
cometrue.wav The Doctor makes Grace's wishes come true. 105 KB
meddle.wav The Doctor explains the ways of Time Lords to Grace. 63 KB
noexist.wav The Doctor explains through the mail slot. 67 KB
type40.wav The Doctor explains the TARDIS to Grace. 74 KB

Out of Context

File Name Description Size
blood.wav "How's my blood?" 9 KB
drive.wav "Please...please, you have to help me -- drive!" 46 KB
drsnurse.wav "Oh, this is no time to play doctors and nurses." 33 KB
howfeel.wav "Well, how does it feel?" 25 KB
lostlbs.wav "I lost 20 pounds." 17 KB
mybody.wav "This is my TARDIS. This is my eye, and I am in my own body!" 43 KB
notime.wav "Grace, we don't have time for this!" 19 KB


File Name Description Size
cantsay.wav "I can't say." 17 KB
dontknow.wav "You don't want to know!" 15 KB
nothing.wav "There will be nothing left." 32 KB
purevil.wav "Pure evil." 12 KB
subtle.wav "At first in subtle ways, but soon in catestrophic ways!" 41 KB
toolate.wav "I have a horrible feeling we're already too late." 38 KB
trap.wav "It's a trap. Don't you see, it's a trap." 24 KB


File Name Description Size
believe.wav "And you believe him?!" 20 KB
knowhere.wav "Do you know where that is?" 9 KB
tellingu.wav "What's he been telling you?" 17 KB
things.wav "You took my things! Where are they?" 22 KB
with.wav "Do you see who he's with?" 10 KB
whatis.wav "What is this?!" 10 KB
whereis.wav "Now, where is that?" 10 KB
wherewas.wav "Now, where was I?" 24 KB

State of Grace

File Name Description Size
breathe.wav "Breathe in, Grace!" 12 KB
grace.wav "GRAAAACE!" 21 KB
helpme.wav "Grace, you must help me -- you're a doctor!" 19 KB
neutron.wav "Grace, the neutron ram? Look, I'll show you." 38 KB

Twenty Questions

File Name Description Size
no1.wav Calm. 4 KB
no2.wav Frightened. 9 KB
no3.wav Really scared. 11 KB
no4.wav Angry. 12 KB
no5.wav Pissed off. 22 KB
yes1.wav Calm. 8 KB
yes2.wav Excited. 8 KB
yes3.wav Really excited. 8 KB
yes4.wav Annoyed. 6 KB
yes5.wav Super excited. 12 KB
yes6.wav Calm again. 5 KB


File Name Description Size
backway.wav "He must have found a back way in; I can't see him." 25 KB
davinci.wav "Ah, da Vinci." 12 KB
dectect.wav "Lie dectector." 9 KB
givehand.wav "Give me your hand!" 13 KB
jumpstrt.wav "We jumpstart the TARDIS...." 20 KB
metb4.wav "We've met before." 10 KB
midnight.wav "We have until midnight." 18 KB
molecule.wav "You see? Already the molecular structure of the planet is changing." 38 KB
notagain.wav Damn record. 55 KB
onlyhope.wav "Please! You're my only hope!" 25 KB
prove.wav "I shall prove to you the Eye of Harmony is open. Look at this." 42 KB
remember.wav "Now I'm remembering more." 15 KB
rsnenuf.wav "Reason enough." 13 KB
sawyou.wav "You were there! I saw you last night!" 26 KB
seewhere.wav "So, let's see where we are." 41 KB
srwdrivr.wav "This is when I wish I had my sonic screwdriver." 27 KB
there2.wav "There she is." 9 KB
tinypart.wav "We need only the tiniest part of it." 25 KB
truth.wav "That's the truth!" 12 KB
wrist.wav "You're lucky he only got your wrist." 18 KB

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* Sounds Gallery
* Paul McGann Page


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