Fanfic Title: From Seattle with Love
Fanfic author: Christine Killius
Fanfic type: Frasier/XF crossover; MSR/ NDR (Niles/Daphne Romance)
CHRISTINE NOTE: In other words, if you aren’t a shipper..leave now! That menas, if you don’t want Niles or Daphne or Mulder and Scully to get together romantically..well, you aren’t going to enjoy this! (G)
Fanfic rating: PG
Fanfic summary: It’s what happens when FBI Special Agent Dana Scully meets Dr. Niles Crane in Washington, DC.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Niles, Frasier, Scully, Mulder, Ellen, Martin, Daphne, Eddie or anybody else featured in this story. Grubb Street, Paramount, NBC own Frasier and Chris- I’m god- Carter, 10-13 Productions and FOX own X-Files. Thank you!
Also, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice plus the producers of “Chess” own “Someone Else’s Story”..not me!!

Feedback: E-mail me at for feedback! I also hope to put this up on some web page (Gossamer for example) in the near future..

WARNING: This is not the present-day Frasier/ XF time!! (which means that Niles and Maris aren’t married anymore) The day isn’t really specified either..

WARNING: There are probably some continuity errors, but not e-mail me if there are.(G) I’m not very good with exact details..
From Seattle with Love

Washington, DC
J Edgar Hoover Building
Friday, 5:00 pm.

Special Agent Fox Mulder whistled as he walked down the basement stairs. Normally, he wouldn’t be that happy at the end of the day, but it was fall, it was raining, and it was Friday afternoon. He had just wrapped up a case with his partner and he was ready to go home. He took a peek in his office that housed “The X-Files”, a unclassified division of the Federal Bureau of Investigations that investigated cases of the unexplained type.

“Scully? I’m going home now. Coming?”

His partner, Special Agent Dana Scully, stood up and picked up her purse and trenchcoat.

“Hold on a sec..okay, ready to go.”

The two partners walked out of the office, out of the basement and into the street.

“So, Scully, what are you up to this weekend?” Mulder asked.

“Nothing in particular. I might visit Mom; I haven’t seen her in a while. Or maybe I might catch up on some reading. Y’know, take it easy. I tell you, Mulder, this last case really wore me out. What about you? You think you’re going to hang out with the Lone Gungeeks?” She smiled.

“Haha..Very funny, Scully.” He grinned. “Honestly, I have no idea on what I might do. Maybe I will sleep a lot.” He turned his head quickly to catch Scully’s reaction. They both laughed.

They were now at the parking lot, ready to say their goodbyes.

“Call me if you need any help writing up the case, okay?” Mulder said.


He walked to his car. “Well, this is where we leave each other.” He opened his car door. “Have a good weekend, Scully.”

“You too Mulder.” She got into her car as his pulled away.

She yawned. It had been a long day, and there would be nothing more wonderful now than a nice, hot bath.

Just then her cell phone rang.

“Dana, hey! How are you?”

“Ellen! Hi! I’m doing fine.” Scully talked to her friend as she drove out of the FBI parking lot.
“Great. I was wondering if you’re free tonight. I thought it would be nice if you and I could go out tonight. Y’know, girls night out..”

Seattle, Washington
Friday afternoon, 12:00 pm, PST.

In another part of the country, a psychiatrist named Dr.Niles Crane was getting ready to go to the American Psychiatric Association convention being held in Washington, DC this year.

“Frasier?” Niles Crane walked into his brother’s apartment. “I’m off to the APA convention.”

“Niles, I hope you have a nice time.” Frasier Crane snickered. “I remembered I fell asleep there the last time.”

Niles grinned. “C’mon, it wasn’t that bad, remember?”

“In any case”, Frasier said, “I’m sorry that I can’t accompany you. I wasn’t expecting to come down with the flu this weekend.”

“I hope you feel better. But I must be off. My plane leaves in 45 minutes. I just popped in to say hi. Shoot! I’m already late! Bye!”

Niles rushed out the door.

Frasier smiled. “Bye Niles.”

Washington, DC.
Friday, 8:00 pm EST
A bar in DC

“Hey Dana! Come in, earth to Dana!”

“Oh, Ellen, I’m sorry. I guess I drifted off.” Dana turned to face her friend.

“Thinking of Fox?” Ellen smirked.

“Noo..” Dana gave her friend a dirty glare. “I was not thinking about Mulder. I just haven’t been awake today. Thank god the case we were working on this week is over! It kind of wore us both out.”
“Yeah..right. I still think think that you love Mulder..but not necessarily as best friends.”

“Ellen!” Dana gave her friend a playful punch. “Mulder’s my partner. He’s my best friend. We will not engage in a romantic relationship. That’s against Bureau policy.”

“Whatever..hey! Do you see that guy over there?”

“What guy?” Dana asked.

“The guy with the sandy blonde hair. The guy that just walked into the bar. You see him? See, he’s the one..dusting his chair? How weird! Well, he’s cute, nevertheless.”

She turned to see him dust his chair and sit down. “Ellen, he’s probably married! But you’re right; he does seem kind of fussy.”

At that point, the man said out loud to the bartender, “I wanted three pearl onions with that Stoli Gibson! Not two, not four..three!”

Dana and Ellen both laughed.
“No really, Dana, you should ask him over here. Don’t let him sit alone there.”
“Oh okay.” Dana got off her chair and walked over to the man.

“Excuse me sir.” Dana said.

“Yes?” The man with the sandy blonde hair turned around. Now Dana could take a good look at him. “Ellen was right, ”Dana thought to herself. He is quite good-looking. He was small in stature, and dressed in an expensive suit and tie. Probably Armani, Dana thought to herself. He’s probably wealthy, and maybe a bit of a snob. She smiled to herself.

“Miss?” The man asked again.

“I’m sorry! I guess I’ve been drifting off again. Um, my friend and I over there”, Dana waved over to Ellen, “was wondering if you might want to join us for some drinks. You shouldn’t be sitting by yourself on a Friday night.”

“Well, I’m not from around here actually.” The man smiled. “I’m in town for the American Psychiatric Association’s annual convention at the Hilton.”

“Oh I see..” Scully tried to feign her disappointment.

“But I would be delighted to join you.”


The man picked up his glass of Stoli Gibson and they walked over to Ellen.

“Hi.” Ellen said. “Oh, would you look at that? I promised Trent I would read him a story before I went to bed. It was nice seeing you again, Dana.” And then she was gone.

“Liar”, Dana said under her breath. “Look, I’m sorry that my friend took off on us just now.”

“Don’t worry about that. Shall we sit down?” He motioned to the chairs.

“Oh yes.” They sat down. Then it dawned to her. “I’m sorry! I never gave you my name!” Dana gasped. “I’m Dana Scully.”

“It’s Dr. Niles Crane..sorry my name is Niles.”

“Well then, I’m Doctor Dana Scully.” They laughed.

“So, Dana, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m an FBI agent, but I’m a doctor too. I went to medical school and I also have a background in forensic medicine.”

“An FBI agent? I heard that the FBI is hard to get into it.”

“You would be surprised.” They both laughed.
“So, what field do you work in at the Bureau?”

“I work with an Oxford-educated psychologist named Fox Mulder. We work in a division of the Bureau called “The X-Files.” It deals with unexplained phenomenon. He’s the believer-”

“And you’re the skeptic.” He smiled. “What a cute combination you two must make.”

“Haha.” Dana grinned. “So, Niles, where are you from?”

“I’m from Seattle. My brother Frasier and I are both psychiatrists. He was supposed to accompany me, but he is unfortunately sick with the flu.”

“Well, I do hope he gets better.” She gave him a sympathetic smile.

“I do too. He’s cranky and fussy when he’s sick.”

Dana laughed. “I can tell that the two of you are the best of friends, but the worst of enemies. It’s a classic; a mixture of brotherly love, chronic competitiveness, and sibling rivalry.”

“Excuse me but since when did you become the psychiatrist?”, he said teasingly.

They laughed. “Yes, I know.”, he said sighing. “Don’t get me started ! You should have seen us when we tried to own a restaurant together. Or the time that we wanted to share a practice together.” He grimaced at the memory.

“Why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself Dana.” Niles suggested.

“Well, I’m 33 and I live in Annapolis. I don’t have much family anymore; my father died nearly four years ago, and my sister died a year after that. I worshipped the ground that my father walked on. He called me ‘Starbuck’ and I called him ‘Ahab’ after the captain in Moby Dick.” She smiled fondly at the memory. “I also have an older and younger brother. I did my undergraduate work at Berkley for a year, where my father was stationed, and I later transferred to the University of Maryland. I joined the FBI directly from medical school, opting not to practice against my father’s wishes. I taught for two years at the FBI Academy at Quantico before transferring to ‘The X-Files’ division by Section Chief Blevins. And the rest is history. I’ve been working with Mulder ever since.”
“Wow..” Niles said. “Hey, I wanted to know a little bit about you, not your entire life history!”

Dana laughed. “Okay, I went overboard. What about you Dr.Crane?”

“Alright Dr Scully”, Niles smiled, “I’m 38, and I was born and raised in Seattle. I have my own practice in Seattle, and I must admit, it’s going quite well. What else can I say about myself? Well, my father Martin lives in Frasier’s apartment. He’s a retired policeman, with an injured hip. Do you want to hear something interesting? Frasier and I belong to the Wine Society. We’ve always been quite competitive, but that’s a different story. Anyways, I remember one incident a few years back when I accidently damaged Frasier’s floor. I was helping Frasier move Dad’s chair when I dropped it on his floor. It was a bit of a disastrous afternoon; when the foreman came in to sand Frasier’s floor, a circuit blew. And then all hell came loose. Oh and I also love playing the piano.”

“What an interesting personna.” Dana said smiling. “You know what? You sound nothing like your father.”

“Tell me about it.”, he said in a deadpan manner.

Dana laughed. “Oh come on Niles! Tell me why. I would be really interested.”

“Well”, he said leaning back in his chair, “there have been so many incidents. One of them I remember was a long time ago, when my father moved into Frasier’s apartment and it was concerning my father’s chair. It’s this hideous, old, masking-tape striped Barcalounger that my father has had for decades now. Anyways, Frasier despises it, and one day he thought he was doing Dad a favour by getting rid of this old chair and buying him a new one, which I must admit was wonderful. But my father hated this new chair, and, he insisted that Frasier have his old chair returned which was no easy feat, mind you.” He sighed. “I remember saying once to Frasier that apart from our last name and having well developed calf muscles, we are nothing like the man.”

“So, I suppose you take up after your mother. What was she like?”, Dana asked.

“Well her name was Hester. She was a psychiatrist like Frasier and I. She was well refined and Frasier and I took up after her love of the finer things in life, such as opera, classical music, fine wine, and fine clothes. She was very dear to us.”, he said sadly.

“What happened to her Niles?”

“She died about 10 years ago. My father took it hard after she died. His life certainly wasn’t a picnic, so to speak, after she died.”

They talked for a bit more. Niles could tell, however, that Dana was a bit distracted.

“Are you okay? You seem, um, not there.”

“Please give me the scientific nature of ‘not there’.

Niles laughed at her deadpan. “You seem easily distracted today. And I didn’t have to be a psychiatrist to tell you that.”

She smiled. “I’m thinking of someone.”

“Who? Your husband?” he teased.

“ partner Mulder. I’ve been thinking about him all day. Isn’t that weird?”

“No, not really. It’s normal to have fantasies about other people.”

“I’m not married Niles.”

“Oh..” He looked down. “I’m sorry... I mean, I’m divorced..from my wife Maris..I guess she’s my ex-wife now..and..” He appeared to be at a loss for words. “ Well, what I am trying to say is that I think I understand you and your partner Fox.”

Dana cringed at the thought of Mulder being here to have Niles said that.

“Why? Excuse me for saying this but I find that a little odd. How can you understand me? You just met me.”

“I see I’m in love. With another woman. I really love this woman. Her name is Daphne Moon and she is my father’s care provider. She lives in Frasier’s apartment.”

“I see.”

He sighed. “Now that Maris and I are, um, divorced, I just thought Daphne and I might have a chance. Now I doubt that.”

“Why? Have you told Daphne how you feel about her?”

“I’ve tried. Trust me. I had an opportunity last year for that but I failed because she started dating a man named Rodney who resembled and behaved like me. Oh god..” he said, burying his head in his hands.

“Oh Niles..” Now Dana could really empathize with this man. “Maybe Daphne doesn’t see that you love her. Niles, you have to tell her.”

Niles took a sip from his sherry. “I know Dana. It’s so hard right now. And I can’t concentrate. She’s all I think about. What about you and Mulder? As my brother might say, “I’m listening.”

“Well..Mulder and I have been partners for a while now. For almost four years. He’s also my best friend. He’s the only one that I trust. When I was mysteriously abducted some years back, he was there for me. When I told him that I had cancer and I cried, he held me. Niles, I think that I have feelings for Mulder. And a part of me knows that I shouldn’t. Mulder and I have a strict business relationship. But then that other part of me says, “You love him Dana. He’s more than my best friend. You know, like that song, “Head over Feet” by Alanis Morissette.”

“I see. I mean that type of music isn’t my cup of tea, but I see what you are saying.”

“What about you and Daphne?”

Visions of Daphne popped into his head, and thoughts of moments with her spun into a circle in his head. He remembered things that he had said about her. “You’re letting masculine vanity and hurt feelings keep you from something other men can only dream about in their oxblood leather chairs with the lights out..If you had ever smelled her hair, you’d know she’s worth at least one more try. She is an angel, and she is a goddess, and she is waiting for you in the bathroom.”

“I love her. I mean I have had opportunities with her. When I needed a partner for the country club dance, she danced with me with such a passion. I called out, “ Daphne, I adore you !” And she responded, “I adore you too!” And..I was quietly crushed when she complimented me on “my acting.” He sighed. “And then there was the time when she stopped over at my place when she had a fight with Sherry, my father’s ladyfriend, and she was just seductive...” Niles’ eyes lit up at the memory, and then quickly faded when he remembered, “And then she needed her thryoid pills and that changed everything..”

“Oh Niles..”

He laughed weakly. “Well, there will be other opportunities.” He sighed and took another sip of his sherry.

Scully took a sip of her wine. “Niles, I feel for you. I really do. I wish the best for you. I wish I could tell you the right things to say.” She thought for a moment, then said “ Say..would you like to come back to my place for a nightcap?”

“Yes. I would love that.” He smiled.

Scully’s apartment in Annapolis, Maryland.
Friday evening, around 10 pm EST

About an hour later, Niles and Dana arrived at Dana’s apartment. Niles remarked at how cozy it was. He also made a mental note to keep all the “she doesn’t make as much money as I do” thoughts in his head. He chuckled at the thought.

Dana came around carrying coffee. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing. This coffee smells great!”

“Thanks.” She smiled sheepishly at him. “Maris probably made great coffee for you.”

“Um, yes.” He lied. “Yes, Maris was great in the kitchen.” He wish he hadn’t said that when he felt blood starting to trickle out of his nose. Damn! He sniffed quickly.

“Do you miss Maris, Niles?”

Niles took a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know. I mean.. I know that in my heart I will always still hold feelings for her, the long run, she has hurt me enough over the years. We were married for fifteen years! Can you believe it? And it all comes to this...” He looked sadly at the ground.

Without saying a word, Dana touched his hand and squeezed it gently. Poor guy, she thought to herself.

Niles squeezed hers back, and gave another weak laugh. “I bet you have a great love life, Dana.”

She laughed. “Oh yeah, it’s really great. The last guy I went out with was a guy named Ed Jerse. I had an assignment in Philadelphia, and I met him at a tattoo parlour. We went out for dinner, went back to his place..”


“And he tried to kill me! He tried to throw me into the furnace, and eventually, he threw his arm into the fire. He had this tattoo, you see..”. Her voice faded off when she saw Niles’ eyes widen at the thought of a man with a tattoo. “Nevermind about that. Let’s just say that I don’t have luck with most men.”

Niles started to laugh.

“Why are you laughing? What is so funny about my love life?”

“Nothing”, he said between chuckles, “it’s about Ed Jerse. Well, he sounds like a patient of Frasier’s.” He chuckled, and looked at Dana who was quite puzzled. “Oh, well, I always kid Frasier about his radio show. There are always a lot of weirdos and deranged people calling in to his show. Yes, and Frasier’s fast-food approach to psychiatry usually works.”

“Are you jealous by any chance?”

“I think I am to a certain extent. My brother is five years older than me. He was the typical older child. You understand, don’t you Dana?”

She nodded. “Yes, Niles, I do. I have an older brother, Bill, and I had a older sister, Melissa. You felt unnoticed because your brother was getting all the attention when you were growing up. It’s the classic First Child syndrome. All younger brothers and sisters know what you are going through.”

“God, this is scary! Are you positive you don’t have a psychology degree floating around here? Any secrets that you’re keeping from me?”, he said teasingly. “Maybe it’s hidden in betwen the couch!” He looked in between the couch pillows.

Scully hit him with the pillow. “Niles, stop that!”, she said laughing. “No, no secrets.”, she said smiling. “My partner Mulder is the actual psychologist and I think some of his ideas are rubbing off on me.”

There was silence for a bit and then she moved closer.“ Hey, are you okay? You sound so sad today. Are you happy with your life?”

He sighed. “I’m lonely. I miss Maris. Sometimes I wonder why I listened to my brother, who convinced me that my marriage had problems.” He took a sip of his coffee.

“Did it?” Dana asked.

“Yes..yes, it does. I mean, it did. Problems which I had always hoped in the past that could’ve been resolved. For example, Maris possesses many eccentricities. She never showed up for family functions. And Frasier has always told me that she never thinks of anybody’s feelings but hers.”

“Niles, it seems to me that she is very selfish, and very high-strung. You are probably going to laugh at my psychiatric evaluation at the matter, but I think that you’re looking for your mother in Maris. Am I right?”


“Niles, you know that I’m right.”

“Okay..I’m a little confused here.”

“Niles, it’s like this. There’s this therapist part of you that says, “Maris, I want to help you in any way that I can.” You are torn between what this therapeutic part of yourself that wants to care for her, but on the other hand, you know that is wrong. Niles, she was always using you. It may seem completely obvious right here, right now, but she is used to being waited on, hand and foot. I don’t know much about her, but from what you’ve told me, she is probably rich, filthy rich. She probably is one of those people who believes that money grows on trees. Anyways, when you seperated, she was fine on her own, but you still wanted to care about her. I think, Niles, that you deserve better. You always have, and now that you are divorced..well, you can move on!”

He looked down at the ground. “Why is it so hard to believe the truth, Dana?” He sighed.

“I think because it’s easier to believe in lies. I’ve told my partner that several times.”

There was a short silence before Dana spoke again. “Hey, do you want me to put on some music? Maybe it will keep your mind off Maris.”

“I hope so.”

She moved off the couch and walked over to the CD player. She popped in one of her Gershwin CD’s.

“Wait a minute here, while I clean up the dishes, okay?”

Scully gathered the coffee cups and dishes and moved toward the kitchen.

In the meantime, Niles leaned against the couch and sighed. In no time he found himself completely relaxed, listening to some woman sing about wanting someone to watch over her. I’m there for you Daphne, he thought. Waiting, wishing, hoping that you’ll be mine. And then he heard a crash.

“Dana?” He sprung quickly off the couch. “Are you okay?” He walked over to the kitchen.

“I’m alright, Niles. I just dropped some dishes in the sink by accident.”

“Are you sure? I saw some blood on the counter just now--” He stopped suddenly to hear Dana crying.

“I-I-I’m okay!” She said between sobs.

He put his arm around her. “Are you sure- I mean, if there’s anything I can do to help..”

“Oh Niles!!” She sobbed, and moved closer into his arms.

“Shh, shh..It’s okay. I’m here. Tell Dr. Crane everything.” He conforted her softly. He patted her back.

“No!” She pulled back. “It’s not okay! I’m dying, Niles! I have brain cancer. I’m sorry.” She walked quickly to the living room.

“Dana!” He ran over. “ I’m so sorry. I mean, I wish I could do something-”

“Oh Niles, there’s nothing you can do! This disease was given to me by the same men who fed Mulder lies! Sums-of-bitches!” She started to cry again.

He walked over to her, and he put his arms around her again. “It’s okay. I’ll be there for you.” And then he surprised himself by kissing her on the forehead. Then the cheek. Then the lips. Their lips met softly, and then he pulled back.” My god! I’m so sorry! I-I-”

“’s okay.” She kissed him back more passionately.
They were locked in another passionate kiss, and they were not aware of the tall, langly, dark haired man who just walked into the door.


Dana pulled back suddenly. “Omigod! Mulder, I-I-”

“Oh I see you have company. You seem to be enjoying yourself quite well.” Mulder added dryly. “Since when do you not answer the door anyways?”

“Mulder, I can explain-”

“No, I’ve seen enough tonight. It’s obvious that you have a personal life and I don’t. Didn’t you demonstrate that already when Eddie Van Blundht was here? Did you tell him here about Eddie?” Fox said sarcastically. “Well, here is the report.” He dropped it onto the chair by the door. “Have fun.” He slammed the door and then he was gone.

“My god.” Scully sank onto the couch. “I’m sorry you had to meet him that way. He really is a nice guy. He would have loved to have met you, y’know.”

“That’s okay. I think our little incident is called in the modern world as just bad timing. Um, excuse me, who was that anyways? Old boyfriend perhaps?”

She threw him a Look. “No, that was the infamous Mulder. My partner.”


There was this awkward silence between them, and then Niles quickly took a glance at his watch. “It’s getting late. I have to be up early for the seminar tomorrow morning.” He put his coat on. “Thank you for inviting me over.” He gave her a card. “Here’s my card. You can call me anytime you like.”

“Here’s mine.” She handed him a card. “It has my work and cell phone number on it.”

“Thanks. It was nice meeting you, Niles. I hope everything goes well for you.” She opened the door.

“I wish you the best with your career, Dana. Bye.” He walked out of the door and he was gone.

And all Dana did was cry.

Seattle, WA
Frasier Crane’s apartment
Tuesday, 8:30 pm

Niles was just finishing up dinner at Frasier’s house on Tuesday evening when his cell phone rang. “Excuse me”, Niles said.

“Hello, Niles Crane.”

“Niles, it’s Dana Scully. From last weekend?”


“Look, I’m sorry about what happened. I apologize for my partner’s behaviour.”
“That’s okay. Are you..okay?”

“I’m fine, Niles. I called because Mulder and I are working on an X-File in Seattle. I was wondering if you might like to join me for a cup of coffee.”

Niles hesitated for a minute. “Yes, that would be fine.”

“Starbucks, okay?”

“Actually, I know a great place called The Cafe Nervosa. It’s on Pike and 3rd St. Where are you staying? Can I come and pick you up?”

“No, I’ll be fine. The Cafe Nervosa it is. Say tomorrow at 1:30?”

“That would be great. I’ll see you then Dana.”

“Bye Niles.” He hung up.

“Who was that?” Frasier asked. “Do you have a date?”

Niles smiled at his brother. “As a matter of fact I do. Her name is Dana Scully and she’s an FBI agent. I met her when I was at the APA convention last weekend. She’s working an a case with her partner here in Seattle. I will be meeting with them for lunch.”

“That’s great Niles!”

“What’s this Niles?” Martin Crane said coming into the living room. He sank into his favourite chair, accompanied by his Jack Russell terrier Eddie. “Did I hear you say that you have a date?”

“Yes, isn’t it great?”

Daphne Moon, Martin’s physiotherapist and care provider, took a peek around the kitchen. “What’s she like Dr.Crane?”

“Well, she has red hair and green eyes. She’s short, but she has a great sense of humour. She works in the paranormal section of the Bureau with a man named Mulder, whoever he is. I had a drink with her after a seminar last Friday.”

“She sounds great.” Daphne said.

Frasier raised his eyebrows. “Shared a drink with her, Niles? Where?”

“Well, I was sort of lonely after the seminar. Although I did feel like calling for Maris..anyways, I went to the bar at the hotel I was staying in, and there she was; just sitting with her friend Ellen. She asked me over to join her, as her friend had left in a hurry, and we got talking. She’s very pretty, I must admit.”

“Well, I’m happy for you.” He went over to the bar. “It’s about time you finally got over Maris, wouldn’t you say?” Frasier asked.

“Yes, I suppose. You know Frasier you should meet her. I know that you would like her.”

“Yes, I’m sure that she’s wonderful. Some sherry to celebrate?”

“Sure, why not?” Frasier gave him his glass.

“To Dana!” They clinked their glasses together.

Wednesday at 1:30 pm
The Cafe Nervosa

Dana walked into the cafe. It was bright and airy, and the typical coffee hang-out. It was of average size, with a coffee bar at the front, and numerous wood-backed chairs with tables. Dana liked it the moment she stepped in. She walked around to admire it.


She turned around. “Oh hi Niles!”

“Hello and welcome to Seattle.” Niles smiled nervously. “How have you enjoyed your stay?”

“Oh, it’s been nice.”

“Where’s your partner? I thought you said that he was coming along.”

“I’m sorry but Mulder declined the invitation. He said he would check more into this case. We got here yesterday, you see, and there’s so much investigation.” She sighed.

“Well, don’t worry about him. Oh, why don’t we get a seat, shall we?” He motioned to an empty table and they sat down.

A waitress came around just then. “Hi, can I get you anything?”

“The usual please.” Niles said.

“Um, I’ll just have a latte with some nutmeg and cinnamon.” The waitress left.

“Good choice Dana.” Niles said smiling.

There was an awkward silence between them for a while. Dana decided to speak first. “Listen Niles..again, I have to tell you how sorry I am about what happened last week..with Mulder and all.”

“You don’t have to apologize Dana. I will have to apologize for kissing you the other night...” His voice faded off nervously. “That..that was wrong of me.”

“Here we go folks! One cappuchino, and one latte.” The waitress came around bringing their orders silencing the tension that was in the air.

“Thank you.” Dana and Niles said, and then she left.

“Niles..what was wrong about the kiss that we shared last week?” Dana asked.

“Um..nothing.” He looked down in order to avoid her.

“So, didn’t you like it?”

“I-I-I did. I just felt guilty because, well, you’re the one who loves Mulder.”

“What the hell does that mean? Niles--” She stopped herself suddenly. “Niles, Niles is something wrong?”

She noticed that he wasn’t listening. She followed his gaze. A woman had just entered the cafe. She had shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and she had a slender figure. She was a lot taller than her; Dana estimated about 5’9”. She was also very pretty. Ah, she thought to herself, by the way Niles is staring like that, either a beautiful woman just walked in or I just saw Daphne, the object of his affection.

She tapped him on his shoulder, interrupting his thoughts and fantasies.

“Niles? Is this Daphne, the woman that you’re in love with?”

“Oh..I’m sorry Dana. Yes, it is.” He turned to face her. She was visibly upset. “Oh, oh..are you okay? Did I make you cry?”

“No. No..I-I-I better go.” She picked up her coat and purse. “I’m sorry! Niles, I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” She left in an hurry.
Daphne walked over. “Dr.Crane? Who was that?”

“That was..that was nobody in particular.” He said fighting back some of the tears that he wanted to shed at this particular moment.

Thursday at 9:00am
The Pinegrove Motel

Brring! Brring! Brr-

Dana woke up to the sound of her cell phone. She got out of bed and picked up her phone. She mumbled that she was going to kill the person on the phone who called at this hour.

“Hello, Scully.”

“Hi Dana. It’s Niles. I’m sorry for waking you up.”

“No, Niles. It’s okay. Listen, I’m glad that you phoned. We have to talk about what happened yesterday. I feel badly.”

“Oh..well, that would be fine. Would you like to meet for lunch? Say 1:00?”
R “That would be great. Where would you like to have lunch?”

“Well, I do know a number of fine restaurants in the area. Do you know L’Escalier? It’s a established boite nearby the Space Needle.”

She bit her lip that prevented her from asking what a boite actually was and from laughing out loud at what a pretensious snob he could be. “Actually...” She thought what Mulder might think. Maybe the infamous line of his: what, you have a date? She sighed just then. Then she changed her mind. To hell what he thinks! Dana, she told herself, he does not run your life. Remember all the times that he has ditched you. “Yes, that would be great. I’ll meet you at the base of the Space Needle at 1:00 pm.”

“Great! See you there.”

“Bye.” And she hung up. She sat there in bed, thinking what she would say to Niles. What, tell him that the reason that you left in a hurry was because you were confused about whom you liked? Don’t be foolish!

She got out of bed and headed for the shower. She sighed, letting her consciences fight it out for themselves.

She was still battling it out when Mulder phoned.

“Hey Scully, it’s me. I hope I haven’t bothered you. I was wondering how are things going.”

“Things are going fine Mulder.” She sighed.

“Is something wrong Scully?” he asked.

“No, I’m fine. Um, listen, I don’t think I’ll be back early. Can you continue the investigation without me here?”

“Yeah, no problem.” He snickered, then asked. ‘What, you have a date or something?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I do. His name is Niles Crane. He’s a psychiatrist whom I met in DC last month. He was in town for the APA convention and I met him at a hotel bar last weekend. He’s very nice. And wipe that sneer off your face Fox William Mulder!”

Back at the X Files office, Mulder raised his hand in mock salute. “Yes, ma’am.”

She sighed. Somethings would never change with him. And I’m more confused than anything, she thought to herself.

1:00 pm
L’Escalier, a boite in Seattle.

They eventually got around to the topic. Lunch was wonderful, but obviously Niles was a frequent patron of this establishment because they were treated very well. And the discussion with Niles went better than Scully had imagined. She told him that she ran out because she was confused. Yes, she liked Niles. But then there was Mulder. She had feelings for him as well. Scully could also sense that Niles was going through the same kind of emotions.

Afterward, they took a walk through a park in the city.

“I just- I just don’t know..” He said. “I love Daphne--”

“But what? C’mon, Niles. Tell me. There must be a explanation for your reasons for not telling her how you feel about her.”

“Okay..she’s getting married.”

Dana’s jaw dropped. “Oh Niles..I’m soo sorry. Do you want to sit down or something? Here’s a bench. Take a seat Niles.”

She felt so sorry for him. His heart was broken and he was crying there and then. She put her arms around him.

“I don’t-sniff- want to!” He said between sobs. “I want Daphne! Why does she have to get married? It should be her and me! Not him! He’s not worthy of her!” He started to cry louder.

“There, there Niles.” She conforted him, patting his back. “Do you want to go somewhere private to talk? Maybe go back to my motel room? I hope that wasn’t too forward.”

“Okay,” he said.

Scully’s motel room
same day, around 2:30 pm.

By the time Dana and Niles had arrived at her motel, she felt worse than him. He had nearly cried the entire time. She had one hand on the wheel and the other holding his hand, all the time thinking what a poor unfortunate soul he was. What a sensitive guy, she thought.

After an hour of consoling, Dana was just lying there with Niles in silence, when Niles spoke: “I’m sorry about what happened. I’m sorry you had to see me like this. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s okay.” She patted him on the back softly. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, thank you.” He smiled and looked at his watch. “Omigod!” He exclaimed. “Look at the time!” It’s almost 3; I’m going to be late for my session!”

“Oh..I’m really sorry! I’ll drive you back.” She got up the bed and stretched.

He walked over to the bathroom. “I’m just going to freshen up, okay?” He called back over his shoulder.

“Fine.” She answered. She started to put her coat and she grabbed her keys.

He came out of the bathroom and he put on his coat. They walked out of the door and went over to the car.

They got in, and Scully drove away.

They were silent for a couple of minutes. Dana decided to break the silence first. “If you don’t mind my asking, what’s the fellow like? Y’know the guy that she is marrying?”

“Well”, he said, “he’s a lawyer. His name is Jason Willis. He’s a partner in one of the big law firms in town. I forgot where she met him. He’s around her age, he’s taller than me, better looking than I am, and he makes more money than I do. God, this is so depressing!” He looked down.

“Niles, I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me a long time ago. Why only now?”

He cleared his throat. “I was very upset, and I think I got roaring drunk when I fond out.” He laughed weakly. “I guess I didn’t want to believe that she wouldn’t be mine. I mean, we’re supposed--”

She cut him off. “Yes, Niles, I know. But sometimes, as hard as this may sound, it’s for the best. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m going through as much hardship as you are right now, you know.”

“I know Dana.” He sighed. “I just wish things were different! I just wish that I was the man she was marrying next week.”

“Next week? That soon?”

They were nearing the city right now. “Yes. And can you do me a favour and not mention this? I’m getting upset by the minute.” He dabbed at his forehead in a nervous sweat.

“Okay. Alright then..tell me what made you divorce Maris once and for all.”

“Oh..well, we both attended therapy sessions together. And then I ended up in bed with her lover. Don’t ask me about that.”

“Okay Niles.. well, what did your family think about the marriage in the past?”

He sat back. God this leather upholstery in this car is cheap and tacky, he thought. He decided now wasn’t a good time to gripe about it. “Well, my brother of course had his own opinions. He didn’t believe in my relationship with Maris.”

She looked at him just then. “Niles, I think Frasier had his reasons. What did he exactly tell you about it?”

“Well, he didn’t have much faith in us. He’s said it before that he didn’t think that Maris and I were meant for each other. Something to that extent anyways.”

“What about you? I mean, I know basically what your opinions of this past relationship are.”

He took a deep sigh. “Well..I’m not sure what to think of this all. I remember in between psychiatrists that one moment it’s going great, and other moment we’re back at the start.”

“You felt that your relationship was going in circles, never ending.” She laughed then. “ You’re probably going to laugh, but once upon a time I felt that my life was going in circles. My career with Mulder and the X-Files was going in a straight line, but my life was just a never-ending cycle, repeating itself. I felt that Mulder was insensitive and that he didn’t understand. Sure he would get a lead and he would ditch me which really hurt sometimes. I would understand because that’s Mulder. I felt that everything in my life that was suffering was because of Mulder.”

“Was it?”

“No, not everything. Of course there was that desk that I never got.” She smiled at that.

“You don’t have your own desk at work?” He looked at her astonished. God, what are they paying her at the FBI, he thought.

She laughed. “Never mind what I said about the desk; I think it’s an inside joke between Mulder and I.” Yeah right Dana, she told herself.

“Speaking of which”, he said, “where is he? Shouldn’t he be concerned about where you are?”

“Oh Niles”, she sighed, “there was no case. I came because of you.”

“Oh..Oh! Oh! Um, why?”

“Because I care for you. Because I was concerned about you. Because..I was confused.”

“Dana”, he turned toward her, “Forget about me for a minute and answer me. Do you love Fox Mulder?”

“You know what Niles? My head is saying, Dana it’s wrong. What are you thinking?! You can’t have a romantic relationship with someone at work! It goes against Bureau policy. But then my heart says yes! Dana, you love him with all of your heart. He’s not only a sweet, intelligent guy, but he is your best friend. He cares for you and I’m sure that he loves you.” She smiled.

“You’re right.”

“What do you mean I’m right?”

They had pulled up in front of Niles’ office. “Niles, we’re here.”

“Oh I see..I mean you’re right about everything with Daphne. I love Daphne. I don’t just mean it’s of a physical nature. I mean it’s true love. It’s probably something I never experienced with Maris. I think this is the first time in my life that I have actually experienced what it is like. Isn’t that interesting..”

“But isn’t it wonderful?”

He feigned laughter. “Yes. Yes, it is. Well, I better go. Thanks for the ride..and the advice. Are you heading back to Washington soon?”

“Soon. I sort of lied and said that I had a case here.”

They shared a final laugh together. Niles got out of the car.

“Would you like me to phone you Dana?” he said leaning into the open window.

“No. That won’t be necessary. But thank you Niles.” She got out of the door.

“I guess this is goodbye.”

“Yes, it is.” They gave each other a final hug and Dana walked back to the car. Niles started up the steps. “Goodbye Dana. I will always remember this. I know what I am going to do.”

“Me too Niles.” And then she drove away and she was gone.

Frasier’s apartment
Friday at 10:30 pm

It was the evening before Daphne’s wedding, and a very agitated Niles was sitting in Frasier’s living room. Martin had already gone to bed and Frasier was curled up on the Eames recliner near the window reading.

Niles got up and started to pace. “Oh my god, this is not happening, this is not happening. Look me in the eye Frasier and tell me that she’s not getting maried tomorrow. What am I going to do? I’ve lost the woman that I adore.”

“Niles”, Frasier said getting up from the recliner, “I know how you feel but you must get over this. She is in love with this man. There is nothing you can do. Tomorrow, around 11 am, Daphne will be Mrs. Daphne Willis. You know honestly Niles, you shouldn’t be so selfish. Daphne never loved you.”

Niles shot his brother a look that could kill. “You mean”, he said coldly, “she never knew.”

“Yes, well.. I mean, that is..” Frasier said at a loss for words.

“In fact”, Niles said, moving closer to Frasier, “oh my..didn’t I have this opportunity a number of years ago when she broke up with Joe? Why, yes I did! And what did she say? Do you remember what she said? Need I refresh your memory?” he said nearly fuming.

“Niles, calm down”, Frasier said, trying to calm down his brother, “I’m sorry that this is happening for you.”

“No, you don’t.” Niles said, getting his coat.

“Where re you going? You aren’t going to go out and do something rash; something that you will regret later on in life, are you?” Frasier asked.

“I’m going to change things to the way they should be! Niles is now a man of action! No more admiring Daphne from afar!” He went to the door. “And don’t try to stop me!” And he left, nearly slamming the door behind him.

“My god.” Frasier said astounded. “What has come over him?”


When the elevator got off at the main lobby, Niles quickly rushed out of the doors to find Daphne outside. He froze. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind, but one which was quickly taken precedence was “What if she rejects me again? Then what?”

He decided it would be now or never.

Luckily Daphne had spotted him first.

“Oh hello Dr.Crane,” she said.

“Hello Daphne.” he replied nervously. “Um..there’s something I’ve been needing to tell you for some time now.”

“Shoot”, she said smiling, “I have all the time in the world. I’m off to Jason’s place. I can’t wait until tomorrow. Are you excited?”

“Yes..well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” he said, not really looking her in the eye. He could feel his heart pounding.

“Go on then.” she said.

“Well, um, for some now--”, he said, almost stumbling

“Oh, would you look at that? It’s starting to rain!” she exclaimed.

“Um, Daphne..”

Just then, as if things couldn’t get possibly worse, he heard the beep of a car horn, and a taxicab pulled up.

“I’m so sorry Dr. Crane! There’s my cab! Well, I’m off.” She started to pick up her bag.

“No, Daphne, you really must stay!” he said, almost yelling. “I have something of upmost importance to tell you.”

“Really Dr Crane”, she said surprised, “couldn’t this wait? I really must be off. My fiance is expecting me.” She picked up her bag and slung her purse around her shoulder.

“No, no..”

“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She smiled, handed the cabbie her bag to put into the trunk. She was about to get into the car, when she felt his hand on her shoulder. She nearly yelped.

“Daphne, you must stay. Please! You can’t marry Jason!”

“Why is it so important that I stay, may I ask? Why can’t I marry him?” she said, getting impatient.

“Because I love you!” he said, almost soaked now.

“What? What!”

“You heard me. Daphne, I love you! That is why I can’t have you marry him.”

“My god..I-I-I..” She was at a loss for words now. “I have to go now Dr. Crane.” She got into the cab. The cab drove away now, leaving Niles standing alone in the pouring rain.

Daphne’s room at Frasier’s apartment
2:00 am

Daphne was so shocked about what Niles had told her that she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t believe that now, of all times, the day before her wedding to Jason, Niles Crane had to tell her that he loved her. She was upset in the cab, but looked polished and refined when she made final preparations at Jason’s apartment.

She thought some music might cheer her up. She turned on her radio.

“Hello and welcome back to the special edition of the Broadway hour. This one comes from the musical Chess.”

Daphne had seen the musical in London when it came out in the 1980’s. Florence, the American in this musical, is torn between her American husband and the Russian that she falls in love with. Daphne was thinking that it was a song that she had never heard before, but she felt quite sympathetic for Florence.

Long ago
In someone else's lifetime
Someone with my name Who looked a lot like me
Came to know
A man and made a promise
He only had to say
And that's where she would be
Although the feelings run just as deep
The promise she made has grown impossible to keep
And yet I wish it wasn't so
Will he miss me if I go?

In a way
It's someone else's story
I don't see myself
As taking part at all
A girl that I was fond of
Finally could see
The writing on the wall
She realized she'd left him behind
And sadder than that she knew he wouldn't even mind
And though there's nothing left to say
Would he listen if I stay?

It's all very well to say you fool it's now or never
I could be choosing
No choices whatsoever.

I could be
In someone else's story
In someone else's life
And he could be in mine
I don't see
A reason to be lonely
I could take my chances
Further down the line
And if
That girl I knew should ask my advice
Oh I wouldn't hesitate she needn't ask me twice
Go now!
I'd tell her that for free
Trouble is, the girl is me
The story is, the girl is me.

At that point, Daphne knew what she had to do.

That night (no specific time)
Niles’ apartment
Niles couldn’t sleep. He was up constantly, tossing and turning trying to go to sleep. He didn’t know what he had just done. After what seemed like one of the most humiliating days of his life, he went up to Frasier’s apartment to try to make sense of what happened. Although Niles had a good brother, he found it somewhat irritating when his brother was right all along. “I told you so” was Frasier’s only comment. But he was also understanding, and he spent some of his precious hours trying to stay up with Niles and relax him before Daphne’s wedding tomorrow.

Mulder’s apartment
Alexandria, Virginia
Sunday at 8:30 am EST

Brring! Brring! Brr-

Just getting out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist, Fox Mulder went to answer the phone.


“Hello, is this Agent Mulder?”

“Speaking. What can I do for you?”

“This is Niles Crane. The man who you saw with Dana a number of weeks ago. I’m sorry for calling. It was a matter of importance.”

“Oh yes”, Mulder snickered. “The priggish snob that kissed Scully.”
Niles bit down on his lip hard. “I’m calling about what happened. About what you saw. We have to talk about it.”

“Hey, there’s nothing to talk about. I saw you kiss her. Plain and simple.”

“Yes..yes, I know that. Listen to me. I know exactly how you felt at that exact moment and I can help you. I’m a skilled psychiatrist.”

“Yeah, right. Listen, how do you know how I felt?”

“You were jealous. You behaved in a rude, irrational manner. But I believe that there’s more to it.”

“Go on..this could be good.”

“Well”, Niles said swallowing hard, “I believe that you have, um, feelings for Dana.”

“And how did you come to this astute assumption?”

"I think I can help you because I'm going through the same thing right now. You see I'm in love with a woman named Daphne and she's getting married today."

"Tough break", Mulder said sarcastically. "I'm so sorry---"

Niles cut him off. "She loves you. And I don't just mean in a best friend kind of love. Don't you see?"

Mulder nearly dropped the receiver. "Niles, how could you possibly know that?"

"She told me. I must admit that we've become quite close over this ordeal. But I also think..I think that what we're witnessing here is your denial of your love for Dana."

There was silence at the other end of the receiver, before Niles finally spoke.


"I'm fine. Look I have other work to do, and I also have some things to say to you. Number one, don't call me Fox. It's Mulder. Number two, I am not in love with Scully. Period."

And he hung up, leaving Niles holding the receiver.

Mulder was alone with his thoughts for a while. He just sat there in his wet towel, before he heard the knock and a familiar voice at the door.

"Mulder? It's me."

"Scully, it's open."

Dana opened the door. "Oh! I'm sorry! Did I come at a bad time?"

" I was.. I just got out of the shower." He quickly went to the bathroom and he put on his robe. He came into the living room again. "What did you want?"

"Well", Dana said, shifting her feet from side to side, "I was in the neighborhood and I thought I would bring over breakfast" she said, motioning the picnic basket in her hand. "If that's okay for you."

"Oh..I see. Is that it?"

" it's not. Mulder, I-I'm sorry about what happened the other night. With Niles. Look that meant nothing. It was just a kiss. That's all. I really hope you aren't mad at me anymore. Please forgive me. I am truly sorry. I should have-"
She was interrupted from a kiss on the lips from Fox Mulder. To their astonishment, she kissed him back.

"My god Mulder..I-I-I don't know what to say. I mean I-"

"Shhh..", he said, "just listen to me. I am really in love with you. I mean that priggish snob friend of yours, Niles, really opened my eyes."

She was still amazed to hear it. A chorus of angels were singing in her head. Fox loves you Dana! "Oh my god. I mean, I've been waiting a long time for this to happen."

They were suddenly very close to another, and Dana took a step back. She was still in shock and disbelief, and Fox didn't know what to say. His eyes went wide. "Dana? Dana, are you okay? Are you-with me- I mean?"

"Oh you stupid fool Mulder!" she exclaimed. "I love you! Is that a good answer for you?"

She kissed him back more passionately.

He pulled back and grinned. He wrapped her in his arms. For the first time in his life, he was actually happy. He was in love and he had the woman he adored in his arms.

"So..what about that breakfast? Any iced tea in there?"

"You bet!" She laughed, remembering the now ironic joke between them.

A church in Seattle
Sunday at 10:50 am

"And", the minister said, "if there is anybody in this church who is opposed to this marriage of these two fine people, let him or her speak now or forever hold their peace."

"I am." Daphne said.

A shock rang out from the crowd. Niles' jaw dropped.

Jason turned to Daphne. "What?"

She was somewhat not surprised to herself to say these words. "Yes, Jason. It's true. I don't want to marry you."

"Why? I-I love you!" He seemed to be finding the right words to say.

She held his hand. "Jason, I can't go through with this. I can't marry you. I'm sorry. I'm just not..just not in love with you anymore. There's somebody else."

At that point, Niles Crane found the most appropriate time to faint. He just wish that it wasn't in front of his brother. Oh, if he could see Frasier's face now..

Frasier's apartment
6:30 pm

The Crane family and Frasier's producer, Roz, were gathered around in Frasier's living room, hoping to find an explanation of what happened that morning.

"I just don't understand" Frasier said, pacing the room. "Daphne..why didn't you want to marry Jason? Who are you in love with?"

"I really don't want to talk about this right now" Daphne said. "I've just had a rough day. Could we not talk about this until tomorrow?"

"No Daphne. It's important that we talk about it. I'm a therapist. I'm sure I can help you."

"Why is it so important? There's nothing to talk about. I just didn't want to marry Jason."

"Right now? I mean you can wait--"

"No. Never. I've fallen out of love with him. I just came to this conclusion..recently."

"Look Frasier", Martin said, "if she doesn't want to talk about it, let's not talk about it. She just didn't want to marry the guy. Plain and simple."

"Yes, but there must be more to it." He sighed and turned to his brother sitting on the sofa. "Niles? Niles, are you okay? You've been very quiet."

Niles looked down at the ground. "I'm really okay."

"Are you sure? I mean you fainted dead away in the church today when Daphne--." Frasier stopped in mid-sentence and felt quite pale. "Oh my god. It's you."

Roz nearly dropped the glass of water she was holding. "Oh c'mon Frasier. Don't jump to conclusions like that. She couldn't possibly love him."

There was a tense amount of silence in the air. Martin cleared his throat, and said, "Niles? Is this true--Daphne, Daph, what's going on?" He appeared to be quite puzzled.

Daphne got off the chair she was sitting in, and went over to Niles. Then she did something that she was positive would shock everyone: she kissed him, on the mouth, right there in front of everyone.

"Does this answer your question?" she said, trying to fight back the tears. "Why do you have to barge in my life like that?" She ran away crying to the balcony, closing the door behind her.

Niles got off the sofa quickly. "Daphne? Daphne, come back!" He went over to Daphne, while Frasier, Martin, and Roz just looked at one another.

He knocked on the door. "Daphne? Please, it's me, Niles."

She opened the door, still crying. "Oh-oh my god. I can't believe- I.."

He put his arms around her shoulders. "Daphne? Do you love me?"

"What do you think, you bloody idiot?" she said laughing. "Of course, I do." She kissed him again, and he kissed her back. They came up for air, giggling. "I always have."

"My god", Niles said, dumbfounded, "I can't believe that this is happening to me. After what I said last night, and you--I-."

"I know. Me too. You know, Niles, I was in that church this morning, standing next to Jason and thinking, "Why do I want to marry this guy when the most perfect man in the world is standing here outside with me?" She smiled at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yes..yes, I am. I'm very happy. You don't understand what has just happened to me. I mean for years--."

"I know Niles. I've felt the same way about you for a long time. Ever since that day when your brother introduced me to you. Remember what you said?"

He laughed. "Yes. I said "You're Daphne?" And you said "That's right." And I said it two more times..remember that?"

Her eyes were shining the pale moonlight. "I do."

He moved closer to her, putting her arms around her shoulders. God, she's beautiful! "Are you getting chilly?"

"No, I'm fine."

"No, no I insist." He took off his suit jacket, and put it on her. "There. Do you feel better?"

She kissed the top of his forehead. "Yes. Thank you." She looked out at the city to admire its beauty at night. "Isn't this romantic? Just you and me and Seattle at our feet." She sighed happily. "It's like something out of a romance novel."

"Yes, I must admit it is the perfect setting."

"I always did love the notion of meeting someone like this. Like in "A Love Affair." Except that we're the stars of that film."

He held her chin and he kissed her. And they were two lone figures, with the Seattle skyline as their set.


And on the other side of the nation, standing with Mulder's arm around her, looking across the Potomac River, admiring the view, Scully smiled, wondering what would have happened if she had never met Niles.


1997. Christine Killius. All Rights Reserved.
This piece was completed during the month of December in 1997.

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