The Frasier Drinking Game
From the Frasier Mailing List

Note: You accept the responsibilities and consequences of your actions.... I will not take the blame or forcing anyone to get schnockered while "Frasier" is on, or anything that happens afterwards.

Also this is not my idea, I found it off a "Frasier" page, so I won't accept the credit, I'm not this creative, just so I don't get into any trouble by taking credit.

1) Gather all the booze in the house you can find (soda if you're on AA)
2) Tune into "Frasier"
3) Drink accordingly to the following list:
Take one drink when... _____________________________________________________
* Frasier says, "I'm Listening." (two drinks if he's not on the air)
* Frasier makes some snide comment about Roz's love life
* Frasier mentions anything related to "Cheers" ( the bar, Boston, any of the characters...two drinks if he mentions Lilith or Frederick...three if he mentions Diane Chambers)
* Frasier threatens to have Eddie stuffed/put to sleep/some other nasty deed/etc.( two drinks if these threats apply to Martin)
* Niles makes some snide comment about Roz's love life
* Niles makes some snide comment about Frasier's receding hairline
* Niles dusts his chair at Cafe Nervosa
* Daphne mentions her brothers or Granny Moon
* Daphne makes some suggestive comment that cause Niles to leer/gasp/fall over himself/drop something/etc.
* Roz mentions a "hot date" she happened to have the other night
* Roz complains about NOT having a "hot date"
* Bulldog makes a sexist comment/gesture (two drinks if nobody beats the crud out of him for doing so)

Take two drinks when... __________________________________________________________
* Any character from "Cheers" pays a visit (note: three if it's Lilith or Frederick, four if it's Diane Chambers)
* Frasier's first wife Nanny Gee pays a visit (drink everything in sight if she's played once again by Emma Thompson)
* Frasier's agent Bebe pays a visit (drink everything in sight if for some reason they sleep together again)
* You guess correctly who the celebrity caller is before the closing credits(drink everything in sight if the caller is the magically digitized voice of John Lennon, to happened to record a phone call before his death only to have the tape found by Yoko and mixed by the three remaining Beatles)
* (Updated from Jan.30 episode) Frasier wears shorts again

Drink everything in sight if... _________________________________________________________
* (Lord willing)We Finally See Maris!
* Frasier and Lilith reconcile(if Frasier and DIANE reconcile, run to the nearest liquor store and restock)
* Frasier gets custody of Frederick
* Niles and Daphne sleep together( If Niles sleeps with Roz, run to the nearest Bennigan's and drain them dry)
* Frasier or Niles loses his psychiatric license
* Frasier's radio show gets canceled and is replaced by Howard Stern
* Frasier's show wins the Peabody Award (note: the'radio' show that is. "Frasier" the series won the Peabody Award in 1995)
* Frasier moves back to Boston, marries Carla Tortelli, and has six more kids.