The Cousin
A Frasier Story
Part Four of Unkown

"I'll go." Daphnes words still rang in Niles ears even minute after she had spoken them. Daphne had volunteered to go to take care of a beloved aunt overseas. She wasn't sure when or if she was coming back. This left Niles inexplicably heartbroken since she had just discovered her feelings for him. Now she was going to leave him. Perhaps forever.
Niles went into Daphnes room and lingered in the doorway. He watched her as she packed.
"Have you thought this through?" He asked.
"My Auntie Hyacinth needs me." Daphne said turning to him. "I know what you're thinking. Now that we know our feelings for each other, we'll never have a chance to act on them knowing that I'm leaving."
"Actually I'm wondering if there are any messages on my answering machine." Niles said. "But that was on my mind as well."
"I have to go." Daphne said.
"When are you going?" Niles asked.
"I'm gonna leave as soon as possible." Daphne said. "I want to set up at her cottage so she will feel a bit more at home when she gets home. I'll be waiting for her."
"No you won't." A voice said. It was Catherine. She came in and walked over to Daphne. "You'renot going."
"But Auntie..."
"Forget it. If you go you're dumping the life you have known for six years. I can't ask you to do that for anyone. You have something here. Hold on to that. I'll go to Aunties place and care for her."
"Catherine." Daphne said.
"Don't try and change my mind. I just saw you are Niles just now. I can leave Milwaukee any time I want to, nothing really to tie me down. Besides it's been a while since I've seen the home country. Maybe I can resettle there after Auntie is better."
"That is so kind." Daphne said.
"Thank you for reconsidering your decision." Niles said.
"Forget about it. I'm more than happy to do this for you, and for your love." Catherine said.


Frasier gave Catherine a ride to the airport. Niles and Daphne stayed back at home.
"I still can't believe Niles and Daphne are together." Frasier marveled. "And it all happened beneath our very noses."
"Come on Dr Crane. You must have know about your brothers feelings for Daphne." Catherine chided him.
"True, but I never advised him to act on it. He was married for a long time and he still had feelings for his ex-wife when he first met Daphne." Frasier explained.
"Ah, so thats why he's shy." Catherine observed. "I think Daphne is a change for the better."
"I hope so Catherine." Frasier said as they arrived at the airport. "I really hope so."

The end