






caleb carr:
 killing time (random house)
We all hope for a bright future. Many of us even point to developments in science and say, "This will surely make for a better day." This is an easy view to take, but is it a reliable one?

Instead of evolving into something superior, the world in Killing Time is quickly being destroyed by some of the very scientific advances we currently enjoy. Carr places his story in a society where all information and services are provided through the Internet. Its citizens have clearly bought into the concept that "information is power" without discerning the truth of the data they are receiving. And in not questioning the information, the society is wholly blind to the oncoming destruction of the world and their way of life.

From this ever-darkening situation emerges a small band of people with the ability and access to overturn the lies upon which the society is built. Instead of blatantly exposing the magnitude of incorrect information, the group chooses to sow additional lies on the Net with clues to expose their falsehoods. They believe people will discover what has been going on, begin to question everything, and all the other lies will begin to fall. Sadly, this method fails repeatedly and actually makes their world exponentially worse.

The book does have a happy ending, believe it or not, but its strength does not lie in that fact. Carr's characters and plotline are weak especially in comparison to his previous fictional efforts*. Killing Time is best served as a warning for what could be if we as a society rely solely on others to provide us with truth.

Charlie Bradshaw

* Caleb Carr is the author of numerous works of non-fiction and fiction. He is best known for his fictional best-sellers, The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness.

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