The 80's Film Preservation Society

Index of Films
80's Acting Hall of Fame
80's Links
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W hat can we say?

No other decade has produced as many movies that define the attitudes, music, and the culture of the time period in question...

The manifesto of The 80's Film Preservation Society is a simple one... These films should not be remembered only as programming foder for Dinner and a Movie on TNT, or something to keep Rhonda Shear and Gilbert Godfried's collective careers afloat! They should be honored as the works of art they are, and viewed at the least on video tape sans commercial interuption.


The menus on this page point to the different areas that make up the Society:
  • Index of Films is the main heart and soul of this site. Listed alphabetically here are the films we hold dear. As time progresses I will create infomation pages on certain movies, along with availability of the film on video, and (when possible) a RealVideo clip from the movie! If your favorite 80's film is not on the list, let us know and we will endevour to add it in all it's glory.

  • 80's Acting Hall of Fame is the home of those performers whose entire popularity (read: fifteen minutes of fame) took place within the confines of the Eighties.

  • Communiqué is where you talk back to the Society... Remind us of films, improve our memories, perhaps join our YAHOO! based group and the official mailing list.

  • 80's Links is proof that this is not the only 80's oriented stop on the Information Superhighway.

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Index of Films
80's Acting Hall of Fame
80's Links