Here you will find out about me

What, did you get THIS bored already?

My name is Nancy,I'm 31 years old. I work at a video store. I been a bad web person cause I haven't really updated things in a while, which is hard to do since most of the shows I highlight are off the air! You make do, though. Enjoy youself.

Rathen than horrify you with my true looks, here are some dolls I made.

Some "Test" Icons - Tests I have taken. Click them to take it yourself and see who YOU are
Lots of tests.

This is one of the guys I like, if you don't know that already.
"I can see you, gorgeous "

Links to other sites on the Web

Excite Entertainment Page
Don't Understand modern comics? This is a neat place.
home of tons of internet comics like You Damn Kid
x-entertainment- a truly bad ass site.
My friend Tresjolie9's page!
