This page is dedicated to a dear friend and former employer:

Guy Vardaman

Here is a picture of my co-workers at PDE.

TJ (Shellie's son) and Shellie T
Syl (my wife) and me
Guy Vardaman and Marc Wade

Guy was an extra on quite a few TNG episodes:
He could be seen in the background of Engineering and in 10 Forward.
Here are a few episodes you can see Guy in:

"Datalore"-"The Wounded"-"The Hunted"-"Descent"-"Eye of the Beholder"-"The Big Goodbye"-"All Good Things"

He also worked as a photo double for Data's hands and appeared as a Klingon and a Romulan.

Here is a picture of Guy in uniform:

This is a picture of a card in a game from Decipher. Guy had the responsibilty of overseeing the cards to make sure they were correct in their wording and design. When this picture was taken, he didn't even know it was for the game, he thought that they were just going to use the uniform for a photo-op. (hehe)

I first met Guy when I became a SysOp for the Star Trek chat rooms. He was Senior Producer for the web site and in charge of the chat rooms in general. Guy has many connections with the cast and crew of Star Trek, starting with Gene Roddenberry and continuing to the present. Because of his friendships on the Paramount lot, many actors, actresses, and even those behind the scenes would come and do Celebrity Chats in the chat rooms, just as a favor to Guy. Here is a picture of Guy during a theme chat, see how hard he worked. (hehe)

In 1998 we finally got to meet Guy and Marc in person. They were both very friendly and even though they were busy, they took time to make us feel welcome. Just from that short time we had together, I could understand how and why Guy has so many friends on the Paramount lot.

In November of 1999, Guy took another job offer, and although his loss at PDE will be felt for a long time, I am sure that his new endevors will be as prosporous for his new employers as it was for Star Trek.

To quote Star Trek:

"Farewell Guy, All Good Things Must Come To An End"

Thanks Guy

Live Long and Prosper

"Thanks for the memories Guy, how lovely they were."

Here is a link to Guy's farewell party at PDE

Be sure to check-out my other pages !